Interprocess Communication (IPC) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Interprocess Communication (IPC)


Reasons for Interprocess communication. Information sharing ... Interprocess Communication. There are two basic schemes for interprocess communication: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Interprocess Communication (IPC)

Interprocess Communication(IPC)
  • There are three issues to be considered
  • how one process can pass information to another.
  • How to make sure two or more processes do not get
    into each others way when engaging in critical
    activities (suppose two processes each try to
    grab the last l00K of memory).
  • proper sequencing when dependencies are present
  • if process A produces data and process B prints
    it, B has to wait until A has produced some data
    before starting to print.

  • Independent processes cannot be affected by
    other processes
  • Cooperating processes can be affected i.e.
    shares data
  • Reasons for Interprocess communication
  • Information sharing
  • Computation speedup parallel processes
  • Modularity system functions into separate
  • Convenience many tasks simultaneously e.g
    printing, editing compiling

Race Conditions
  • A race condition is an undesirable situation that
    occurs when a device or system attempts to
    perform two or more operations at the same time
  • The term originates with the idea of two signals
    racing each other to influence the output first. 
  • An example of a race condition is when two
    threads access a shared variable at the same
    time. The first thread reads the variable, and
    the second thread reads the same value from the
    variable. Then the first thread and second thread
    perform their operations on the value, and they
    race to see which thread can write the value last
    to the shared variable. The value of the thread
    that writes its value last is preserved, because
    the thread is writing over the value that the
    previous thread wrote.

Fig 1 Two processes competing for memory at the
same time
Spooler Directory . . .
out 4
4 5 6 7
Process A
in 7
Process B
Process A searches spooler and finds location 7
free. It saves 7 in variable called
nextfreeslot. Process A is swapped out Process B
runs and searches spooler and also finds location
7 free. It saves variable and places file in
location7 . Process B completes Process A
returns, and saves its file into location 7 as
indicated by nextfreeslot. It overwrites current
file and increments file pointer in to location 8.
Critical Sections
  • Mutual exclusion
  • For satisfactory mutual exclusion
  • no two processes in critical region at any time
  • no assumptions are to be made about speed or
    number of CPUs
  • no process outside critical region may be blocked
  • no process to wait forever to enter critical
  • Solutions
  • Disable interrupts
  • unwise to allow processes to disable interrupts
  • may not turn them on again
  • more than one processor disabling interrupts
    affects only one CPU hence can still access
    shared memory
  • kernel may disable interrupts

Lock Variables
  • Initially 0
  • process enters critical region
  • if lock 0 (i)
  • process sets lock 1
  • enter critical region
  • else if lock 1
  • wait until lock 0
  • if process gets to (i) and is interrupted
  • then 2nd process sets lock 1
  • now if process 2 swapped out while in critical
  • process 1 restarts it will now also be in
    critical region

Strict Alternation
  • while (TRUE) while (TRUE)
  • while (turn 0) while (turn 1)
  • critical region() critical region()
  • turn 0 turn 1
  • noncritical_region() noncritical_region()
  • Process0 Process1
  • turn is initially 1, hence process0 enters
    critical region meanwhile process1 sits in loop.
    As process0 leaves critical region , sets turn
    0 to allow process1 to enter critical region .
  • If one process0 much slower than process1, then
    process will not be able to re-enter critical
    region .

Test and Set Lock(TSL)
  • Hardware solution
  • copies the old value of lock from memory to CCR
    - sets lock 1
  • compare the old value with 0
  • if 1
  • loop
  • else
  • enter critical region
  • Note The tsl command is indivisible therefore
    cannot be interrupted part way through copying
    old value to CCR and setting lock to 1
  • On leaving the critical region reset lock to 0.
  • enter_region
  • tsl register,lock /copy lock to register and
    set lock to 1 / cmp register,0 / was lock
    zero? / jne enter_region /if it was non zero,
    lock was set, so loop/ ret /return to caller
    critical region entered/leave_region
  • move lock,0 / store a 0 in lock / ret /
    return to caller /
  • This solution works!

IPC mechanisms found in most UNIX systems
  • Pipes
  • FIFOs (named pipes)
  • Signals
  • Message Queues
  • Semaphores
  • Shared Memory
  • Sockets

  • A pipe is a section of shared memory that
    processes use for communication.
  • In Windows terms the process that creates a pipe
    is the pipe server. A process that connects to a
    pipe is a pipe client.
  • One process writes information to the pipe, then
    the other process reads the information from the

  • There are two types of pipes
  • Unnamed pipes in UNIX or anonymous pipes in
    Windows, offer limited services and can only be
    used with processes that share a common ancestry
    (parent and child). With unnamed pipes, there's
    one reader and one writer and are not permanent,
    they must be created and destroyed each time they
    are needed.
  • Named pipes provide a way for processes running
    on different computer systems to communicate over
    the network. They provide a one-way or duplex
    pipe for communication between the pipe server
    and one or more pipe clients.

  • A pipe is a mechanism whereby the output of one
    process is directed into the input of another.
  • For example, the output from the who command is
    piped into the wc -l command, the vertical bar
    character specifying the pipe operation
  • who wc l
  • A pipe file is created by using the pipe system
    call, which returns a pair of file descriptors,
    one for the read operation and one for writing.
  • The system actually manages it as a FIFO queue,
    and the maximum amount of data in the queue is
    constrained to a system defined limit, typically
    5120 bytes.
  • The read and write operations may become blocked
    if, for example, the queue is empty (on a read)
    or is full ( on a write). Note that when the pipe
    is closed, the pipe file is destroyed.

Named Pipes
  • A named pipe, which is sometimes called a FIFO.
    The name of a named pipe is actually a filename
    within the file system.
  • An application is to allow totally unrelated
    programs to communicate with each other. For
    example, a program that services requests of some
    sort (print files, access a database) could open
    the pipe for reading. Then, another process could
    make a request by opening the pipe and writing a
    command. That is, the server can perform a task
    on behalf of the client.
  • Blocking can also happen if the client isn't
    writing, or the server isn't reading.

  • Signals are a relatively low level inter-process
    communication method which is used in UNIX. The
    signal arranges for a user defined function to be
    called, when a particular event occurs.
  • Synchronous signals
  • These are signals frequently generated by the
    hardware when an internal error has occurred such
    as - divide by zero, illegal instruction, memory
    access violation etc. These always happen at the
    same place each time a program is run hence the
    term synchronous.
  • Asynchronous signals
  • These signals cannot be predicted, their
    occurrence is normally random. There are three
    main sources of such signals
  • Another process. The system call used to send a
    signal is kill(). A process can send any signal
    to any other process which has the same owner as

  • A terminal driver sends a signal when a special
    key is pressed. e.g the panic key combination in
    UNIX is CTRL-C. This sends the SIGINT which
    generates an interrupt.
  • The alarm() library call which resets any
    previous setting of a timer. The kernel sends
    SIGALARM to the calling process when the time
    expires. The default action terminates the
    process. These are often called software
  • Example
  • !/bin/bash
  • trap echo Ouch INT
  • sleep 10
  • echo slept for ten seconds
  • sleep 10
  • echo slept for twenty seconds
  • sleep 10
  • echo slept for thirty seconds and finish

Name Description
SIGHUP hang up-sent to processes when terminal logs out
SIGINT terminal initiated interrupt
SIGQUIT another terminal interrupt which forces a memory dump
SIGILL illegal instruction execution
SIGTRAP trace trap-used by certain UNIX debuggers
SIGFPE floating point exception
SIGKILL sent by one process to terminate another
SIGSEGV segment violation-memory addressing error
SIGSYS irrecoverable error in system call
SIGPPE write to a pipe with no reader process
SIGALARM sent to a process from kernel after time expires
SIGTERM sent by user process to terminate a process
SIGUSR1,2 user defined signals sent by user processes
Shared Memory
  • Shared memory is a segment of memory that is
    shared between processes. It enables you to
    connect to the shared memory segment, and get a
    pointer to the memory.
  • You can read and write to this pointer and all
    changes you make will be visible to everyone else
    connected to the segment.
  • This is the fastest form of IPC because data does
    not need to be copied between processes.

Shared Memory
  • Shared Memory, Pros and Cons 
  • Pros
  • Fast bidirectional communication among any number
    of processes
  • Saves Resources
  • Cons 
  • Needs concurrency control (leads to data
    inconsistencies like Lost update)
  • Lack of data protection from Operating System

Shared Memory
  • The main problem with using shared memory is that
    of race conditions.?
  • Because shared memory is a shared resource there
    has to be some way of letting the processes that
    have access to it know if its safe to read and
    write to it.?
  • This problem arises because these systems use
    preemptive multitasking, where the operating
    system can swap processes in and out.
  • One simple way of solving this problem is

Message Queues
  • Operating system supplies send() and receive()
  • A message queue works kind of like a FIFO, but
    supports some additional functionality. In
    general messages are taken off the queue in the
    order they are put on.
  • However, there are ways to pull certain messages
    out of the queue before they reach the front.
    It's like cutting in on somebodys telephone
  • A receiver process must have a mailbox to buffer
    messages that have been sent, but not accepted by
    the receiver.
  • Can be synchronous waits until message safely
  • Can be asynchronous doesnt waits until message
    safely received.

Message Passing
  • Problems
  • Messages lost in network - can use acknowledge
  • If no ack signal re-transmits. However message
    may have been received ok but ack signal failed
    gets 2 messages
  • How are processes named how can a client tell
    if communicating with real server or an imposter?

  • A socket is a bidirectional communication device
    that can be used to communicate with another
    process on the same machine or with a process
    running on other ma
  • Unix sockets are just like two-way FIFOs.
  • However, all data communication will be taking
    place through the sockets interface, instead of
    through the file interface.
  • When programming with sockets, you'll usually
    create server and client programs. The server
    will sit listening for incoming connections from
    clients and handle them.
  • This is very similar to the situation that exists
    with Internet sockets, but with some fine

Interprocess Communication
  • There are two basic schemes for interprocess
  • Shared memory
  • Communication rests with the programmer
  • Operating system provides the shared memory
  • Application orientated
  • Message passing
  • Responsibility rests with the operating system
  • The operating system provides 2 operations,
  • SEND (message)
  • RECEIVE (message)

Indirect Communication
  • Messages are sent to and received from mailboxes
  • (sometimes called ports) Each mailbox has a
    unique I.D. A process may communicate with
    another process by a number of different
  • Properties of indirect communication
  • Link is established if there is a shared mailbox
  • Can link more than 2 processes
  • May be several links to mailboxes
  • May be uni-directional or bi-directional
  • Mailboxes owned by process
  • The owner can only receive messages while the
    user can only send
  • When the owner process finishes the mailbox dies
    must tell all users

Types of communication
  • Direct
  • SEND (P, message) send message to process P
  • RECEIVE (Q, message) receive message from
    process Q
  • These are system calls
  • Properties of direct communication
  • Symmetrical
  • A link is established between every pair of
    processes they need to know each others
  • A link is established between exactly 2 processes
  • The link is bi-directional
  • Asymmetric
  • SEND (P, message) send message to process P
  • RECEIVE (ID, message) receives a message from
    any process i.e. sender attaches ID

Degree of awareness Relationship Influence that one process has on the other Potential control problems
Processes unaware of each other Competition Results of one process independent of the action of others Timing of process may be affected Mutual exclusion Deadlock Starvation
Processes indirectly aware of each other (e.g. shared object) Cooperation by sharing Results of one process may depend on information obtained from others Timing of process may be affected Mutual exclusion Deadlock Starvation Data coherence
Processes directly aware of each other Cooperation by communication Results of one process may depend on information obtained from others Timing of process may be affected Deadlock Starvation
  • Binary semaphore
  • 1 raised semaphore, lets train pass
  • 0 lowered semaphore, blocks train
  • Associated with semaphore is a list of processes
    wishing to pass through critical region (cr)
  • The operating system can
  • dispatch a process
  • block a running process place in list
    associated with a particular semaphore
  • wake a blocked process place in ready state

  • There are two routines
  • P(s) if s 1
  • then
  • s ? 0 /lower semaphore/
  • else
  • BLOCK calling process
  • dispatch a ready process
  • V(s) if the list of processes waiting on s is
  • then
  • WAKE UP a process waiting on s
  • else
  • s ? 1 / raise semaphore/

Effect of P and V Operations
Invoking process Invoked operation Running in critical region Blocked on s Value of s
1 1
2 A P(s) A 0
3 A V(s) 1
4 B P(s) B 0
5 C P(s) B C 0
6 D P(s) B C, D 0
7 E P(s) B C, D, E 0
8 B V(s) D C, E 0
9 F P(s) D C, E, F 0
10 D V(s) C, F 0
11 None of A - F E C, F 0
12 E V(s) F C 0
13 F V(s) C 0
14 C V(s) 1
  • signals
  • shared files, i.e. pipes
  • semaphores
  • message passing

  • Mailboxes owned by the operating system
  • The operating system provides a mechanism that
    allows a process to
  • Create a new mailbox
  • Send and receive messages through mailboxes
  • Destroy a mailbox
  • The process that creates a mailbox owns it and is
    the owner process that can receive messages.
  • However ownership and receive privileges may be
    passed to other processes.
  • e.g. A process creates a mailbox A, then spawns a
    new process Q, then P Q may share mailbox A

  • Zero capacity
  • If a send occurs before the receive, the sending
    process is blocked until a receive occurs this
    is known as a rendezvous
  • Bounded Capacity
  • Queue has a finite length. If the buffer is full
    the sender will be delayed
  • Unbounded capacity
  • Sender is never delayed
  • Summary
  • Mailboxes are effectively the same as pipes.
    However, pipes do not retain message boundaries.
    i.e. if 10 messages are sent the process will
    read 1,000 bytes from a pipe, whereas a mailbox
    will send only one message at a time.

Race Conditions
  • Spooler has large number of slots
  • 2 shared variables out and in
  • out points to next file to be printed, in points
    to next free slot
  • Now if slots 0 and 3 are empty and slots 4 to 6
    are full
  • simultaneously processes A and B decide to
    queue a file for printing
  • process A reads in and stores the value 7 in
  • interrupt occurs and switches to process B, reads
    in and also gets a 7
  • Stores file in 7 and updates to 8
  • Process A restarts and also stores its file in 7
    and updates to 8
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