Title: iRAP: Eliminating High Risk Roads
1iRAP Eliminating High Risk Roads
- Speaker Rob McInerney
- Economy Australia
2- The impact of crashes
- Eliminate high risk roads
- iRAP APEC Partnerships
- The Opportunity
3The Human Impact
- 3,500 people die and 100,000 injured every day
- 90 of deaths in low and middle income countries
- Biggest killer of 10-17 year old children
- Significant personal and financial impacts on
4The Economic Impact
- 1-3 of GDP per annum per country
- US 2-4 billion a day globally
Health Sector
Transport Costs
Business Costs
5Call for a Decade of Action
- Make Roads Safe campaign
- 50 fatality reduction target by 2020
- Safe System Focus
- UN Ministerial Conference
- Moscow 19/20 Nov 2009
6Safe Road System
Safer Roads
a shared responsibility
Safer Users
Safer Vehicles
5 star users 5 star vehicles 5 star
7Safer Roads Crashes that kill
Motorcyclists Vehicle Occupants
- Head-on crashes
- Brutal side impacts at intersections
- Hitting roadside hazards
Pedestrians and Bicyclists
- Crossing the road
- Moving along the road
8iRAP Risk Mapping
- Crashes per kilometre per kilometre travelled
9iRAP Performance Tracking
- Objective measure for tracking performance
- International standard and local benchmark
- Key component of National Road Safety Strategies
10iRAP Star Ratings
- Repeatable measure of the current condition of
the road - Based on visual assessment of over 30 road
features - Car occupants, motorcyclists, pedestrians and
11Safer Roads Investment Plan
- 70 proven engineering treatments
- Economic return calculated for all potential
projects (BCR IRR) - Minimum criteria (e.g. BCR gt 5)
82 lives saved
BCR 15
12Safer Roads Investment Plan
Economy Roads Assessed (km) Investment (million) KSI's Saved (20 year) KSI Reduction BCR / KSI Saved
Chile 2,400 70 19,000 -44 31 3,800
Malaysia 3,650 180 32,000 -32 15 5,700
Peru 1,750 20 3,000 -9 17 6,500
Total 7,800 270 54,000 -31 20 5,100
20 year benefits and costs in USD KSI Killed and Seriously Injured 20 year benefits and costs in USD KSI Killed and Seriously Injured
13Potential Lives Saved
- Map where the greatest number of lives can be
saved - Target investment to the highest return corridors
Recession Beating! Nationwide program, simple and
quick to implement using local resources
14iRAP Software
15- The impact of crashes
- Eliminate high risk roads
- iRAP APEC Partnerships
- The Opportunity
16iRAP APEC Member Economies
- United States
- Some 82,000km of roads assessed
- AAAFTS lead
- www.usrap.us
Canada CanRAP feasibility study underway
Mexico MOU discussions with iRAP and the Dept of
Health and Dept of Transport
- Chile
- 2,400km assessed
- Partnership with Automobile Club of Chile, the
National Commission for Traffic Safety, the
Ministry of Public Works and the National Road
- Peru
- 3,000km assessed
- Partnership with MoTC, the National Road Safety
Council and the Touring and Automobile Club of
17iRAP APEC Member Economies
- China
- Joint Research Institute of Highways and iRAP
project - Pilot assessment of 2,100km underway
- Japan
- Initial discussions between iRAP and Japan
International Cooperation Agency
- Republic of Korea
- Korea Transport Institute (KOTI) planning to Star
Rate road network - Ongoing discussions between iRAP and KOTI to
establish KoRAP
18iRAP APEC Member Economies
- Viet Nam
- 3,800km inspected and images rated
- Results expected in December 09
- Philippines
- Steering committee established
- AAP, DoTC, DPWH, University of the Philippines
- Funding being finalised
- Malaysia
- 3,650km assessed and investment planned
- Government plans to extend survey
- Initial interest
- Thailand
19iRAP APEC Member Economies
- Brunei Darussalam
- Initial interest and meetings
- Potential linked to current asset management
- Australia
- 30,000km risk maps and star ratings
- Auto clubs and government agencies
- Investment plan trial underway
- www.ausrap.org
- New Zealand
- Risk Maps completed 10,000km star rating
underway - AANZ, NZ Transport Agency
- www.kiwirap.org.nz
- Initial interest
- Indonesia
20iRAP A Global Partnership
- Not for profit organisation
- Global partnerships
- National governments and automobile associations
- Global research partners
21iRAP A Good News Story
22The APEC iRAP Opportunity
- Eliminate High Risk Roads
- Target the worst 10 of the road network
- Aim for 500 kilometres / million population
- 1 in every 4 fatalities can be saved
- Potential to save 8 million deaths and serious
injuries (20 years) - Makes good economic sense
- 20 of benefits for every 1 invested
- Health sector, transport sector and business
23iRAP Further Details
www.irap.net Rob McInerney CEO iRAP Asia
Pacific 61 405 49 3030 rob.mcinerney_at_irap.net