Title: Highlights at Beach 2002
1Search for invisibly-decaying Higgs Bosons at LEP
André G. Holzner L3 collaboration
HEP 2005 Europhysics Conference July 21-27
2005Lisboa, Portugal
- Theoretical motivation
- Signal process
- Experimental signatures
- Cuts against Backgrounds
- Analysis Strategies
- Individual experiment's results
- LEP combination
- Summary and Outlook
3Theoretical motivation
- In some models, the Higgs can decay invisibly,
e.g. into
- Neutralinos
- Fourth generation neutrinos
- neutrinos in extra dimension theories
- majorons
- general additional scalar gauge singlet
? Search for such decays in a model
independent way
- two signatures - two jets missing mass
- two charged leptons missing mass
4Signal process
- if such a Higgs has to fulfill its duties
(generation of mass through coupling), the
Standard Model production mechanisms should be
- searches assume standard Model production
? experimental signatures determined by Z
decay modes
- interpretations assume standard model cross
5Experimental Signatures
Z ? qq H ? invisible
Z ? ll H ? invisible
Z ? ?? H ? invisible
6Cuts against backgrounds
Leptonic channel
Hadronic channel
- two acoplanar jets / leptons
- require missing momentum into central region
- visible mass compatible with Z mass
- recoil mass is Higgs candidate mass
Essential cuts/techniques
Main (irreducible) backgrounds Note there are
more than these diagrams contributing to the same
final states !
7Analysis strategy I
- Preselection using simple variables, removing
'easy' backgrounds - Check data quality, further selection, more
sophisticated variables - Construction of a discriminating variable,
hopefully close to the optimum - Exclusion/Observation confidence levels from MC
trials (frequentist probability)
8Analysis strategy II
Experiment Final discriminantHadronic Leptonic Final discriminantHadronic Leptonic Discriminant / Feature
ALEPH counting counting Neural network / Sliding mass window
DELPHI recoil mass recoil mass Iterative discriminant /Hadronic analysis split into low and high mass
L3 likelihood recoil mass Likelihood /Hadronic analysis split into low and high mass
OPAL recoil mass not (yet) included Likelihood / Hadronic analysis split into 2 jets and 3 jets
Opal has however published a generic search ee-
? ZS0 ? eeS0 / µµS0
no evidence for a signal seen
PL B499 (2001) 53 / PL B526 (2002) 191
hadronic channel
no evidence for a signal seen
EPJ C32 (2004) 475
- Interpretation in a Majoron modelAdd a complex
singlet field to the SM? after mixing, one
has two Higgs bosons H and S
tan ß 10
mixing parameter
no evidence for a signal seen
PL B609 (2005) 35
2 jets selection
3 jets selection
no evidence for a signal seen
14Indvidual experiments' results
- No Higgs signals foundLimits _at_ 95 CL
Experiment Limit (GeV) obs. exp. Limit (GeV) obs. exp. status reference
ALEPH 114.1 112.6 Published PL B526 (2002) 191
DELPHI 112.1 110.5 Published EPJ C32 (2004) 475
L3 112.3 111.6 Published PL B609 (2005) 35
OPAL 107.0 107.4 Preliminary OPAL PN 472
Delphi gives interpretation in the context of
Majoron models and MSSM modified mH-max scenario
15LEP combination (from 2001)
LEP Limit on relative production rate
Cross section exclusion
LEP preliminary
LEP preliminary
mH gt 114.4 GeV (95 CL)(partially based on
unpublished results)
no evidence of a signal seen in LEP combination
16Summary Outlook
- No hints of invisibly-decaying Higgs seen by any
for the four LEP experiments - ADL have published their results, final Opal
results seem to come soon - final LEP combinations (based on published
results of all four LEP experiments) soon ? Will
increase limit by few GeV
- Searches for invisible Higgs bosons at hadron
colliders are difficult - Continue search at the linear collider ?