Title: Maxwell, time harmonic, transversetoz
1Maxwell, time harmonic, transverse-to-z
- collecting all the terms,
- assuming time harmonic solutions
- using Ohms law
- assuming there is no component of either E or H
in the z direction - Maxwells equations reduce to
- things to notice
- Ey is connected to Hx via d/dz and w
- Ex is connected to Hy via d/dz and w
- Hy is connected to Ex via d/dz and w
- Hx is connected to Ey via d/dz and w
- Ey and Ex are connected via d/dx and d/dy
- Hy and Hx are connected via d/dx and d/dy
2Telegraphists equations
- lets consider a long piece of something like
coax - i.e., a wire-pair
- one wire carrying a time-varying current out and
the other carrying the return current - one wire is at some time varying voltage relative
to the other - what might the equivalent circuit look like for a
short segment of a long wire-pair? - we would expect something related to current and
magnetic fields inductance, resistance (if wires
have finite conductivity) - we would expect something related to voltage and
charge capacitance, and conductance if the
dielectric is leaky
3Equivalent circuit
- so a reasonable guess for the equivalent circuit
os a short segment of our wire pair would be - here R, L, C, and G are per unit length values
4Circuit response
- in time harmonic form, using phasors, we have
5The telegraphists equations
- in time harmonic form, using phasors, we have
6Circuit response
- in time harmonic form, using phasors, we have
- the form of these solutions looks exactly the
same as what we got from Maxwell for TEM waves! - the transmission line supports a traveling
wave!!! - again, g is called the complex propagation
7V and I relationship characteristic impedance
- lets look at the equation for dI/dz
- for the solution in the z direction we use g,
well designate the voltage as Vo, current as
Io, and the characteristic impedance Zo is
8V and I relationship generalized transmission
- we can generalize our results by considering the
transmission line series impedance per unit
length Z, and the shunt admittance per unit
length Y - physically, the most common form for
- Z is the series R-L model
- Y is the shunt G-C model
9Generalized transmission line impedance
- it is convenient to break the voltage into a
forward traveling wave V(z) and a backward
traveling wave V-(z) - the total voltage is the sum of V(z) and V-(z)
- same notation for current
- the impedance at any point on the line is the
ratio of TOTAL voltage to TOTAL current - this is position dependent!
10Generalized transmission line impedance
- the impedance at any point on the line is the
ratio of TOTAL voltage to TOTAL current which is
position dependent - lets fiddle a bit
- the ratio V-/V is reminiscent of our reflection
coefficient from plane waves... what are they
11Generalized transmission line impedance
- to get any further we need a boundary condition
to find relationships between the traveling wave
quantities V- and V - lets assume that we connect a load with
impedance ZL at z 0 - what is Z seen at z -l?
12Generalized transmission line impedance
- now we know what V/I is at z 0
- lets do some algebra
13Load reflection coefficient
- at z 0 the load voltage reflection
coefficient is - more generally, we define a reflection
coefficient at the location z -l
14Normalized load impedances
- note that the reflection coefficient equations
depend on the ratio of the (complex) load
impedance ZL to the (complex) characteristic
impedance Zo - it may make sense to work with a normalized
load impedance - where r is the real part of the load impedance
normalized to Zo - i.e., r is the normalized load resistance
- and x is the imaginary part of the load
impedance normalized to Zo - i.e., x is the normalized load reactance
15Input impedance
- the impedance Z at the location z -l
16Input impedance
- a little more fiddling on impedance Z at the
location z -l
17Input impedance
- the impedance Z at the location z -l depends on
- the load impedance ZL
- the transmission line characteristic impedance Zo
- set mostly by the geometry dielectric constant
of the wire-pair connected to the load - the distance l between you and the load
- and the propagation constant g
- which depends on the T-line characteristics AND
18Transmission line applets
- various
- http//www.eecg.toronto.edu/bradel/projects/trans
missionline/ - http//fermi.la.asu.edu/w9cf/tran/
- matching (single stub) http//home3.netcarrier.com
19Example L-C transmission line
- physically, the most common form for Z is the
series R-L model - if the conductors are perfect then R 0, and
so - and for Y is the shunt G-C model
- if the dielectric is lossless then G 0