Title: Peer assisted learning and assessment
1Peer assisted learning and assessment
- Dr Deborah Gill
- Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
- Academic Centre for Medical Education
- Royal Free and University College Medical School
2Aims of the workshop
- Outline the range of activities that can be
classified as peer assisted learning and
assessment - Identify the drives that are encouraging the
adoption of peer assisted learning in education
for the health professions - Outline the range of peer tutoring initiatives
taking place at the Royal Free University
College Medical School - Provide you with an opportunity to reflect on how
peer assisted learning and assessment could be
introduced in your own setting
3What is PAL?
- People from similar social groupings who are
not professional teachers helping each other to
learn, and learning themselves, by teaching.
Topping 1996
4What is PAL?
- Co-operative learning with a collaborative
approach - syndicate groups and group projects
- groups tackle tasks, problems, activities or
projects. Includes discussion groups and problem
based learning - peer assessment and peer monitoring
- Includes supplemental instruction, peer support
groups - peer tutoring
- Including same year fixed role, reciprocal, and
cross year -
5Why PAL ?
- PAL has been shown to be effective for tutor and
tutee alike in non-medical and medical settings. - several hundred institutions deploy this method
of teaching and that well-constructed and
well-supported peer tutoring schemes have shown
to be successful in a wide range of educational
settings. Topping 1996 - Providing opportunities for students to teach
each other may be one of the most important
services a teacher can render Whitman 1988
6What is driving the development of PAL in
healthcare settings?
- Tomorrow's Doctors
- Teaching and Learning strategy in higher
education - The large body of empirical evidence of the
efficacy of peer assisted learning - Changes to the teaching and learning environment
7Tomorrows Doctors Teaching skills
- Be able to demonstrate appropriate teaching
skills - Be willing to teach colleagues and to develop
their own teaching skills - Be familiar with a range of teaching and learning
techniques - Understand the principles of education as applied
to medicine
8Working Together Learning Together (DOH 2001)
- Ensure the NHS builds on good practice in
learning and development - working more proactively with partners
- Maintaining and extending careers
9Opportunities for medical students at RFUCMS
- Student Selected Components (SSCs) in years 1, 2
5 - Interprofessional teaching and learning SSCs
- Peer led assessments
- Buddy system
- Reverse mentoring scheme
- The Professional Development Spine
10Student Selected Components in cross year peer
- Peer tutors from year 5
- 4 weeks attachments to the Academic Centre for
Medical Education - all peer tutors attend a TIPS course and
supplementary learning for teaching sessions - teaching on the Introductory Course in Clinical
Method (year 3 students) - teaching in the Professional Development Spine
- (year 12 students)
11SSCs in interprofessional peer tutoring
- Year 5 medical students act as tutors
- Tutees experienced nurses
- Medical students teach assess clinical
examination skills in one module of the
Developing the Nurse Practitioner Course at
Middlesex University
12SSCs in medical teaching
- Year 2 medical students
- Extended TIPS course
- Learn new clinical skills and teach other
participants - Anticipated that they may be likely to take on
PAL roles in the future
13Peer assessment
- End of the introductory course in clinical method
(a peer led module) - End of surgery firm
- Nurse practitioner OSCE
- Drug projects
14Buddy system
- Buddies from years 2 3
- Voluntary scheme
- 2 buddies attached to each PDS group
- Meet PDS group formally and informally
- Linked to house system
15Reverse mentoring scheme
- 16 first year medical students train to become
personal trainers in IT skills - Offer four hours of one to one tuition to SpRs
and consultants in the Enhancing consultants IT
skills programme
16The Professional Development Spine
- Small group work
- group projects and presentations
- revision guide
- Training in evaluating teaching
- one hour session on day 1 of the professional
development spine course where small groups
explore - what constitutes good and bad teaching
- what sort of feedback if helpful to encourage
change - the rules of constructive feedback
17Features of PAL activities at RFUCMS
- PALS on SSCs attend a TIPS course
- Learning for teaching sessions
- Peer tutoring method adopted (fixed roles)
- Peer tutors work with small groups of learners
using simulated patients or volunteers - PAL tutors have regular observation and feedback
18What makes a good clinical skills teacher?
19The Twelve Roles of the Teacher (Harden et al
Role model
Information provider
Resource developer
20What are the roles of a clinical skills teacher?
- Encourages active participation
- Emphasis on teaching of applied problem solving
- Integrates clinical medicine with basic science
- Close observation of students during practice
- Provides adequate opportunity for students to
practice skills - Provides good role model for interpersonal
relationships with patients - Teaching is patient orientated rather than
disease orientated - Demonstrates positive attitude towards teaching
- Canon Newble Handbook for
Clinical Teachers (1983) -
- Feedback from the learners
- Feedback from peer tutors
- reflective log diaries
- questionnaires
- focus groups discussions
- confidence ratings
- Measurement of improvement in clinical and
teaching skills of tutors - Opinion of faculty
22Evaluation outcomes - tutors
- Tutors reported gains in their
- Teaching skills
- Presentation skills
- Clinical skills
- Confidence
- Understanding of assessments
- Communication skills
23Evaluation Outcomes -Tutors
- Self-ratings of perceived confidence and
competence in clinical skills improved - Performance in the after OSCE was better that
in the before OSCE
24Feedback from peer tutors teaching
This has been the most worthwhile thing I have
done in my entire medical course Students come
up to me in the bar and tell me how good the
course isthats a real feel good factor I
now know what it is I enjoy about medicine I
feel I have an advantage over my peers
25Feedback from peer tutors clinical skills
I feel more prepared to be a PRHO My
clinical skills are up to scratch I feel I
have an advantage over my peers
26Feedback from a personal IT trainer I have
really enjoyed working as a personal IT trainer
on the ECITS course. I felt it helped to improve
both my communication skills and teaching skills.
Although reverse mentoring is a new concept for
many people, I felt that the SpR who I taught was
not fazed by a younger person teaching him and it
did not affect the teaching session.
27Evaluation outcomes - tutees
- Learner enthusiasm for PAL is overwhelmingly
positive - Learners suggest a wide range of other areas
where PAL could be utilised - Many tutees later become tutors
28Evaluation Outcomes -Tutees
- Learner enthusiasm for PAL is overwhelmingly
positive - 97 medical students
- 90 senior nurses
- Learners suggest a wide range of other areas
where PAL could be utilised - Many tutees later become tutors
- Tutees do as well as (and in some cases better)
in assessments when taught by peer tutors
29Medical student learner feedback
PAL rocks! Great reassurance and a stress free
way to learn Senior students are more
approachable so it is easy to ask questions plus
they have only recently learnt about this
themselves so can empathise with us My senior
student was excellent. Confident, articulate and
30Nurse learner feedback
- The peer tutors in my group were lovely, helpful
honest. They made the session interesting ..our
responses were used and respected - They had so much interest and commitment to our
cause I found them very supportive and
encouraging - They knew the subject and how to put it across.
They also took into account our experience
31Evaluation Outcomes -Faculty
- Initial scepticism those closely involved became
champions - Now approved and encouraged by education
committee - PAL seen as a way to deliver wide variety of
teaching and learning support especially skills
acquisition and small group work - PAL allows more opportunities for hands on and
more personal level of support - PALS are flexible and reliable of teachers
32The Way Forward
- Additional SSCs
- pilot of peer teaching in anatomy 2005
- Other PAL clinical initiatives including other
peer assessments - Extending the scope of the buddy scheme for new
students - Reverse mentoring scheme to be expanded with
funding from workforce confederation - Syndicate group learning in finals revision
course - Expanding peer led ward teaching in the ICCM
- Further developing and evaluating early years
SSCs - Ensuring all students have basic training in
teaching and assessment skills not just select
33Tomorrows Teachers?
- Peer tutors can develop effective skills in
teaching and assessment - They display many of the attributes of an
effective clinical teacher - Teaching skills helps them to develop better
clinical skills themselves - Teaching skills learnt as undergraduates will be
useful for later teaching roles - Strong school and GMC support for co-operative
learning developments
34Could I utilise PAL?
- What PAL already exists?
- What PAL and peer assessment could be
implemented? - What are the benefits of developing and
implementing PAL and peer assessment - For tutors?
- For learners?
- For the institution?
- What are the potential barriers to implementing
PAL and peer assessment?
35Could I utilise PAL?
- Benefits include
- Gains for tutor and tutee alike
- Fosters cooperative learning
- Addresses GMC requirements
- Teaching pitched to the needs and level of the
learners - Learning for understanding for tutors
- More efficient use of learning time and
36Could I utilise PAL?
- Barriers include
- Educational climate
- Resources for training and supporting PAL
- Quality assurance of teaching and assessment
- Payment