Title: CS376 Input Techniques
1Input Techniques
Jeffrey Heer 14 May 2009
2Pointing Device Evaluation
- Experimental task target acquisition
- abstract, elementary
- Real task interacting with GUIs
- pointing is fundamental
3Fitts Law Paul Fitts, 1954
MT a b log2 (D/W 1)
a, b constants (empirically derived) D
distance W size Index of Performance (IP )
1/b (bits/s)
- Models well-rehearsed selection task
- MT increases as the distance to the target
increases - MT decreases as the size of the target increases
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5Experimental Data
6Considers Distance and Target Size
MT a b log2 (D/W 1)
Target 1
Target 2
Same ID ? Same Difficulty
7Considers Distance and Target Size
MT a b log2 (D/W 1)
Smaller ID ? Easier
8Considers Distance and Target Size
MT a b log2 (D/W 1)
Target 2
Larger ID ? Harder
9What does Fitts law really model?
Target Width
10Comparing device performance
- Device Study IP (bits/s)
- Hand Fitts (1954) 10.6
- Mouse Card, English, Burr (1978) 10.4
- Joystick Card, English, Burr (1978)
5.0 - Trackball Epps (1986) 2.9
- Touchpad Epps (1986) 1.6
- Eyetracker Ware Mikaelian (1987) 13.7
Reference MacKenzie, I. Fitts Law as a research
and design tool in human computer interaction.
Human Computer Interaction, 1992, vol. 7, pp.
11Using laws to predict performance
- Which will be faster on average?
- Pie menu (bigger targets less distance)?
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13Fitts Law Paul Fitts, 1954
MT a b log2 (D/W 1)
a, b constants (empirically derived) D
distance W size Index of Performance (IP )
1/b (bits/s)
- Models well-rehearsed selection task
- MT increases as the distance to the target
increases - MT decreases as the size of the target increases
14Beyond pointing trajectories
Steering Law Accot Zhai
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- Corner-based text input
- Uses physical constraints
- Hard edges and corners
- Can help offset motor impairments
17Crossing UIs Apitz Guimbretière 04
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21Yves Guiard Kinematic Chain
- Asymmetry in bimanual activities
- Under standard conditions, the spontaneous
writing speed of adults is reduced by some 20
when instructions prevent the non-preferred hand
from manipulating the page - Non-dominant hand (NDH) provides a frame of
reference for the dominant hand (DH) - NDH operates at a coarse temporal and spatial
scale DH operates at a finer scales