Title: PDAC Merit Badge TrackerInstructions For Use
1PDAC Merit Badge TrackerInstructions For Use
- First and Foremost, Please do NOT Save the File.
It is locked for editing, however it is open for
filters, which is how everyone will get their
Troops data. If you save it with your filter in
place, it will open that way, and it may be
difficult to return it to the full file. - You will be using the filters to either filter
the Master sheet to show all merit badge data,
and/or each individual merit badge tab to filter
for your data. - The following slides indicate how to use it.
2Using Master sheet to view all Merit Badges for
Master tab
Drop-Down Filter Buttons
You can filter by Troop by clicking on the
drop-down arrow, directly next to Unit
3Using Master sheet to view all Merit Badges for
Master tab
After clicking on the filter button, the list of
Troops will appear. For example, choose 877
4Using Master sheet to view all Merit Badges for
Master tab
Note the Merit Badge letters for each boy that
they attended
Notice the gray shaded cells, those are the
requirements that each boy completed.
Use scroll bar to move across the page view all
Merit Badges
5Using Merit Badge Tab to view Merit Badges for
Select Merit Badge to review. For example,
choose Fingerprinting tab
6Using Merit Badge Tab to view Merit Badges for
Fingerprinting tab
After clicking on the filter button, the list of
Troops will appear. For example, choose 910
7Using Merit Badge Tab to view Merit Badges for
Fingerprinting tab
Since Fingerprinting and Traffic Safety were the
only 1/2 day Merit Badges, you will find both
listed on both sheets.
LEGEND FPA Fingerprinting Morning FPP
Fingerprinting Afternoon TSA Traffic Safety
Morning TSP Traffic Safety Afternoon
Notice the Y, it signifies that the requirement
was completed.
8MS Office 2007 to older versions quirk
When you attempt to go back to all Troops, older
versions of Office do not allow more than one
item in the filter, so it bombs out these sheets
and gives you all the data back. This is one of
the main reasons you MUST NOT SAVE THE FILE!!!
When it is reopened without saving, the
formatting remains correct!