Personal Fitness Merit Badge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Personal Fitness Merit Badge


Personal Fitness Merit Badge How do I start? If you are here, you MUST have a Blue Card signed by your Scoutmaster and filled out by you! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Personal Fitness Merit Badge

Personal Fitness Merit Badge
How do I start?
  • If you are here, you MUST have a Blue Card
    signed by your Scoutmaster and filled out by you!
  • You must have a copy of the CURRENT requirements
    for Personal Fitness.
  • You must be prepared to take this seriously!

What is Personal Fitness
  • Personal Fitness is not the same as Physical
  • What does it mean to be Fit?
  • To be healthy and in a state of readiness.
  • Fitness then, is achieving the best quality of
  • Personal Fitness must then be YOUR effort to
    reach a desired quality of life.

Personal Fitness Total Fitness
  • Personal fitness can be thought of as total or
    complete fitness with 5 components or elements
  • Social Fitness
  • Mental and emotional Fitness
  • Spiritual Fitness
  • Physical Health
  • Physical Fitness

Is everyone the same?
  • Personal fitness is different for everyone.
  • Your level of Personal Fitness (highest quality
    of life) is determined by your level of all 5
  • All 5 components interact so neglecting one,
    affects the others.
  • High levels of one component will likewise affect
    the others. (eg. Bridge)

Measuring these Components
  • Can we measure all 5 components of Personal
  • Yes but its not easy.
  • For our purposes, we will only be measuring
    Physical Fitness, but will talk about the others.

Balance is good!
  • If you know your weaknesses, you can begin to
    strengthen them.
  • The Scout who eats the right things but does not
    exercise will do poorly in physical activities.
  • You may be tall and strong, but not a good
    leaderrecognize that and work on it.

More reasons for Balance
  • If you exercise a lot but dont eat properly, you
    may cramp or be to tired or even get sick.
  • A scout who works and plays hard all day during
    camp, but does not eat or sleep well, will be
    weak the next day.
  • If youre fit, then you know you are making the
    best use of your physical talents.

How do the 5 components relate to the Scout Oath
and Law?
  • What is the Scout Oath, Law, slogan and Motto?
  • Being personally fit allows you to be cheerful,
    strong, mentally awake, helpful and prepared. It
    also helps you to remember to do a good turn

The Physical Examination
  • Most doctors offices have you or your parents
    fill out a personal and medical questionnaire.
  • It asks about diseases you or your family members
    have had about allergic reactions and about any
    medicines you take.

Whats included in the physical?
  • Measurements of
  • Height and weight.
  • Heart rate, blood pressure
  • Heart and lung sounds
  • Examination of EENT
  • Testing of your reflexes

What will they ask you?
  • The health care worker (Dr, Nurse or physicians
    assistant), may ask about
  • Your psychological (mental and social) traits.
  • Your nutritional habits
  • Your physical activity
  • Your family circumstances

Why is a physical exam important?
  • At each exam, your Doctor may identify symptoms
    or conditions that need to be treated.
  • You may not have given these symptoms a second

Why do we need them?
  • Regular exams help your doctor keep track of your
  • He/She monitors your health and records the
  • This is important later in life when your
    complete medical history is needed.
  • Regular visits and exams help to maintain your
    physical health!
  • Many diseases are preventable!

Disease Prevention
  • What things make you susceptible to disease?
  • Daily habitsinteracting with others.
  • Poor eating habits weaken your body.
  • Weak muscles make you more vulnerable to
  • Not dressing warmly in wet and cold weather.

Primary Prevention
  • What does that mean?
  • Practicing good health habits
  • Preventing bad habits from forming
  • Identifying and eliminating Risk Factors help to
    prevent disease.

What are Risk Factors?
  • A risk factor is something that increases the
    chance, (risk), of getting the disease.
  • Some risk factors cant be changed
  • Age, Gender or Race.
  • Some risk factors can be changed.
  • Dietary habits, Sun Exposure, exercise, smoking.

What are the Youth Risk Factors that affect
Cardiovascular Disease in Adulthood?
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Gender
  • Exercise
  • Family history

Why preventive habits help
  • When you are young, you are usually in good
    health. You exercise, dont smoke etc.
  • As you get older, you develop bad habits, or
    dont care.
  • These bad habits can lead to serious health
    problems later. (Heart, Lungs etc.)
  • Preventive habits help you live better and longer.

What are some Preventable diseases?
  • Those prevented by Vaccination
  • Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Meningitis,
    Polio, mumps, measles.
  • Those prevented by good health habits
  • Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • Rheumatic Fever
  • Colds

What are the Seven Danger signs of Cancer?
  • Appearance of any unusual lump.
  • Any unusual bleeding or discharge.
  • Any change in a wart or mole.
  • Chronic indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
  • Persistent cough or hoarseness.
  • A sore that will not heal.

What is Social Fitness?
  • Social Fitness is a component of Personal
  • Social Fitness is living the Scout Law, the
    motto, slogan and the Oath.
  • Trying to live these Scout virtues makes you
    Socially Fitthink about it!
  • The Scout who is recognized as a Scout by his
    actions rather than by a uniform has truly live
    the Scout Law.

What Social Skills help to be Socially Fit?
  • Friendshipeveryone needs someone to talk to and
    share feelings with.
  • Communicationthis means being a good listener as
    well as a good talker.
  • Accepting others and accepting someone without
    judging them.
  • Spending time with friends helps strengthen
    friendships and builds understanding, trust and

What is Peer Pressure?
  • You cant stop Peer pressurebut DONT allow
    people to tease you or push you to take part in
    activities that make you uncomfortable!
  • You can always walk away or just ignore others
    who make you feel uncomfortable.
  • The key to peer pressure is whether or not YOU
    allow it to guide your actions.
  • Dont be afraid to talk about uncomfortable
    situations with someone, (friend or adult), whom
    you trust!

What is Mental and Emotional Fitness?
  • It is being free of excessive anxiety and worry
    that interfere with school, family, friendships
    and a healthy social life.
  • Anxiety and worry are normal parts of life. When
    it becomes excessive though, it is not healthy.
  • Dont be afraid to talk to someone about it that
    you trust, (friend or adult).

What is Spiritual Fitness?
  • Every Scout has a Duty to Godwe say it in our
    Oath and Law.
  • You are expected to recognize your duty to God
    and the religious principles you learn.

  • If your body does not get the nutrients it needs,
    it will not function at its best.
  • Poor nutrition can lead to fatigue, lack of
    energy, slow healing of injuries, dehydration,
    weight loss, fat build up.

  • Six basic nutrients come from the foods we eat
  • Protein essential for cell growth and repair
    also helps make antibodies.
  • Fat part of cell walls.
  • Carbohydrates main source of energy for your
    muscles and nervous system.
  • Water essential to your life. (60)
  • Vitamins help with bodily chemical reactions
  • Minerals also help with chemical reactions

Food Groups
  • They are
  • Grains (Bread, Crackers, Cereal, Rice,etc.)
  • Vegetable/Fruits
  • Meats/legumes (main provider of protein)
  • Dairy

Prioritize Foods
  • Rank the food groups when preparing meals or
  • 1. Vegetables
  • 2. Grains
  • 3. Fruits
  • 4. Dairy Products
  • 5. Meats and Legumes

Components of a Weight Control Program
  • Exercise builds stronger muscles and muscular
  • Good Nutrition eating properly balances your
    calories and shrinks excess body fat.
  • Behavior Modification changing your behavior.
    One change might be to exercise everyday.

Physical Fitness
  • This is one of the original elements of PERSONAL
  • What is Physical Fitness
  • Being able to do vigorous physical work without
    getting to tired and still having energy to do
    normal daily things.

Four Elements of Physical Fitness
  • Cardiovascular Endurance
  • Muscular strength and endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Body Composition

Why is it important to have balance among these
  • Exercise and good health are related to each
  • You will live longer
  • The four elements rely on each other.

Cardiovascular Endurance
  • The ability to maintain activity that is Aerobic.
    (exercises that involve muscles, are continuous
    and rhythmic)
  • Examples include
  • Running, walking and bicycling.
  • Swimming

Guidelines to improve Cardiovascular Fitness
  • Warm Up First
  • 5 to 10 minutes of low intensity movements
    followed by several minutes of stretching.
  • Warm up will help decrease chances of injury and
    will get your bodys muscles, heart and
    metabolism ready to exercise.
  • Exercise using aerobic activities
  • Exercise 3 to 5 times each week.
  • Exercise 20 to 60 minutes each time.
  • Exercise at 60 to 85 percent of your maximum
    heart rate.

Muscular Strength and Endurance
  • Muscular strength is the ability of your muscles
    to contract and exert force against an opposing
    force. (lifting a certain amount of weight.)
  • Muscular endurance is the ability of your
    muscles to contract repeatedly or hold a
    contraction against an opposing force. (hiking up
    a mountain or carrying supplies to camp.)

  • Defined as a joints range of motion.
  • For the most part, the lower back and the legs
    need the most attention.
  • Stretching is an important part of the warm up.
  • Stretch during warm up and again at the end of
    your exercises. (15 to 30 seconds sustained each

Sit and Reach
  • Easiest way to measure the flexibility of your
    lower back and the back of the thighs.
  • Can do this with a chair or other household item.

Body Composition
  • Defines as the proportion of your body that is
    fat or muscle.
  • Can calculate it, or actually measure it.
  • Aerobic exercise helps control your weight and
    therefore your body composition.
  • When exercising to lose weight, low-intensity
    exercise for long periods of time is best. (lap
    swimming or jogging)

Sample Program
Keeping Track
  • Outline a 12 week physical fitness program for
    yourself using the results of your fitness tests.
  • Be sure to include endurance, intensity and warm
    up guidelines.
  • Get the program approved before starting.

Aerobic, Muscular and Fitness Tests.
  • Repeat these tests that you did initially. Do it
    every 2 weeks.
  • Watch as these things change over the 12 weeks.
  • Well meet again in 12 weeks for the final

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