Screening Adults with Downs Syndrome for Dementia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Screening Adults with Downs Syndrome for Dementia


England, 1929 - Average life expectancy was 9 years. Today, about 80% of people with ... Bloods are taken to rule out thyroid dysfunction and other problems. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Screening Adults with Downs Syndrome for Dementia

Screening Adults with Downs Syndrome for Dementia
  • Dr Sarah Whitwham
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Learning Disability Service, Plymouth

  • Life Expectancy
  • England, 1929 - Average life expectancy was 9
  • Today, about 80 of people with Downs Syndrome
    live to over 50 years old.
  • People are now surviving into their 60s and 70s.

Age-related risk of Alzheimers
Disease Prevalence by age of onset (Alzheim
ers Disease International, Feb 03)
  • Downs Syndrome Alzheimers
  • Virtually all people with DS over 40 show
  • characteristic brain changes of AD - although not
  • all show clinical signs.
  • Average age of onset of AD is 54 years.
  • Interval from diagnosis to death approximately 5

  • Downs Syndrome and Dementia Briefing for
  • Turk Dodd 2001 suggest
  • A register of people with DS is needed.
  • Baselines of cognitive adaptive functioning are
    conducted before age 30.
  • LD teams must develop specialist skills in this
  • They must offer training to other professionals
    and front line staff and carers.
  • Co-ordination between agencies - independent
    providers, social services, LD health team,
    hospital teams, etc.

  • Plymouth Screening Project
  • The identification of all people with Downs
    Syndrome in Plymouth (may be used as a research
    cohort in the future.)
  • Develop a screening protocol.
  • Commence one-off screening assessments
  • for all adults with Downs Syndrome.

Establishing a register
  • Write to all residential homes, day care centres
    and Care Managers asking for names of people with
  • Keep names on a Data Base

  • The Psychology Screen
  • Three stages
  • 1. Review historical information on file (up to
    4 hours)
  • 2. Assessment battery with the individual face
    to face (1-2 hrs)
  • 3. Interview with an informed carer (1-2 hr)
    Behaviour, mood,daily living skills,life-events,ca
    re-giver burden (CAS-ID) and the DMR.

Consent or Assent
  • Ethical Committee approval.
  • Informed consent can the person understand the
    risk, the co-operation with assessments and
    having the results held on file? If so they can
    give/withhold consent.
  • Assent where the person cannot give informed
    consent, a next of kin or carer is asked to agree
    (assent) to the person participating.
  • Extra consent to use video tape for training.

Two groups
  • Those being screened while still well so that we
    have a baseline for the future
  • Offered to every adult with DS.
  • Those being more fully assessed because there are

Care Pathway Plymouth
  • If there are concerns about possible dementia
  • Community Nurse conducts health assessment geared
    to dementia screening.
  • Bloods are taken to rule out thyroid dysfunction
    and other problems.
  • Cognitive screen by Clinical Psychologist to
    assess cognitive level, adaptive behaviour, mood.
  • Assessment by Psychiatrist to make differential
    diagnosis and refer for CT scan/EEG if necessary.

Frequency of screening
  • Anyone who is referred because there are concerns
    is screened. Re-screening can be from 3months to
    several years depending on results.
  • Everyone identified with DS will be offered a
    one-off baseline screen. Re-screens will be set
    for when they are 40 years old, unless concerns
    before then.

182 Downs Syndrome names received
5 moved out of area/cannot find
12 not Downs Syndrome
164 Downs Syndrome names on Data-Base
15 refused consent/assent
149 consented / assented
49 Referred Cohort all screened regularly
100 New Cohort of whom 87 screened
6 referred with concerns (4 dementia, 2 other)
3 died
2 died
Age groups of 165 adults with DS
  • Final thoughts
  • Diagnosis may have come some time after the
    actual onset of the symptoms.
  • The length of time between diagnosis of
    Alzheimers Disease and death can be as short as
    3 - 5 years.
  • The drugs available work best when given early in
    the course of the disease.
  • Will allow us to respond appropriately to
    changing needs as soon as possible.
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