Evaluation of Dementia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Evaluation of Dementia


Evaluation of Dementia David Lu , MD Washington VAMC Dementia a growing medical and social problem occurring at all ages but most frequent in the population over age ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Evaluation of Dementia

Evaluation of Dementia
  • David Lu , MDWashington VAMC

  • a growing medical and social problem
  • occurring at all ages but most frequent in the
    population over age 75
  • an estimated 600,000 cases of advanced dementia
    in the United States, and milder degrees of
    altered mental status are very common
  • long-term care cost estimated at 40 billion a
    year for people age 65 and older

National Institute of Aging Consensus
  • Issues addressed
  • definition
  • diagnosis
  • reversible dementing diseases
  • initial evaluation
  • indicated diagnostic tests
  • priorities of future research

  • a syndrome characterized by progressive decline
    of intellectual ability from a previously
    attained level
  • the decline in mental inability usually involves
    variable deterioration in ? speech ?
    memory ? judgment ? mood
  • without alteration of consciousness

Clinical Presentation
  • onset of dementia it is usually insidious
  • dementia is often progressive (degenerative
    disease) but may be static (post-traumatic brain
  • initial presentation may include slight
    forgetfulness, attention and concentration
    deficits, and increasing repetitiousness or
    inconsistencies in usual behavior
  • later presentation may display impaired judgment,
    inability to abstract or generalized, and
    personality change with rigidity, perseveration,
    irritability, and confusion affective
    disturbances may be prominent with loss of
    personality and self-care

Neurologic Diseases Associated with Intellectual
  • Alzheimer's disease Frontal lobe release signs
    Enlarged ventricles and cortical atrophy
    extrapyramidal signs by CT or MRI
  • Normal pressure Gait disorder ,
    incontinence Enlarged ventricles with little or
    no cortical atrophy hydrocephalus
  • Multi-infarct dementia Focal deficits Stepwise
    course multiple areas of infarction, often
    subcortical by CT or MRI
  • Parkinson's disease Extrapyramidal signs Usual
    present only after disease evident for
    several years
  • Intracranial tumor Focal signs, papilledema Often
    subacute evolution, seizures possible
  • Neurosyphilis Frontal lobe signs, optic atrophy,
    Positive serology serum and CSF
    Argyll-Robertson pupils
  • HIV infection Variable systemic
    involvement Positive HIV, cortical atrophy
    dementia may be presenting symptom

Neurologic Diseases Associated with Intellectual
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob Myoclonus , cerebellar signs,
    Subacute course EEG has specific abnormalities,
    eye movement abnormalities brain biopsy
  • Huntington's disease Choreiform movements, Often
    positive family history caudate atrophy
    corticospinal signs by CT or MRI
  • Multiple sclerosis Brainstem signs, optic
    atrophy, Usually long-standing disease episodic
    illness corticospinal signs with remissions
    often extensive white matter abnormalities
    by MRI
  • Wilson's disease Extrapyramidal signs , hepatic
    Onset in adolescence or young adult life,
    dysfunction, Kayser-Fleischer psychiatric
    disorders rings
  • Progressive Failure of vertical downgaze, Eye
    movement abnormalities differentiate
    fromsupranuclear extrapyramidal signs
    Parkinson's disease unresponsive or
    onlypalsy transiently responsive to
  • invariably present all other physical signs
    are neither invariably present nor pathognomonic.

Alzheimers Disease
  • one of the leading cause of dementia with unknown
  • gt4 of people over 65 exhibit moderate to severe
    dementia and about 2/3 of these fall into the
    category of idiopathic senile dementia or
    Alzheimers disease
  • most cases are sporadic, although there is a
    familial autosomal dominant form
  • no specific physical signs - frontal lobe release
    signs and extrapyramidal features may be present

Alzheimers Disease
  • brain atrophy with ventricular enlargement
  • absent or minimal vascular disease
  • neuropathologic studies
  • neuronal loss
  • neurofibrillary tangles
  • senile plaquesin
  • accumulation of beta-amyloid

Vascular Dementia
  • Multi-infarct dementia - multiple strokes can
    leave the patient with impaired cognition and
    produced a true dementia
  • small lacunar strokes may present subclinically
  • large strokes with clear-cut neurologic injury
  • in the very elderly (gt85), vascular dementia
    rivals Alzheimers disease as the leading
  • groups at high risk include
  • African-Americans, Japanese
  • elderly patients with hypertension, diabetes,
    smoking, atrial fibrillation, or known carotid

Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus
  • refers to slow ventricular enlargement without
    cortical atrophy due to poor cerebrospinal fluid
    (CSF) absorption
  • blockage of CSF absorption due to
  • remote meningeal inflammation
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • classic triad (wacky, wobbly, and wet)
  • dementia, gait disturbance, urinary and fecal
  • ventriculoperitoneal shunt may lead to dramatic
    clinical improvement -response to serial lumbar
    punctures may predict those who will respond

Space Occupying Lesions
  • development of progressive unilateral headache,
    new neurologic deficit, or changing personality
    may provide a clue to the presence of a mass
  • chronic subdural hematoma
  • slow-growing tumors
  • on the orbital surface of the frontal lobe
  • on the medial surface of the temporal lobe
  • may present primarily with cognitive defects
    unassociated with other focal signs

Other Neurologic Conditions
  • Depression
  • Parkinsons disease
  • Wilsons disease
  • severe multiple sclerosis
  • Jacobs disease
  • neurosyphilis
  • Huntingtons disease

Systemic Conditions Associated with Intellectual
  • InfectiousSyphilis with CNS involvementHIV
    infection with CNS involvementCryptococcal
    infection of the CNS
  • EndocrineHypothyroidism and hyperthyroidismPanhy
    popituitarismHigh-dose glucocorticosteroid
  • MetabolicVitamin B12 deficiency (Pernicious
    anemia)Thiamine deficiency (Korsakoffs)Niacin
    deficiency (pellagra)
  • Chemical PoisonsAlcoholMetals (lead,
    mercury)Aniline dyes
  • Drug IntoxicationsBarbituratesOpiatesAnticholin

Differential Diagnosis
  • Alzheimer's disease 70
  • Multi-infarct dementia 10 - 20
  • brain tumors 5
  • unknown causes 10-15
  • Among the very old (over age 85), vascular
    dementia and Alzheimer's disease account for the
    vast majority

  • History
  • Physical Examination
  • Laboratory studies

History - etiology
  • the most important component of the initial
  • adequate history with help of a family member is
  • description of
  • cognitive, memory, and behavior problems
  • effect on daily life - difficulty with driving,
    work, or family relationships
  • details on temporal course of illness
  • chronic
  • progressive (Alzheimer or other neurodegenerative
  • stepwise (multi-infarct)
  • static (traumatic injury, episode of severe

History - treatable causes
  • Vascular dementia - presence of cardiovascular
    risk factors (smoking, HTN, chol, diabetes)
  • Normal pressures hydrocephalus - triad of
    dementia, gait, incontinence with a prior history
    of meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Mass lesion - history of head trauma, unexplained
    focal neurologic deficit, unilateral headache
    worsening over time
  • Parkinsons disease - resting tremor and rigidity
  • Wilsons disease - hepatocellular disease and
  • HIV and neurosyphilis - high-risk sexual behavior
  • hereditary - family history dementia, Downs
    syndrome, psychiatric disorders

History - treatable causes
  • B12 deficiency - previous gastric surgery
  • B12, thiamin, niacin deficiency - inadequate
    nutrition, alcohol abuse
  • medications - opiates, sedative-hypnotics,
    analgesics, anticholinergics, anticonvulsants,
    corticosteroids, centrally acting
    anti-hypertensives, psychotropics
  • symptoms of hypothyroidism, pituitary
  • occupational history - exposure to toxic
    substances (aniline dyes, heavy metals)

Mental Status Examination
  • Examination should be geared to both the
    detection of focal lesions and to signs of
    general brain dysfunction
  • immediate memory testing (three object recall,
    recite digits forward and backward, recall a
    short story)
  • remote memory testing (recall of historical
    events, family milestones, or recent local or
    international news)
  • reproducible drawings
  • discern similarities among objects
  • decision-requiring tasks (finding a stamped
    letter or seeing a fire in a theater)

Mini-Mental Status Tests
  • Score Orientation
  • 5 What is the (year) (season) (month) (date)
  • 5 Whare are we (state) (county) (town)
    (hospital) (floor)?
  • Registration
  • 3 Name 3 objects 1 second to say each. Then
    ask the patient all 3 after you have said
    them. Give 1 point for each correct answer.
    Then repeat them until he learns all 3. Count
    trials and record.
  • Attention and Calculation
  • 5 Serial 7's. 1 point for each correct. Stop
    after 5 answers. Alternatively spell "world"

Mini-Mental Status Tests
  • Score
  • Recall
  • 3 Ask for 3 objects repeated above. Give
    one point for each. Language
  • 2 Name a pencil and watch (2 points).
  • 1 Repeat the following "No ifs ands or
  • 3 Follow a 3-stage command "Take a paper
    in your right hand fold it in half, and put it
    on the floor." (3 points).
  • 1 Read and obey the following "Close your
  • 1 Write a sentence.
  • 1 Copy design.
  • Total Score Maximum Score 30

Physical and Neurologic Examinations
  • Check for focal evidence of neovascular risk
    factors - carotid bruits, signs of alcoholism,
    hepatocellular injury, renal insufficiency, other
    systemic illnesses
  • specific neurologic abnormalities
  • frontal lobe release signs (grasp, suck, snout,
  • visual field cut and extraocular movement
  • abnormal pupillary reactions
  • extrapyramidal features (carditis dyskinesis,
    tumors, asterixis, Korea, monoclonal disc, it)
  • sensory deficit and gait disorder

Screening Laboratory Studies
  • 1. Complete blood count and sedimentation rate
  • 2. Chemistry panel (electrolytes, calcium,
    albumin, BUN, creatinine, transaminase)
  • 3. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
  • 4. VDRL test for syphilis
  • 5. Urinalysis
  • 6. Serum B12 and folate levels
  • 7. Chest x-ray
  • 8. Electrocardiogram
  • 9. Head computed tomography (CT)

  • Head CT or MRI is appropriate in the presence of
  • 1) history suggestive of a mass lesion
  • 2) focal neurologic signs or symptoms
  • 3) dementia of abrupt onset
  • 4) history of seizures
  • 5) history of stroke
  • MRI with gadolinium contrast enhancement is
    superior to CT for the diagnosis of multi-infarct
    dementia and problems referrable to the posterior

Other Ancillary Studies
  • Lumbar puncture
  • routine LP for initial evaluation of dementia is
    not justified
  • may be indicated when other clinical findings
    suggest an active infection or vasculitis and as
    part of the evaluation of normal pressure
  • sugar, protein, cell count, cultures, gamma
    globulins, the serology for stiffness should be

Other Ancillary Studies
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • usually normal or with nonspecific rhythm slowing
  • indicated in patients with episodic altered
    consciousness and in whom seizures may be
  • may occasionally raise suspicion of a particular
  • focal, delta slowing is seen with tumor
  • unilateral attenuation of voltage may suggest an
    extracranial mass such as subdural hematoma
  • excessive beta activity may be consistent with
    drug ingestion
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease has a highly specific
    EEG pattern

Other Ancillary Studies
  • Formal neuropsychologic evaluation
  • appropriate for more specific information when
    the diagnosis is in doubt
  • also helpful in providing additional information
    about the nature of impairment following focal
    brain injury
  • Speech analysis
  • may improve patient and family communication with
  • Formal psychiatric assessment
  • may be desirable if depression in addition to
    dementia is suspected

Studies of Limited or Uncertain Utility
  • Cerebral blood flow and metabolism measurements
  • PET and SPECT scans have no routine use at
  • Brain biopsy
  • rarely justified for non-neoplastic or
    noninfectious diseases
  • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy or
    Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is diagnosed by biopsy
  • Noninvasive neurovascular studies (carotid
    ultrasound, Doppler flow studies)
  • if MRI or CT demonstrates infarction, or
  • clinical course or physical examinations is
    suggestive of cerebralvascular disease

Symptomatic Management and Counseling
  • Improving mental functioning
  • Management of confusion and agitation
  • Maintaining the patient at home
  • Risk factor reduction and attention to underlying

Improving Mental Functioning
  • no established treatment for Alzheimers disease
    or for patients with multi-infarct dementia
  • findings of degeneration of cholinergic neurons
    and depletion of choline-acetyl transferase in
    Alzheimer's disease have led to attempts at
    improving cholinergic transmission
  • lecithin supplements (dietary choline repletion)
  • tacrine (a centrally active, reversible
    cholinesterase inhibitor)
  • There is no evidence to support the use of
    restorative therapy with nerve growth factor,
    protective therapy with antioxidants, preventive
    therapy with drugs that inhibit beta amyloid
    formation, and cerebral vasodilators
    (papaverine, dihydroergotoxine) to improve memory

Management of Confusion and Agitation
  • The chronic use of sedatives and psychoactive
    agents in the confused patient should be avoided
    unless persistent extreme agitation hampers care
  • The lowest possible doses should be used and for
    the shortest time possible
  • thioridazine (10 to 25 mg qhs)
  • haloperidol (0.5 to 1 mg bid or tid )often a
    first choice in the setting of delusions and
    hallucinations must be careful to avoid
    long-term use because of the risk of inducing
    tardive dyskinesia

Management of Confusion and Agitation
  • Avoid regular use of sedative/hypnotic agents for
  • Beta-blocking agents and anticholinergics may
    exacerbate confusion
  • Patients with depression may improve with a
    tricyclic compound with low anticholinergic side
    effects ? desipramine (25 to 50 mg qhs)
  • A recent study of nursing home patients
    demonstrated substantial improvement in many
    patients when chronically prescribed psychotropic
    drugs were discontinued or reduced in dose

Maintaining the Patient at Home
  • An important task is helping the family maintain
    and care for the patient at home
  • The goal is to sustain the highest level of
    function possible
  • facilitate and promote an orderly home situation
  • regular routine use of calendars, television,
    newspapers, and other means of orientation
  • limit the use of potentially dangerous appliances
  • provide convenient toilet facilities
  • advice against driving when early impairment of
    judgment and spatial concepts is present

Maintaining the Patient at Home
  • Families can often find help in local support
    groups, day care and group therapy services, and
    social service agencies
  • When care at home begins to exhaust and strain
    the family, sensitive counseling can do much to
    help a family cope with the difficult decision
    regarding institutionalization
  • some dementing diseases are infectious (eg, HIV
    infection) and that the bodily fluids and tissues
    of such patients require special handling to
    avoid transmission. It is particularly important
    to emphasize when home care is rendered by lay

Risk factor reduction and attention to
underlying etiologies
  • Central to an effective outcome
  • control of cerebrovascular risk factors as
    hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking ,
    hyperlipidemia , and coronary artery disease
  • endarterectory deserves consideration when a
    vascular etiology is strongly suspected and a
    significant stenosis is found
  • Avoidance of toxins, correction of vitamin
    deficiencies, discontinuation of causative drugs,
    initiation of hormonal replacement therapy in
    cases of deficiency, and treatment of underlying
    infectious etiologies

  • Avorn J, Soumerai SB, Everitt DE, et al. A
    randomized trial of a program to reduce the use
    of psychoactive drugs in nursing homes. N Engl J
    Med 1992327168.
  • Clarifield AM. The reversible dementias Do they
    reverse? Ann Intern Med 1988109476.
  • Consensus Conference. Differential diagnosis of
    dementing diseases. JAMA 19872583411.
  • Growdon JH. Treatment for Alzheimer's disease. N
    Engl J Med 19923271306. ( Excellent summary of
    current approaches to therapy.)
  • Jenkyn LR. Examining the aging nervous system.
    Semin Neurol 1989982. ( Good overview of signs
    associated with normal aging.)
  • Larson EB, Reiffler BV, Sumi SM, et al.
    Diagnostic tests in the evaluation of dementia.
    Arch Intern Med 19861461917.
  • Lindenbaum J, Healton EB, Savage DG, et al.
    Neuropsychiatric disorders caused by cobalamin
    deficiency in the absence of anemia or
    macrocytosis. N Engl J Med 19883181720.

  • Mace NL. The 36 hour day A timely guide to
    caring for persons with Alzheimer's disease.
    Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1981. Petersen
    RC. Memory function in normal aging. Neurology
  • Price RW, Brew BJ. The AIDS dementia complex. J
    Infect Dis 19881581079
  • Siu AL. Screening for dementia and investigating
    its causes. Ann Intern Med 1991115122.
  • Skoog I, Nilsson L, Palmertz B, et al. A
    population-based study of dementia in
    85-year-olds. N Engl J Med 1993328153.
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