Title: Ecological Sustainability
1Ecological Sustainability
2A Region Rich In Natural Resources
The Hunter, Central and Lower North Coast
region a unique and diverse 37,000 square
kilometres of the east coast of NSW. Major
waterways are the Manning, Karuah and Hunter
rivers and the coastal waterways of Wallis Lake,
Port Stephens, Lake Macquarie, Tuggerah Lakes and
Brisbane Waters. The regions landscapes
estuarine lakes and mangroves, coastal sands and
rich alluvial floodplains to rural hinterland,
forests and the dissected sandstone of the Great
Dividing Range. Home to nearly one million
3A Rich Diverse Economy
- Aluminium production
- Over 632,000 tonnes pa (34 of Australias
annual production - Electricity Generation
- Approximately 80 of NSW total production
annually - Coal Mining
- 121 million tonnes raw coal extracted from 34
mines in 2003-2004 (83 of NSW total) -
- Wine Production
- Over 273m in sales annually
- Equine Industry
- Value of horses on studs 720m - 1.4b
4A Great Place To Live
5Challenges To Environmental Sustainability
- Degradation of the riparian zones
- Water supply crisis in some parts of the
catchment - Degradation, loss and fragmentation of native
vegetation cover and of terrestrial, riverine,
estuarine and wetland habitat and biodiversity - High levels of induced salinity
- Soil degradation
- Declining soil health
- Blue-green algae blooms
- Water quality supply
- Acid drainage from exposed acid sulfate soils
- Air quality
7Climate change a storm in a teacup?
- Data from an Antarctic ice core stretching
through layers dating back 800,000 years reveals
that in the past, it has taken 1000 years for
carbon dioxide to rise by 30 ppm during natural
warming periods the same level of increase has
occurred in the past 17 years. - Eric Wolff, British Antarctic Survey6
September Press Association - The debate over the science of global climate
change is over, according to Shell Oil Co
president in the United States John Hofmeister.
"It's a waste of time to debate it," he said.
"Policy-makers have a responsibility to address
it. The nation needs a public policy. We'll
adjust.7 September Associated Press
8- Modelling of coastal responses to sea level rise
from various NSW locations indicate the potential
for tens of metres of beach erosion over the next
century, potential for erosion in excess of 100
metres during severe storm events - CSIRO 2006
- The speed of climate change in Australia had
caught scientists by surprise, leading water
expert Professor Peter Cullen, from the National
Water Commission, said "I don't think any of us
expected the climate change we have experienced
over the last five years. I was expecting climate
change but I was expecting it to take 30 years,"
he said.4 September News -
9H C C R E M S
Currently14 member councils Conceived
1993 Regional strategy developed
1995 Implementation commenced 1996 Core
funded Attract 2-3m in external grants
annually Currently 9 full time staff
ecologists, botanists, NRM managers, GIS expertise
10- Mechanism for delivering
- Major project work
- Regional environmental outcomes
- Knowledge/skills transfer between Councils
- Capacity Building initiatives
- Effective working partnerships with key
organisations - Voice in regional planning and NRM forums
- Significant funding and resources
- Products and services to member councils
11The Players
- Federal State Agencies
- Councils
- NGOs and community group networks
- Hunter Central Rivers CMA
- Educational Institutions
- Other Institutions..
- Residents
12Policy Planning Tools
Innovations in Environmental Management
Mapping Data
Rural Residential Development Toolkit
Facilitating Networks
Mapping Data Collection
13 Climate Change Research
Biodiversity Conservation
Roadside Environmental Management
Weeds Management
Water Sensitive Urban Design
Capacity Building
14Devising a pattern of landscape use and
management to achieve the best biodiversity
outcomes while helping to facilitate sustainable
regional development.
15 30 LH CC cleared 55 vegetation
communities identified 89 of clearing has
occurred in just 20 communities 21 communities
potentially meet criteria for EEC
16On-ground WorksManaging a Salvinia control
program along 110kms of Wollombi Brook
17Urban Water Cycle Management
18- Water is captured in expensive, large scale dams
delivered to consumers via lengthy pipe
networks. - Pipe networks are expensive to build maintain
and result in adverse environmental impacts. - Replacement value of urban water infrastructure
isi estimated at over 50 billion. - Around 1 of pure drinking water delivered to
homes is actually drunk. - Rainwater falling on roofs is considered to be a
problem .Stormwater is discharged rapidly
carrying pollutants, whilst similar volumes of
water from river systems under stress is imported
into cities.
19- Ensuring that important water cycle
considerations are addressed at the earliest
stages in the urban development process. - Identifying trialling more environmentally
responsive approaches to neighbourhood planning,
subdivision design, site planning and building
design and their implementation. - Embedding these approaches into a range of
everyday planning documents such as subdivision
housing codes to ensure community compliance.
20A Sense of Place
21A Sense of Place
22A Sense of Place
23Environmental Services
24Environmental Services
25Economic Production
26Economic Production
27Issues Impediments to ecological sustainability
- Paradigm shift
- Capacity
- Embracing catchment perspective and whole system
planning. - Competing planning development objectives
- Cumulative impacts
- Public vs private benefit.
- Accurate assessment of triple bottom line.
28Change Management
- From ridicule to acceptance
- Engagement
- Champions coalitions
- Creating political will
- Understanding organisational context
- Communicating effectively
- Developing skills and resources
- Performance management
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