Title: Opening Eyes Opening Minds Opening Hearts
1Opening Eyes Opening Minds Opening Hearts
2International Values Real Skills, Real Benefits
for the Real World
Kevin Morley UWCSEA kmo_at_uwcsea.edu.sg
3IB Learner Profile
- The aim of all IB programmes
- Is to develop internationally
- minded people who,
- recognizing their common
- humanity and shared
- guardianship of the planet,
- help to create a better
- and more peaceful world.
4Internationalist values in the IBO student profile
- Knowledgeable
- Principled
- Open-minded
- Caring
- Balanced
- Reflective
- Inquirers
- Thinkers
- Communicators
- Risk-takers
5UWC Mission Statement
- The United World College Movement makes
education a force - to unite people, nations and cultures for
peace and a sustainable - future.
- We educate individuals to take responsibility
for shaping - a better world.
- the implementation of ideals through action
6DP Students
- Interpersonal skills
- Internationalist values
- Motivated, enthusiastic
- Sense of social justice
- Committed to making a difference
7Skills developed as preparation for 3YO
8The Spread of English
Inner circle e.g. USA, UK, Australia
Expanding circle e.g. Singapore, India, Kenya 350
- 500 million
Outer circle e.g. China, Thailand, Cambodia 100
1,000 million
9Potential audience for ELT in the region
10UWCSEA Staff involvement with ELT Training
- ELT Skills
- Department
- Service
3YO Thailand Cambodia 1
Kenya Cambodia 2 Aceh
11UWCSEA students as potential English Language
- Educated in English
- High proportion of bilingual students
- Linguistic awareness
- Communication skills
- Self-confidence
- Skilled?
- Able to implement these ideals through action and
personal example?
12ELT Opportunities for students at UWCSEA
- Global Concerns Social Service Project Week
- Initiative for Peace 3YO Gap Year
- Project week
- Teaching English
- Student Film
- Who teaches whom?
- Who benefits?
14But what about the implementation?
- Strong desire to contribute to the education of
target communities - Lack of specific skills in order to make useful
contributions. - Frustration What to do?
- Wallflower syndrome
- http//www.telegraph.co.uk/global/main.jhtml?xml
/global/2006/08/16/ngap16.xml - may be doing more harm than good
- "charity tourism".
- They could actually leave their destinations in
a worse state than before they arrived. - Are young people making any long-term difference
to the communities they are working in? - We would not expect young untrained people to
come here and teach our children. So why do - we send untrained people to other countries to
teach English? - People .have to be aware that whatever they do
has an impact on the country they go to."
15Desire to care vs. ability to care
16What is required?
- ELT Teacher training
- Taster Course
- Full course
17Organisation Taster course
- Home made
- Geared to 1st year DP students
- Basic teaching skills
- Input from 3YO
- x3 per year
- 6 sessions _at_1.5 hours
- Basic teaching educational concepts
18Demand for Taster Course
- Taster course
- Social service
- Project Week
- 60 applicants for short course
- Two groups
- Open to all
- Voluntary
- Attendance record criteria for selection for
full course
19Full course
- Joint Venture
- Professional ELT training body
International standing Formal certification/accre
ditation High validity
20Training - Theory
21Some Course Content
- Teaching English to Speakers of
- Other Languages
- Before the how we need to think
- about the context of learning
- 1. Who and Where
- 2. When
- 3. Teaching conditions
- 4. Reasons for learning
- Nevertheless there are underlying
- principals common to all context
- Need to adapt principals to context
- Context of Learning
- Big picture Who and Where
- When frequency, duration and length of English
lessons - Conditions for teaching and learning English
- Reasons for learning English
22Some Course Content
3b. Resources classroom layout
High tech Low tech No tech
Size of class Classroom furniture Flexibility of
classroom Disturbance factors Distance from
23Training Practice
24A Wider Context
- Professional development with local teachers
- Developing ELT syllabus at local level
- Primary
- Secondary
- Syllabi used in training course
- Materials development
- Content of the English course
25Beyond initial training
- 3YO supervision
- Professional Guidance
- Visits
- Set up
- Progress
- Troubleshooting
- On line help
- hi Kevin
- Things at XXX have been going well considering
the many factors working against our establishing
some sense of routine in regards to teachers/
classes / students all being at the same place at
the same time - but it has been going well and I am really loving
the teaching process - '...I've been working with a small group of
intermediates mostly this past week - , our group's main point of anxiety is just HOW
to go about preparing the intermediate group for
their exam in November - we've had some difficulty in getting them onto a
sound schedule that we feel will prepare them
fully for the writing skills test they're are
going to take. - If you could offer any . guidance it would be
greatly appreciated - hope things are well with you, thanks again for
all your help and support
27Other potential areas for teaching
- Sports Youth leadership Maths
- Music Drama Art
28Benefits of Training
- Inquirers
- Knowledgeable
- Thinkers
- Communicators
- Principled
- Open-minded
- Caring
- Risk-takers
- Balanced
- Reflective
- Able to implement these ideals through action and
personal example
29IBO Diploma Relevance
- Knowing languages vs. knowing about languages
- 'Language Studies/ Linguistics
- Group 3 subject
- Alongside Sociology Psychology Philosophy
- Separate to the demands of Group 1 2
- Develop a body of linguistic
- Sociolinguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Language Development in Children
- Global Languages and Language Death
- Semantics
- Complement Social Service and Gap Year
programmes in IB - schools where students might be asked to teach