Title: Options
Chapter 4
2Major Options Exchanges in U.S.
- Chicago Board of Trade
- Chicago Mercantile Exchange
- Kansas City Board of Trade
- New York Cotton Exchange
- Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange
- New York Mercantile Exchange
3What is an Option?
A Contract between two parties that conveys a
right but not an obligation to Buy or Sell a
specific commodity at a specific price within a
specific time period for a premium.
4Types of Options
Sell(Short Obligation to buy
Buy(Long) Right to sell
Buy(Long) Right to buy
Sell(Short) Obligation to sell
5Option Alternatives
6Components of Option Premium
- Intrinsic value
- Time Value
7Components of an Option Premium
- Intrinsic Value
- difference between strike price (SP) and
underlying futures price (FP) - for a Put when SP gt FP
- for a Call when SP lt FP
- Time Value (Extrinsic Value)
- length of time to expiration
8Options that are
- In-the-money
- have intrinsic value
- Out-of-the-money
- have no intrinsic value
9Time Value of Options
10Soybean Option QuotesJanuary 7 Settlement
11Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values for Different
Strike Prices of Call Option
Source Wilson
12Option Premiums for Different Maturities
Source Wilson
13What is an Options Delta?
Delta is the measurement of movement in an
options premium relative to a move in the price
of the underlying futures. Delta is about 0.5
for an option at- the- money. Delta is near or
equal to 1.0 for an option deep
in-the-money. Delta approaches or is equal to
0.0 as an option moves out-of-the-money.
14Option Premiums Strike Prices
Source Wilson
15Minimum Selling Price (MSP)Buying a Put Option
for Corn
- Strike Price 3.00
- at-the-money
- Expected Basis -.20
- Put Option Premium -.18
- MSP 2.62
16Buying Put Option Price Declines
17Buying Put Option Price Increase
18Comparing Marketing Alternatives
Net Farm Price
December Futures Price
19Maximum Buying Price (MBP)Buying a Call Option
for Corn
- Strike Price 2.70
- at-the-money
- Expected Basis -.10
- Call Option Premium .15
- MBP 2.75
20Buying Call Option Price Decline
21Buying Call Option Price Increase
22Buying Call Option Price Increase
23Comparing Marketing Alternatives
Net Price Paid for Feed
December Futures Price for Corn
24Comparing Marketing Alternatives
Your net return if you
Write call with strike price of
Buy Put _at_7.50 for .30
If futures price at expiration is
7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00
Hedge 7.50
Cash Market
Source CBOT