Title: Tennessee Air Quality Update
1TennesseeAir Quality Update
- Presented To
- Tennessee Chamber of Commerce Industry
- October 29, 2009
- Ozone
- Knoxville Area 1997 Standard
- Memphis Area 1997 Standard
- New Ozone Standard Under Development
- Fine Particulate
- Daily Standard Designations (35µg/m3)
- Lead
- Nonattainment Area Recommendations
- Expanded Air Monitoring?
3Knoxville Area1997 Ozone Standard
- A Court Vacature of the EPA Part I 8-Hour Ozone
Rule Eliminated The June 15, 2007 Deadline For
Subpart I Basic Area SIP Submittals. - A Bid For Redesignation To Attainment (2004-2006
Data) Was Submitted, But Withdrawn Because Of
Poor 2005-2007 Data. - EPA Has Proposed To Name The Area Subpart II
Moderate Nonattainment. - Working To Resubmit A Bid For Redesignation To
Attainment (2007-2009 Data) ASAP - Will Be A High Hurdle To Leap
4Memphis Area1997 Ozone Standard
- EPA bumped up the area to a Subpart II Moderate
8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area. - A SIP demonstrating attainment by June 15, 2010
was due to EPA in March 2009. - The local program was able to submit a bid for
redesignation of the area to attainment because
of clean data for the 2006-2008 monitoring
period. - EPA indicates approval is imminent.
5Analysis of A More Stringent 8 Hour Ozone NAAQS
- 1997 Standard - 84 ppb
- 2008 Standard - 75 ppb
- Voluntary Remand Taken By EPA
- 60 to 70 ppb?
- http//www.epa.gov/air/ozonepollution/pdfs/O3_Reco
6(No Transcript)
7O3 Implementation Timeline
- Annual Standard (15µg/m3)
- Daily Standard (35µg/m3)
9(No Transcript)
10PM2.5 SIPsAnnual Standard
- Greater Knoxville Area
- Presented to state air board on April 4, 2008
- Approved and submitted to EPA same day
- Greater Chattanooga Area
- Being prepared by the Chattanooga local air
program with oversight by TDEC-APC - Includes portions of GA AL
- Board adopted on October 14, 2009
11EPA Region 4 PM2.5 24 Hour NAAQS Nonattainment
12EPA National PM2.5 24 Hour NAAQS Nonattainment
13Lead NAAQS
- Theres A New Standard In Town
- Old Standard 1.5 ug/m3
- New Standard 0.15 ug/m3
- Link To EPA Fact Sheet For More Information
- http//epa.gov/air/lead/pdfs/20081015pbfactsheet.p
14Ambient Air Monitoring For Lead May Be Expanded
- Link To EPA Fact Sheet Explaining EPAs
Reconsideration Of The Lead Monitoring Rule - http//epa.gov/air/lead/pdfs/leadMonitoringReconsi
15Tennessees Recommendation For Lead Nonattainment
16Graphic Of Proposed Sullivan County Partial Lead
Nonattainment Area
Quincy Styke III (615) 532-0562