Title: Business Continuity Strategies for Small
1Business Continuity Strategiesfor Small
Medium Sized Companies
- Continuity Insights
- Management Conference 2005
- Strategies for Ensuring Quality BCP
- Tips, Tools Techniques to
- Prevent
- Mitigate
- Recover
- Youve been to a few other sessions
- You know the definition of disaster
- Youve heard enough about natural, human and
technology disasters - A business by any other name is still a
business - Business continuity by any other name is still
saving your assets
- Salient Characteristics of SMB
- Five Threats that can Sink a SMB
- Five Principles for Staying Afloat
Experience is a good teacher, but the fees are
very high. W.R. Inge
5Salient Characteristics of SMB
- Under Resourced
- Financial
- Human
- Technology
- Simplicity Necessity
- Fragile Reputation
- Family Business
Success requires resiliency a survivor
65 Threats that can Sink a SMB
- Intellectual Property
- Product Liability
- Workplace Violence
- Supply Chain
- Continuance
A good scare is worth more than good advice
75 Principles for Staying Afloat
- Pace Fast
- Panic Never
- Preparation - Vital
- Priorities Clear
- Practice - Often
Every time theres a disaster, small companies
are pushed over the edge. Paul
Calvin, Univ. Chgo
8Principle 1 Pace - Fast
- 1st Hour Saves Lives
- 1st 24 Hours Saves Technology and Paper
- 1st 48 Hours Saves Your Reputation
9Principle 2 Panic - Never
- Each crisis is an opportunity to exceed
stakeholders expectations - The time to plan is when you have a cool head
not in the middle of a crisis
10Principle 3 Preparation - Vital
- Goals
- Who to Involve
- What to Prepare
- Risk Decisions
- Communications
- Training
11Principle 4 Priorities - Clear
12Principle 5 Practice - Often
1310 Strategies to Ensure Quality BCP
- Be Systematic
- Ask Critical Questions
- Place Value on Each Critical Asset
- Set Clear Priorities
- Establish Business Recovery Objectives
- Take Time to Learn About Options
1410 Strategies to Ensure Quality BCP
- Be Wary of Fill-in-the-Blank Plans
- Spend on
- People and Data
- Prevention, Mitigation, then Recovery
- Appoint a Second-in-Command
- Make BCP Part of Your Company Culture
15Tips, Tools Techniques Prevention
- Protect assets
- Regulations
- Employees
- Value data
- Environment
- Name
- Technology
16Tips, Tool Techniques Mitigation
- Minimalism
- Incident management
- Training
- Insurance
- Go kits
- Alarms
- Technology
- Employees
17Tips, Tools Techniques Recovery
- Relocate
- Expenses
- Communications
- Opportunities
- Valuable partners
- Employee assistance
- Reporting
18Your Turn
19Irene Rozansky, CEORA Crisis Management