Title: Lecture VIII Band theory dr hab. Ewa Popko
1Lecture VIIIBand theorydr hab. Ewa Popko
2Band Theory
- The calculation of the allowed electron states in
a solid is referred to as band theory or band
structure theory. - To obtain the full band structure, we need to
solve Schrödingers equation for the full lattice
potential. This cannot be done exactly and
various approximation schemes are used. We will
introduce two very different models, the nearly
free electron and tight binding models. - We will continue to treat the electrons as
independent, i.e. neglect the electron-electron
3Bound States in atoms
Electrons in isolated atoms occupy discrete
allowed energy levels E0, E1, E2 etc. . The
potential energy of an electron a distance r from
a positively charge nucleus of charge q is
4Bound and free states in solids
The 1D potential energy of an electron due to an
array of nuclei of charge q separated by a
distance a is Where n 0, /-1, /-2 etc. This
is shown as the black line in the figure.
E2 E1 E0
V(r) Solid
V(r) lower in solid (work function). Naive
picture lowest binding energy states can become
free to move throughout crystal
5Energy Levels and Bands
- Isolated atoms have precise allowed energy
levels. - In the presence of the periodic lattice
potential bands of allowed states are separated
by energy gaps for which there are no allowed
energy states. - The allowed states in conductors can be
constructed from combinations of free electron
states (the nearly free electron model) or from
linear combinations of the states of the isolated
atoms (the tight binding model).
6Influence of the lattice periodicity
In the free electron model, the allowed energy
states are  where for periodic boundary
conditions  nx , ny and ny positive or negative
Periodic potential Exact form of potential is
complicated Has property V(r R) V(r) where R
m1a m2b m3c where m1, m2, m3 are integers
and a ,b ,c are the primitive lattice vectors.
7Waves in a periodic lattice
Recall X-ray scattering in Solid State nl
2asina Consider a wave, wavelength l moving
through a 1D lattice of period a. Strong
backscattering for nl 2a Backscattered waves
constructively interfere. Wave has wavevector k
Scattering potential period a
1D lattice Bragg condition is k np/a (n
integer) 3D lattice Scattering for k to k'
occurs if k' k G where G ha1 ka2 la3
h,k,l integer and a1 ,a2 ,a3 are the primitive
reciprocal lattice vectors
8Real and Reciprocal Lattice Spaces
- R for a crystal can be expressed in general as
- Rn1a1n2a2n3a3 where a1, a2 and a3 are the
primitive lattice vectors and n1,n2 and n3 are
integers - Corresponding to a1, a2 and a3 there are three
primitive reciprocal lattice vectors b1, b2 and
b3 defined in terms of a1, a2 and a3 by
9Bragg scattering energy gaps
- 1D potential period a. Reciprocal lattice
vectors G 2n p/a - A free electron of in a state exp( ipx/a), (
rightward moving wave) will be Bragg reflected
since k p/a and a left moving wave exp( -ipx/a)
will also exist. - In the nearly free electron model allowed
un-normalised states for k p/a are - ?() exp(ipx/a) exp( - ipx/a) 2 cos(px/a)
- ?(-) exp(ipx/a) - exp( - ipx/a) 2i sin(px/a)
N.B. Have two allowed states for same k which
have different energies
10Reciprocal lattice
- Use of reciprocal lattice space
- Wave vectors k for Bloch waves lie in the
reciprocal lattice space. - Translation symmetrygt a Bloch wave can be
characterized by two wavevectors (or wavelengths)
provided they differ by a reciprocal lattice
vector! - Example in 1D
- Suppose kk(2p/a) then Fk(x)exp(ikx)u(x)
- and Fk(x)exp(ikx)u(x)exp(ikx)exp(i2px/a)u(x)
exp(ikx)u(x) - essentially have the same wavelength
11Cosine solution lower energy than sine solution
Cosine solution ?() has maximum electron
probability density at minima in potential.
Sine solution ?(-) has maximum electron
probability density at maxima in potential.
In a periodic lattice the allowed wavefunctions
have the property where R is any real lattice
12Magnitude of the energy gap
Let the lattice potential be approximated
by  Let the length of the crystal in the
x-direction to be L. Note that L/a is the number
of unit cells and is therefore an integer.
Normalising the wavefunction ?()
Acos(px/a) gives  so  Solving Schrödingers
equation with  Â
13Gaps at the Brillouin zone boundaries
At points A ?() 2 cos(px/a) and
E(hk)2/2me - V0/2 . At points B ?(-)
2isin(px/a) and E(hk)2/2me V0/2 .
14Bloch States
- In a periodic lattice the allowed wavefunctions
have the property - where R is any real lattice vector.
- Therefore
- Â
- where the function ?(R) is real, independent of
r, and dimensionless. - Â
- Now consider ?(r R1 R2). This can be written
- Â
- Or
- Therefore
- a (R1 R2) ?(R1) ?(R2)
- Â
- ?(R) is linear in R and can be written ?(R)
kxRx kyRy kzRz k.R. where - kx, ky and kz are the components of some
wavevector k so - (Blochs Theorem)Â
15Alternative form of Blochs Theorem
- (Blochs Theorem)
- For any k one can write the general form of any
wavefunction as -
- Â
- where u(r) has the periodicity ( translational
symmetry) of the lattice. This is an alternative
statement of Blochs theorem.
Real part of a Bloch function. ? eikx for a
large fraction of the crystal volume.
16Bloch Wavefunctions allowed k-states
Periodic boundary conditions. For a cube of side
L we require ?(x L) ?(x) etc.. So but
u(xL) u(x) because it has the periodicity of
the lattice therefore Therefore i.e. kx 2p
nx/L nx integer. Same allowed k-vectors for Bloch
states as free electron states. Bloch states are
not momentum eigenstates i.e. The allowed states
can be labelled by a wavevectors k. Band
structure calculations give E(k) which determines
the dynamical behaviour.
17Nearly Free Electrons
Construct Bloch wavefunctions of electrons out of
plane wave states.
- Need to solve the Schrödinger equation. Consider
1D - write the potential as a Fourier sum
- where G 2?n/a and n are positive and negative
integers. Write a general Bloch function - where g 2?m/a and m are positive and negative
integers. Note the periodic function is also
written as a Fourier sum - Must restrict g to a small number of values to
obtain a solution. - For n 1 and 1 and m0 and 1, and k p/a
- E(hk)2/2me or - V0/2
18Tight Binding Approximation
- NFE Model construct wavefunction as a sum over
plane waves. - Tight Binding Model construct wavefunction as a
linear combination of atomic orbitals of the
atoms comprising the crystal. - Where f(r) is a wavefunction of the isolated atom
- rj are the positions of the atom in the crystal.
19Molecular orbitals and bonding
- Consider a electron in the ground, 1s, state of a
hydrogen atom - The Hamiltonian is
- Solving Schrödingers equation
- E E1s -13.6eV
20Hydrogen Molecular Ion
- Consider the H2 molecular ion in which
- one electron experiences the potential
- of two protons. The Hamiltonian is
- We approximate the electron wavefunctions as
- and
21Bonding andanti-bonding states
- Solution
- E E1s g(R) for
- E E1s g(R) for
- g(R) - a positive function
- Two atoms original 1s state
- leads to two allowed electron
- states in molecule.
- Find for N atoms in a solid have N allowed energy
22The tight binding approximation for s states
Solution leads to the E(k) dependence!! 1D
23E(k) for a 3D lattice
- Simple cubic nearest neighbour atoms at
- Â
- So E(k) - a -2g(coskxa coskya coskza)
- Minimum E(k) - a -6g
- for kxkykz0
- Maximum E(k) - a 6g
- for kxkykz/-p/2
- Bandwidth Emav- Emin 12g
- For k ltlt p/a
- cos(kxx) 1- (kxx)2/2 etc.
- E(k) constant (ak)2g/2
- c.f. E (hk)2/me
Behave like free electrons with effective mass
24Each atomic orbital leads to a band of allowed
states in the solid
25Independent Bloch states
Solution of the tight binding model is periodic
in k. Apparently have an infinite number of
k-states for each allowed energy state. In fact
the different k-states all equivalent.
- Bloch states
- Let k k? G where k? is in the first
Brillouin zone - and G is a reciprocal lattice vector.
- But G.R 2?n, n-integer. Definition of the
reciprocal lattice. So - k? is exactly equivalent to k.
The only independent values of k are those in the
first Brillouin zone.
26Reduced Brillouin zone scheme
The only independent values of k are those in the
first Brillouin zone.
Results of tight binding calculation
Results of nearly free electron calculation
Reduced Brillouin zone scheme
27Extended, reduced and periodic Brillouin zone
Periodic Zone Reduced
Zone Extended Zone All
allowed states correspond to k-vectors in the
first Brillouin Zone. Can draw E(k) in 3
different ways
28The number of states in a band
- Independent k-states in the first Brillouin zone,
i.e. ?kx? lt ?/a etc. - Finite crystal only discrete k-states allowed
- Monatomic simple cubic crystal, lattice constant
a, and volume V. - One allowed k state per volume (2?)3/V in
k-space. -
- Volume of first BZ is (2?/a)3
- Total number of allowed k-states in a band is
Precisely N allowed k-states i.e. 2N electron
states (Pauli) per band This result is true for
any lattice each primitive unit cell
contributes exactly one k-state to each band.
29Metals and insulators
- In full band containing 2N electrons all states
within the first B. Z. are occupied. The sum of
all the k-vectors in the band 0. - A partially filled band can carry current, a
filled band cannot - Insulators have an even integer number
- of electrons per primitive unit cell.
- With an even number of electrons per
- unit cell can still have metallic behaviour
- due to band overlap.
- Overlap in energy need not occur
- in the same k direction
31Bands in 3D
- In 3D the band structure is much more complicated
than in 1D because crystals do not have spherical
symmetry. - The form of E(k) is dependent upon the direction
as well as the magnitude of k.
Figure removed to reduce file size