Title: South Great Plain Regional Development Agency
1 - South Great Plain Regional Development Agency
- Mr. Antal Ördögh
- Project manager
- Szeged, 16th of April 2007
2SGPRDA- About the Agency I. -
- The Agency
- has been founded in 1997
- is the labour organisation of the Council
- is cooperating in the management of operative
regional tasks - is cooperating in the management of regional
funded and Structural Fund based tender procedure
3SGPRDA- About the Agency II. -
- Activities
- Development of the human and economic resources,
as well as the environmental state of the South
Great Plain with the synthesis of the regional
development tasks - Promoting the cooperation between the actors
interested in regional development, while finding
the common interests and tasks - Learning the European best practices in regional
development, with special emphasis on the wide
use of the regional development policies - Concentrating more significant national and
European resources on regional development,
raising the territorial effectiveness of the
investments - With the promotion of the cross border
cooperations accelerating the regional
development - With the support of the cooperation of the three
component counties (Bács-Kiskun, Csongrád and
Békés), harmonising, and promoting the regional
development policies. - With the help of our project organising role,
supporting the organisations actively
participating in regional economic development
(Chambers, Enterprise Promotion Foundations, ITDH
etc.) - Organising and coordinating regional marketing
activities in order to influence the regional
recognition and image.
4SGPRDA - INTERREG experiences -
- Running projects
- AFP sub-project of TOWER INTERREG III C
- Future projects
5TOWER- Towards Sustainable Excellence by
Innovating Regions -
- The main goal of this regional framework
operation involving five European regions is to
bring together innovative actions and tools which
have already been tested on a national level and
let these be tested in a European context. By
these actions it supports sustainability of
economic growth in regions, technology transfer
to SMEs, setting up competitive and
knowledge-based entrepreneurship in the regions. - INTERREG IIIC project
- Partners Östra Mellansverige (Sweden), North
West England (UK), Gelderland (the Netherlands),
Rhone-Alpes (France) - Main activities regional coordination, managing
sub-projects, conferences, seminars, meetings,
preparation of website, brochures
6AFP - Analysis, Forecasting, Planning -
- This is one of twelve sub-projects running in the
frame of TOWER RFO. The sub-project has all the
five regions of TOWER as partners. The
sub-project follows the whole process of regional
planning in the five regions. The overall goal of
it is to collect and compare best practices of
partner regions in regional visioning, planning
and implementation. - Partners Östra Mellansverige (Sweden), North
West England (UK), Gelderland (the Netherlands),
Rhone-Alpes (France) - Main activities seminars, conferences, surveys,
collection of best practices, making a
best-practice guide
7INNOCOOPESS - Innovative cross-border
cooperation in economy Subotica-Szeged -
- Supporting SMEs of the two border-regions and
facilitating cross-border business connections
(South Great Plain and Backa) through
cross-border cooperation. Organising mutual
business trips, educational programmes,
facilitate economic cooperation between
institutions of two neighbour countries. - INTERREG III A project
- Partners Regional Center for the Development of
Small and Medium Enterprises and Entrepreneurship
- Subotica, LLC Subotica, - Main activities study tours, partnership
building meetings, trainings
8Future projects
9RELOAD - Regional Elements in Logistics
Opportunities Assessment and Development -
- Within the framework of the project the
cooperation of the South Great Plain Region and
Vojvodina Region is carried out in the field of
logistics. The activities of the project are
aiming at familiarizing with and harmonizing of
the logisitics concept of the two regions. The
cooperating experts will be harmonizing the two
regions logistics concept by preparing a joint
logistics strategy. - INTERREG IIIA project
- Partners Open University LLc Subotica Regional
Center for the Development of Small and Medium
Enterprises and Entrepreneurship - Subotica, LLC
Subotica Regional Agency for the Development of
Small and Medium Enterprises ALMA MONS, Ltd. Novi
Sad Provincial Secretary of Economy - Main activities seminars, conferences, surveys,
study trips
10CANIDEKT - Crossborder Agencies Network for
Innovative Development and Knowledge Transfer -
- The proposed action is aimed at strengthening the
business and innovation support infrastructure
and business co-operation through the
establishment of two Innovation Agencies. This
will contribute to the improvement of
cross-border co-operation of innovative
businesses and the development of a cross-border
Innovation Support Network with the Hungarian
partners DARFT and consortium BIOPOLIS. RCSMEED
Subotica intends to establish an Innovation
Agency and form a network of innovation support
organisations in Vojvodina that will link
together with the Hungarian cross-border
innovation consortium. - INTERREG IIIA project
- Partners Regional Center for the Development of
Small and Medium Enterprises and Entrepreneurship
- Subotica, LLC Subotica, - Regional Agency for the Development of Small and
Medium Enterprises ALMA MONS, Ltd. Novi Sad, - Faculty of Technical Sciences- Novi Sad
- Main activities seminars, conferences, surveys,
trainings, advising
11TOWER II - the new TOWER -
- Existing partnership
- All partners are involved and interested
- Main topics innovation, regional economy
development, supporting technology transfer, SME
development - In the framework of INTERREG IV (?)
12 - Thank you for your kind attention!
- Mr. Antal Ördögh
- South Great Plain Regional Development Agency
- 6720 Szeged, Oroszlán u. 2.
- Tel 36 62 549-597
- Fax 36 62 549-599
- E-mail ordogh_at_del-alfold.hu
- Website www.del-alfold.hu