Title: Applied Algorithms and Optimization
1Applied Algorithms and Optimization
Gabriel Robins Department of Computer
ScienceUniversity of Virginiawww.cs.virginia.e
2Make everything as simple as possible, but not
simpler. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Short sweet
Quick dirty
Slowly but surely
Too little, too late
5VLSI Design
Physical Layout
7Trends in Interconnect
8Steiner Trees
9Steiner Trees
Steiner Trees
10Iterated 1-Steiner Algorithm
Q Given pointset S, which point p minimizes
MST(S È p) ?
Algorithmic idea Iterate!
Theorem Optimal for 4 points
Theorem Solutions cost lt 3/2 OPT
Theorem Solutions cost 4/3 OPT for
difficult pointsets
In practice Solution cost is within 0.5 of OPT
on average
11Group Steiner Problem
Theorem o(log groups) OPT approximation is
NP-hard Theorem Efficient solution with cost
O(( groups)e) OPT " egt0
12Graph Steiner Problem
Algorithm Loss-Contracting polynomial-time
approximation Theorem 1 (ln 3)/2 1.55 OPT
for general graphs Theorem 1.28 OPT for
quasi-bipartite graphs Currently best-known won
the 2007 SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize
13Bounded Radius Trees
- Algorithm
- Input
- points / graph
- any e gt 0
- Output tree T with
- radius(T) (1e) OPT
- cost(T) (12/e) OPT
14Low-Degree Spanning Trees
MST 1 cost 8 max degree 8
MST 2 cost 8 max degree 4
Theorem max degree 4 is always achievable in 2D
Theorem max degree 14 is always achievable in 3D
15Low-Skew Trees
16Circuit Testing
Theorem leaves / 2 probes are necessary
Theorem leaves / 2 probes are sufficient
Algorithm linear time
17Improving Manufacturability
Theorem extremal density windows all lie on
Hanan grid Algorithms efficient fill analyses
and generation for VLSI Enabled startup company
Blaze DFM Inc. - www.blaze-dfm.com
18Landmine Detection
19Moving-Target TSP
20Moving-Target TSP
Theorem waiting can never help Algorithms
efficient exact solution for 1-dimension
efficient heuristics for other variants
21Robust Paths
22Minimum Surfaces
23Evolutionary Trees
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
25Discovering New Proteins
26Primer Selection Problem
Input set of DNA sequences Output minimal
set of covering primers Theorem
NP-complete Theorem W(log sequences)OPT
within P-time Heuristic O(log sequences)OPT
27Genome Tiling Microarrays
Algorithms efficient DNA replication timing
analyses Papers in Science, Nature, Genome
28Radio-Frequency Identification
29UVa Computer Science
30Lets Collaborate!
- What I offer
- Practical problems ideas
- Experience mentoring
- Infrastructure support
- What I need
- PhD students
- Dedication hard work
- Creativity maturity
- Goal your success!
31Gabe aiming to solve a tough problem for
details see www.cs.virginia.edu/robins/dssg
32Proof Low-Degree MSTs
33You want proof? Ill give you proof!
34Proof Low-Degree MSTs
Output MST over P
Idea MST(P) MST(P)
35I think you should be more explicit here
in step two.
36Low-Degree MSTs in 3D
Partition space
Input 3D pointset P Find MST(P)
- Theorem max MST degree in 3D is 6 8 14
- Theorem lower bound on max MST degree in 3D is ³
37On the flight deck of the nuclear aircraft
carrier USS Eisenhower out in the Atlantic ocean
38On the bridge of the nuclear aircraft carrier USS
39At the helm of the SSBN nuclear missile submarine
USS Nebraska
40Refueling a B-1 bomber in mid-air from a KC-135
41Aboard an M-1 tank at the National Training
Center, Fort Erwin
42At U.S. Strategic Command Headquarters, Colorado
43Pentagon meeting with U.S. Secretary of Defense
Bill Perry
44Patch of the Defense Science Study Group (DSSG)
45(No Transcript)
46UVa Computer Science
47UVa Computer Science
48Density Analysis
Theorem extremal density windows all lie on
Hanan grid
- Input
- nn layout
- k rectangles
- ww window
Output all extremal density ww windows