Title: A1258567956DhmqT
1 Production Team for this channel Arnaud
Balandras Jérôme Coss Steve
Muanza Generation 5 Pt Hat bins with 10 K
events each ( 3 10 30 50 100 GeV )
GEN/D0G/SIM files on HPSS Ntuples
made with MC_exam Jet algCone 0.7 /
EMScone Nota Bene Very Preliminary results
No b-tagging nor tracking Versions PMC03 /
PSIM01 / t01.14.00
2 Other productions of the team Z(?ll) jet
by Steve/Arnaud Gen2x65 K events
Sim/Ntuples in progress mSUGRA AJS
squarks/gluinos pairs (10 K events)
hemispheric events (10 K events) QCD
AJS Pt gt 5 GeV 10 K events Pt gt
20 GeV 10 K events On web http//lyoinfo.in2p
3 Analysis ? in Central part of the Calo
id est 1lt?lt1 ? not in cracks of modules
(modulo ?/16) bjet in CC 0.7lt ?lt0.7
Min ?? between ? and bjet is 120?
Pt(?) gt 5 GeV Pt(bjet) gt 5 GeV
4 Pt of the photon and the bjet
5 ? of the photon and the b-jet
6 Calibration with ?bjet
? of the photon and the b-jet
7 Calibration with ?bjet
Pt Asymmetry
8 Calibration with ?bjet
Acoplanarity between ? and b-jet
9 Calibration with ?bjet
Estimated Energy
10 Calibration with ?bjet
E prime versus gen. Energy of ?
11 Calibration with ?bjet
12Calibration with ?bjet
Reconstructed Pt versus generated Pt
13Calibration with ?bjet
Pt reconstructed over Pt generated
14 Next to do Production with new releases
(at least P05) for trig sim Modify scripts ?
Sim starting from D0G (different Min
Biais) Problems with HUGE Logfiles Why not
a standard light Logfile ? Status pages on
WEB JA ? script UNIX to submit more easily
Mcrunjob Nota Bene no quality cuts on ?
and loose cuts on bjet