Title: eMaintenance%20solution%20for%20the%20%20Vending%20Industry
1eMaintenance solutionfor the Vending
2e-Vending Vending Managementfrom the Desktop
Technology Overview
Decade Predominant Technology
60s Mainframes
70s Mini Computers
80s Personal Computers
90s Internet for people
2000 Internet for Devices
and beyond
In the 21st Century, internet-enabled appliances
will dominate the technology space - paving the
way for electronic maintenance.
Source IDC
3e-Vending Vending Managementfrom the Desktop
Devices World Sdn BhdYour Embedded Internet
Partner Recognizing the potential of the Embedded
Internet Space, we have pioneered a cutting edge
e-Maintenance application complete with hardware
and software solution.
- DevicesWorld.net
- An integrated e-Maintenance portal with
comprehensive software solutions for various
- Internet Access Devices
- A comprehensive range of hardware to
Internet-enable your legacy appliances. You have
a choice of wired or wireless Internet
We provide real-time interactivity between man
and machines over the Net
4e-Vending Vending Managementfrom the Desktop
Stock Level Report
Vending Activity Log
Dispatch Activity Log
Machine Status Report
5e-Vending Vending Managementfrom the Desktop
One Gateway 16 Machines 1000m Apart
Telephone Line
Hardware Features
7e-Vending Vending Managementfrom the Desktop
e-Vending Features
- Real Time Reporting of Faults, Alarms other
- Ability to Monitor AND Control any Vending Machine
- Remote tracking of field personnels activities
- Comprehensive data logging for auditing purposes
- Integrated administrative, technical and
accounting functions
- Information accessible from any Internet
- Extremely cost effective, riding on Internet
DevicesWorld e-VendingBringing the Vending
Industry into the Internet Age
8e-Vending Vending Managementfrom the Desktop
Well Stocked Machines
Reduce Faulty Machines
Increase Operating Efficiency
Improved Bottom Line
Bringing all your Vending Machines to your Desktop