Title: The Baptist Way: A Personal Perspective
1The Baptist WayA Personal Perspective
2Southern Baptist Polity
- Why Baptists do things the way they do
- Specifically
3The Baptist Identity
- Doctrinal Agreement
- Cooperative Missions
- Autonomous Organization
4- No controlling external authority except
Christ and His Word
5Church is responsible legally and morally
6adopted by SBC
created by SBC
all with Organizational Autonomy
7SBC ownership rights exercised
Decisive Influence
Operational Control
- elects trustees
- determines ministry assignment
- determines business/financial plan
- approves charter
- endorses budget
8Duly elected Trustees exercise complete control
and supervision of entity operations.
Operational Control
9Southern Baptists feel this is as close as we can
get to a New Testament model incorporating our
doctrinal convictions about the Lordship of
Christ and the authority of Scripture into an
organizational structure for the Convention and
its entities.
10Baptist Polity Preserves
- Convention ownership and accountability
- submission to God and guidance from His Word
11Significance of Organizational Autonomy
- Provides checks and balances in all areas of
Baptist life
12Location of SBC Entities
13Significance of Organizational Autonomy
- Provides checks and balances in all areas of
Baptist life
- Avoids temptations of centralized power or
14- Southern Baptists have confidence in their
leaders, but they have always resisted the
centralization of power and the temptations that
centralized power brings.
15Significance of Organizational Autonomy
- Provides checks and balances in all areas of
Baptist life - Avoids temptations of centralized power or
- Local church retains central role
16The Alternative
17The Conservative Resurgence
Organizational Autonomy Illustrated
- was a Grassroots Movement of SBC churches
- pulled entities back from a drift to the left
- anchored entities firmly in historic Baptist
18Organizational Autonomy
- SBC exercised decisive influence
- Trustees exercised operational control
19The most profound and significant course
correction in the history of American
Christianity was not a hard and fast power play,
but rather a long, slow application of Baptist
polity by Baptist people working to address a
Baptist problem in a Baptist way.
20Terminology Changed
for Legal Protection
21Requirements of Organizational Autonomy
- Oversight and Provision
- Oversight is provided by Trustees selected
through vigilant process of SBC - Provision is provided by the Cooperative Program
22no problems
problems possible
problems likely
23At the SBC Level
- Weak Oversight (Trustee Selection)
- Strong Provision (Cooperative Program)
- Entities Accepted Change
24At the State Level
- Weak Oversight (Trustee Selection)
- Weak Provision (Cooperative Program)
- Some Entities Refused Change
25no problems
problems possible
problems likely
26Vigilant Oversight and Provision are Necessary
for Organizational Autonomy to Work
27Sole Membership
and Baptist Polity
- Sole membership replaces organizational autonomy
with connectionalism
Direct Control by SBC
Decisive Influence of SBC
28The problem is not the size of the step.The
problem is the direction of the step.
Rarely is the first step in a new direction the
last step
29Conservative Resurgence Strategy
- Based on changing entity Trustees
- Never any effort to make sweeping changes on
30The primary theological issue behind our emphasis
on organizational autonomy is radical commitment
to the supreme authority of Christ and His Word.
31There ARE risks involved in Organizational
- Accept rather than avoid them
- Explore alternatives to sole membership
- Create an environment which makes any change in
the SBC-Entity relationship unthinkable - Consider the risks of sole membership
32The Baptist Way
the stuff of legend
- No Leader, but Growth
- No Voice, but Vision
- No Control, but Shared Passion
33- The truth of the matter is this We found in the
work of our churches the agenda for our
Convention. We heard in the voices of our pastors
and people the vision being cast for our future.
34What really needs fixing?
- The Baptist Way has been effective
- Plain enough for consistency
- Flexible enough for growth
- Strong enough for unity
35What happens next?
- The decision is complicated
- It will be made carefully
- It will be made prayerfully
- God will guide the choice
- Once made, we will move on with grace and peace
This is the Baptist Way
36(No Transcript)