Title: Frequency Spectrum
1Frequency Spectrum Proponent Office (FSPO)
Mr. Matt Cullen Chief FSPO CML (706) 791-0330
DSN 780-0330 E-mail cullenm_at_gordon.army.mil
2FSPO Mission
TRADOCs proponent and principle source of
expertise for the coordination of combat
development projects in the field of radio
frequency (RF) spectrum use and management.
Support TRADOC in all matters concerning
frequency spectrum doctrine, organizations,
training, leader development, materiel
requirements, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF)
for all RF dependent systems to include
communications, non-communications and sensors.
Ensure requirements documents adequately address
spectrum access and spectrum certification in
order to ensure spectrum access for current and
Objective Force C4ISR systems.
3FSPO Responsibilities
- Doctrine the plan for how the Army conducts
operations - Organization TOEs TDAs - people and equipment
- Training
- Material the equipment capabilities required to
implement the mission - Leadership Development Education
- Personnel
- Facilities
4FSPO Responsibilities
- Doctrine - Review Signal and other proponent
doctrinal publications for frequency spectrum
implications. - Maintain doctrinal relevance by
continually updating FM 6-02.70, Spectrum
Management, with the emerging Objective Force
operational concepts. - Organizations - Review Force Integration and
Design documents to ensure spectrum management
requirements for personnel and equipment are met.
- Recommend force structure updates to meet new
requirements associated with increased spectrum
access requirements. - Training - Review D9 curriculum to ensure
currency with changing doctrine and new systems
fielding. - Inject Officer and Warrant Officers
courses with spectrum management skills required
for advanced technologies.
5FSPO Responsibilities (Cont.)
- Materiel Requirements Review all TRADOC
requirements documents to identify spectrum
implications. - Develop a spectrum management
architecture that provides an integrated
frequency management/assignment capability
throughout the Army. - Leader Development Institutionalize awareness
of spectrum as a limited resource in leadership
courses throughout TRADOC. - - Develop articles for TRADOC and Army
publications. - Personnel Pursue the establishment of a
separate spectrum manager MOS that allows career
progression with competitive promotion
opportunities from SSG through SGM. - Facilities Develop the CONOPS and architecture
that underlies the Armys Frequency Management
6FSPO Organization
7FSPO Actions
- Review Requirements Documents JTRS, WIN-T, FCS,
JNMS - Doctrine Cdrs Guide FM 6-2.70-1 CONOPS
- MOS Proposal
- Force Structure Transformation (UA / UE)
- BSM Instruction
8Future Force Layered Communications
Commercial / HAAVs
Matthew Cullen, FSPO Chief 706-791-0330 DSN
780-0330 cullenm_at_us.army.mil Mr. Shawn
Sweeney 706 791-3947 DSN 780-3947 Shawn.patrick.s
weeney_at_us.army.mil Mr. Ed Francis, ASMO LNO to
Signal Center 706 791-1178 DSN
780-1178 Ed.francis_at_us.army.mil