Title: A
1A D
2All allow permanent changes to the OCLC MASTER
bibliographic record
Enhance Enrich Upgrade
3(No Transcript)
4Fixed field element ElvlA note about encoding
- blank Full level (national agencies)
- 1 - Full-level, material not examined
- 2 - Less-than-full level, material not examined
- 3 - Abbreviated level usually for a particular
project - 4 - Core-level (related 042)
- 5 - Partial (preliminary) level (not final)
- 7 minimal level
- 8 Prepublication level
- I - Full-level
- K - Less-than-full
- L Full-level input added from a batch process
- M Less-than-full added from a batch process
- E System-identified MARC error in batchloaded
record - J - Deleted record
5Cataloging levels defined
- Full Records that meet the requirements of
second-level description (AACR2 1998 rev., rule
1.0D2). Input full records whenever possible. - Minimal Records that meet the requirements of
first-level description (rule 1.0D1). - Core Records that meet at least the requirements
of first-level description (rule 1.0D1) and meet
some requirements of second-level description
(rule 1.0D2). Less-than-full standard, but is
more inclusive than Minimal-level. Optional use
it as appropriate.
6Other cataloging level elements
- ISBD punctuation
- Verify AACR2/compatible headings in authority
files - Added entries
- Subject entries
7Authorization modes
8(No Transcript)
- Must apply to OCLC for authorization
- Regular
- National Level Enhance all enc lvls including
ltblankgt and 1 (e.g., LC and NLM) - Add and modify all editable fields of a record,
included fixed field and 040 (a and b, not c) - CANNOT
- Delete master record
- Enhance serial records
- Full-level authorization (or higher), upgrade the
following to I or K enc lvl - K, M, 2, 3, 4, (without field 042), 5 or 7
- upgrade K level to I
- Check tagging and subfield coding, filing
indicators where present and forms of headings
(note this list doesnt include call numbers) - Do Not replace record to only change call number
- Do Not delete existing data unless incorrect
- Cannot upgrade serial
11Enrich the master record by adding any of the
following to any record (except authenticated
- 006 (Addl material characteristics)
- 007 (physical desc FF)
- 020 (ISBN)
- 022 (ISSN)
- 027 (standard technical report number)
- 028 (Publisher number)
- 030 (CODEN designation)
- 041 Language code
- 043 (geographic area code)
- 052 (geographic classification
- 088 (report number)
- 538 (System detail note)
These fields may be edited if already in record
12Enrich the master record by adding any of the
following to any record (except authenticated
serial)BASED ON 2 (Source)
- 024 (other standard identifier)
- 084 (other classification number)
- 655 (Index term-genre/form)
- 656 (Index term-Occupation)
- 657 (Index Term-function)
- Edit existing, or add if fields with the same
tag and same value 2 not already present
13Enrich the master record by adding (except to
authenticated serial)
- 300 to CIP records (coding lvl 8)
- Call numbers and subject headings in schemes if
not already present - Add 856 (Electronic Location and Access), or edit
if already present
14For all changes
- Dont alter a record to represent a different bib
entity if in doubt - Edit for local use, or,
- Input a new record
- If in doubt that your information is correct,
report it as an error to OCLC - Dont modify or delete call numbers and subject
headings not used in your library
15Other Options
- Report errors
- FF Type and BLvl change filing indicator
changes, duplicate records. - via email or online (CatME, later versions of
ConXC) Proof needed for t.p. changes, for exp. - Correct your own master record if no other
holdings - Opt for local edit only
- Do NOT input a new record unless bibliographic
information warrants it! - Serials you can close-out, link, edit and/or
correct full-level non-CONSER serial records with
10 or fewer holdings
16How to change the master record
- Lock the OCLC bibliographic record (recommended,
but not necessary in all cases) - Edit the record
- Replace the record
- Add local information if necessary
- Take final action on the record (update or
produce, for example) - See Chapter 4, Cataloging Service User Guide
17Getting more information
- Bibliographic Formats and Standards, Chapter 5,
Quality Assurance - OCLC Cataloging Service User Guide, especially
Chapter 4, Replace Master Records - Technical Bulletin no. 246 (has links to both BFS
and the service guide)