Title: A1258590166nMqrF
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5Group Consultation
Ive identified the problem(client discloses
sexual assault as a minor)
What are the potential issues involved?
6Section B ConfidentialityB. 1 .c. The general
requirement that counselors keep information
confidential does not apply when disclosure is
required to prevent clear and imminent danger to
the client or others or when legal requirements
demand that confidential information be revealed.
Counselors consult with other professionals when
in doubt, as to the validity of an
exception.Take care to report to the client in
the informed consent the limitations of
confidentiality.B. 1. g. Explanation of
Limitations.When counseling is initiated and
throughout the counseling process as necessary,
counselors inform clients of the limitations of
confidentiality and identify foreseeable
situations in which confidentiality must to
7Except as provided below, notwithstanding any
other provision of law, including a law on
privileged communications, a person other than a
health practitioner, police officer, or educator
or human service worker who has reason to believe
that a child has been subjected to abuse or
neglect shall notify the local department of the
appropriate law enforcement agency. Maryland
Statute MD Code Ann. Family Law 5-705(a)(1),
(a)(3) (West, WESTLAW through 2003 Sess.)
Requires reporting child abuse or neglect in the
following mannerAn individual shall
immediately report suspected child abuse or
neglect to the local department of social
services, or report the suspected incident to a
local law enforcement agency.Health
practitioners, educators, human service workers,
and police officers are required to report, both
orally and in writing, any suspected child abuse
or neglect, with oral report being made
immediately and the written report being made
within 48 hours of the contact which disclosed
the suspected abuse or neglect.A report shall
include The name and home address of the child
and the parent or other individual responsible
for the care of the child The present location
of the child The age of the child The names
and ages of other children in the home The
nature and extent of injuries or sexual abuse or
neglect of the child, including any information
known to the individual making the report of
previous possible physical or sexual abuse or
neglect The information available to the
individual reporting Which might aid in
establishing the cause of the injury or neglect
About the identity of the individual or
individuals responsible for abuse or neglect and
If reporting abuse or neglect of a child
involving mental injury, a description of the
substantial impairment of the child's mental or
psychological ability to function that was
observed and identified, and why it is believed
to be attributable to an act of maltreatment or
omission of proper care and attention. Reports
of abuse shall be made to the local departments
of social services or the appropriate law
enforcement agency. Reports of neglect shall be
made to local departments of social services.An
employee of a local department of social services
who receives a report of suspected child abuse or
neglect, shall report the information to the
protective services unit within the local
department at once so as to initiate prompt
handling of the report of suspected child abuse
or neglect.
9In 1989 Maryland changed its law, and now
requires therapists to report both present and
past cases of child abuse that have been revealed
by adult clients in therapy -page
225Issues Ethics in the Helping
ProfessionCorey, Corey Callanan
10Group Consultation
Course of Action?
Consequences of various decisions
What is the best course of action?
11(No Transcript)
- ACA Code of Ethics (www.aca.org)
- Issues Ethics in the Helping Profession Corey,
Corey Callanan - MD Child Protective Services (http//www.dhr.state
.md.us/cps/) - National Clearinghouse on Childe Abuse and
Neglect (http//nccanch.acf.hhs.gov/) - http//www.smith-lawfirm.com/mandatory_reporting.h
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