Title: SWMS:
1NYS Office Of Temporary and Disability
Assistance Imaging/Enterprise Document Management
ISM August, 2009 Images, E-forms and
Beyond Gail Adams
2Background Overview
- NYS Human Services Model
- State Supervised
- County Administered
- 57 Counties and NYC HRA
Diversity in County Populations
NYS Population 19,490,297
NYC 8,363,710
Erie County 950,265
- 2006 Human Services Imaging
- Seventeen (17) Counties had imaging systems
- Nine (9) different brands of industry software
- Several in-house developed applications
Hamilton County 5,379
3Project Goal
- In 2006 the State initiated an contract in an
imaging effort to provide counties and state
human service agency staff throughout NYS
real-time, electronic access to documents through
a single user interface.
4Project Objectives
- Create a centralized electronic document
repository - Eliminate duplicate submission of client
documents - Facilitate information sharing within and across
counties through statewide access to documents - Provide cost-effective scanning services
- Reduce the need for and the costs associated with
the retention of paper documents - Reduce the incidence of lost documents and time
spent looking for documents - Provide remote audit functions
- Allow concurrent access to documents
5Participation Incentives
- January 2007 imaging services were offered to
Core Services
- Application Development
- Infrastructure
- Licenses
- Maintenance
- Support
- State paid fees for
- All active and denial case documentation
12-months day forward - 12-months of historical documents in the active
case records
Target Documents
- Phase II
- Child Support
- Services
- Phase I
- Cash Assistance
- Food Stamp
- Medicaid
- Home Energy Assistance
- Non-services child care
7Off-Site Imaging Model
8Implementation Status
September 2009
9Production Environment
10Imaging Volume
- 50 million indexed images to date
- 250,000 imaged cases retrieved monthly
- 2 million pages scanned monthly
- lt 3 second response time
11County Feedback
12Social Impact
Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children
(ICPC) Bureau
- First of the Phase II efforts
- Began 2/07
- Three 3 months development effort
- Operational 6/07
Quote from Bureau Director Just to let you know
that ICPC Imaging appears to have greatly
shortened the time to place a child. Â Before
Imaging, the average time to place a child was
107 days After Imaging, the average time to
place a child was 77 days  There may be other
factors involved. However, A significant
portion of that 1/3 reduction in processing
time is due to Imaging.
13Conversion Counties
- 17 Counties
- Quality range from near obsolete to relatively
modern - Nine different brands of industry software
- Several in-house developed applications
- Option 1
- One-time conversion
- Retire local application
- Status
- Rockland County June 2009
- Herkimer County underway
- 7 Preparing for conversion
- Option 2
- On-going conversion
- Maintain local application
14On Site Scanning
- OnSite Scanning (OSS) solution began
development 2008. - Three (3) county pilot beginning Q3 2009.
- Statewide rollout begin Q1 2010.
- Implementation will include
- Flexibility of imaging and indexing workflow
- Ability to image at application registration
- State provision of scanners and software
- No per page scanning costs
- No need to copy documents
- On-site quality control
- Immediate availability of documents
15OSS Value Path
16Application Integration
- Application Integration
- myWorkspace worker tool to support eligibility
decision making. - Phase 1 Post text comments during application
process that will be linked with the case Q3 2009 - Phase II retrieval of both images and comments Q4
Future Needs
- Integration between NYC and Rest of State
- Facilitate movement of clients
- Eliminate need to reproduce documentation
17Future State
18Lessons Learned