Playground Politics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Playground Politics


... see peers primarily as companions, sources of amusement, excitement and pleasure. ... The programme is run by myself ably assisted by Mr Peter Sanders. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Playground Politics

Playground Politics
  • Helping children make and keep friends
  • Presented by
  • John Waring Clinical Psychologist

Outline of the presentation
  • Understanding normal social development.
  • Why are friendships important in a developmental
  • How can parents and teachers assist successful
    social development
  • The NGS junior school friendship skills group
    training programme
  • Time for questions/discussion

Psychosocial Developmental Perspective
Erik Eriksons Childhood Stages of Conflict
Trust Vs. Mistrust (0-1 Year)
  • Description Infants depend on others to meet
    their basic needs, and therefore must be able to
    blindly trust the caregivers to provide them.
  • Positive outcome If their needs are met
    consistently and responsively, infants will learn
    to trust their environment and people in it.
  • Negative outcome If needs are not responsibly
    met, infant may view world as a dangerous and
    unreliable place.

Initiative Vs. Guilt (2-6 Years)
  • Description Children begin to interact with
    environment in more adult like manner as motor
    and language skills develop. They learn to
    maintain an eagerness for adventure and play,
    while learning to control impulsive behavior.
  • Positive outcome If parents are encouraging, but
    consistent in discipline, children will learn to
    accept concept of right/wrong without guilt, and
    not feel shame when using their imagination and
    engaging in fantasy play.
  • Negative outcome If not, children may develop a
    sense of guilt and may come to believe that it is
    wrong to be independent.

Competence/Industry Vs. Inferiority (6-12 Years)
  • Description School is the important event at
    this stage. Children learn to master basic social
    and academic skills. Peers become the key social
    agent and children begin to compare themselves
    with others outside of the family.
  • Positive outcome If children can find pleasure
    in learning, being productive, and seeking
    success, they will develop a sense of competence.
  • Negative outcome If not, they will develop
    feelings of inferiority.

Identity Vs. Role Confusion(12-20 Years)
  • Description This is the crossroad between
    childhood and maturity when adolescents ask "Who
    am I?" The key social agent is the persons
    society of peers.
  • Positive outcome Adolescents who solve this
    conflict successfully will develop a strong
    identity, and will be ready to plan for the
    future. Negative outcome If not, the adolescent
    will sink into confusion, unable to make
    decisions and choices about his/her role in life.

Interpersonal behaviours at different ages what
to expect.
  • Early Childhood Ages 2-6
  • Unoccupied play
  • Solitary play
  • Onlooker behaviour watching others not asking to
  • Parallel play doing the same activity side by
  • Associative play starting to play together,
    sharing objects talking a little
  • Cooperative play active coordinated play,
    swapping toys, taking on roles

Middle Childhood Ages 6-10
  • Life becomes much more social and complex
  • 40 of waking hours spent with peers
  • Increasing awareness of peers psychological
    characteristics, personalities and emotions
  • Start to learn expected behaviours when
    interacting with peers
  • Grow in awareness of others opinions
  • Start to become more concerned about equitably
    solving conflicts and preserving friendships

Early Adolescence Ages 10-14
  • Post puberty children increasingly rely on peers
    for emotional support and recreation
  • Self disclosure becomes an important element in
  • Increasingly self conscious
  • Peer pressure

Why are friendships important?
  • While it may look like child's play, the
    relationships kids form with their peers from the
    young age of six months through adolescence exert
    enormous influence on their lives whether
    fostering positive feelings through friendship,
    or contributing to school-adjustment and
    later-life problems through bullying and
    rejection. ("Children's Peer Relations and Social
    Competence A Century of Progress," Gary Ladd)

Functions of Peer Relationships
  • Children see peers primarily as companions,
    sources of amusement, excitement and pleasure.
  • Peers provide partners for practicing existing
    social skills and trying out new ones
  • Peers socialize one another
  • Peers contribute to a sense of identity
  • Peers help one another make sense of their lives
  • Peers provide emotional and social support

  • Three qualities make friendship distinct from
    other types of peer relationships
  • 1) they are voluntary relationships
  • 2) they are powered by shared routines and
    customs (friends find activities that are
    mutually meaningful and enjoyable)
  • 3) they are reciprocated relationships

  • Friends play a role in social emotional
    development that goes beyond that of peer
    relationships. Friends work harder to understand
    anothers perspective and work harder on conflict
    resolution due to their emotional investment in
    the relationship.

What are friends for?
  • Jeff aged 6 to play with
  • Alex aged 9 Friends can help you in life. They
    can make you do better at school. They can make
    you feel better.
  • Tina aged 12 To be your friend and help you in
    good times and bad times. Theyre there so you
    can tell secrets. Theyre people who care.
    Theyre there because they like you. Theyre
    people you can trust.

Characteristics of Middle childhood friendships
(Ages 6-10)
  • Children act differently with friends than peers
  • More likely to express and regulate their
    emotions and to understand a friends emotional
  • They strive to find equitable solutions to
    conflict in order to preserve the relationship.
  • Develop a sense of loyalty.
  • Girls likely to use self disclosure to maintain a
  • Become deliberate in their choice of friends

How parents and teachers can help develop
socially competent children?
  • Teach specific social skills and social problem
    solving strategies
  • Plan cooperative activities (group work in the
    classroom, joint tasks at home for siblings)
  • Label appropriate behaviours as they occur
  • Ask to children to consider the effects their
    behaviors may have
  • Make it clear aggressive behaviour ( physical or
    psychological) is unacceptable at school or home

  • Have children role play specific strategies
  • Ask children in a group to brainstorm approaches
    to solving social dilemmas
  • Encourage children to thing carefully before
    acting in difficult situations
  • Give concrete feedback on effective and
    ineffective interpersonal behaviours
  • Communicate the message that pro-social behaviour
    is desirable
  • Be a good role model

How can parents help?
  • "To effectively change children's peer
    relationships especially undesirable
    relationships or reputations that have been
    entrenched for many years it may not be
    sufficient to increase children's social
    competence without also altering their peer and
    family environments,Children must be taught
    forgiveness and empathy, and must learn to be
    accepting of individual differences." (Ladd 2006)

The long term benefits of positive peer
interactions and relationships have been shown in
a number of studies (Oden, 1986). Greater social
adjustment in high school and adulthood has been
observed for people who at 9 or 10 years of age
were judged to be modestly to well accepted by
peers. Poor peer acceptance results in fewer peer
experiences, few of which are positive, thus
creating a vicious cycle of peer rejection.
  • Why are Social Skills important to teach?
  • Effectively interacting with peers leads
  • to positive adjustment to school
  • 2. Poor social skills highly correlates to low
  • academic achievement
  • We cant assume kids know to interact
  • socially WE HAVE TO TEACH THE

The NGS Junior School Friendship Skills Group
Training Programme
Aim of the training programme
Following on from a successful pilot group in
2006 a decision was made to extend the friendship
skills group to all Year 4 students in 2007. The
aim of the friendship skills group is to ensure
all children have access to specific/timely and
developmentally appropriate friendship skills
training in order to maximise their ability to
make, keep and enjoy positive friendships.
Outline of the Programme
  • The friendship skills group takes place over five
    45 minute sessions run weekly with a 4 week gap
    between weeks 4 and 5.
  • The programme is run by myself ably assisted by
    Mr Peter Sanders.
  • The skills training sessions use a combination of
    open discussion, direct teaching of skills, role
    plays and fun activities to teach the skills of

AGENDA Week 1 What is a friend? What does a
friend do? What shouldnt a friend do? Week
2 Making friends, Keeping friends, Inclusion
versus exclusion, good friends versus best
friends Week 3 Ways to solve
problems/comflicts in friendships How to
compromise Turn taking/sharing friends Attitude
make a choice to be a good friend
  • Week 4
  • Trust, truth and lies in friendships
  • Leadership
  • Week 5 ( held after a 3-4 week break)
  • revision and discussion of the new skills
    learnt and ways that the children have tried out
    the skills in their friendships
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