Title: AgriTourism
- Original Power Point Created by
- Owen Thomason
Modified by the GA Agriculture Education
Curriculum Office July 2002
2What is Agri-Tourism?
- The promotion of agriculture by offering limited
visits by tourists to producers and agriculture
based industries.
3Agriculture that Interests Tourists
- Animals
- Crops
- History
- Nature
- Sport
- Hunting and Fishing
- Camping/Recreation
- Experience
4Agri-Tourism Groups
- School age students
- Bus tours
- Wildlife groups
- Hunters/Fishermen
- Historians
- Others
5How to Develop Agri-Tourism for Your Specialty
- Create an ideal stop for a target group
- Provide activities for group
- Meal or snacks
- Knowledge and experience
- Create interest
- Space for unloading passengers
- Restrooms
- Time
- Liability insurance
- Seating areas
- Flyers/advertisements/promotional Materials
- Pumpkin Patch with
- Hay rides
- Pick your own pumpkin
- Apple cider for sale
- Corn stalks, etc. on display or for sale