Title: Greg Holland
1Modeling Regional Climate Providing Western
States with Useable Climate Predictions
Greg Holland NCAR gholland_at_ucar.edu
Utahs Changing Climate Utah Energy Forum April
2Simulation of 20th Century Warming
Meehl et al, 2004 J. Climate.
3Uncertainties in Regional Change
Sub-Saharan Rainfall
Model 1
4Why Nested Regional Climate Modeling?
- Climate models are the main tool for assessing
future climate variability, and the only useful
tool for assessing human-induced climate change - Current climate models are far too coarse to
resolve critical details of mountain
precipitation - Current computing facilities cannot support
global climate model predictions at the required
regional scales.
5Why is Model Resolution Important?
Current Weather Model Grid (1-2 km, would
completely cover the area)
6Why is Model Resolution Important?
The mountainous area of UTAH was virtually
transparent to the last IPCC simulations.
7Resolution and Climate Model Biases
Mean State Surface Temperature
Multi-Model Observations
8So What is the Big Deal?Cant We Just Run the
Models at the Required Resolution!
- Last IPCC Assessment Century Model Grid Spacing
180 km Next IPCC Decadal Model Grid Spacing 55
km. - Increased Computing Power Required 100 fold
- Increased Computing Power Required to get to
Current Weather Capacity 100,000 fold - By Moores Law of doubling power every 2 years
this will take gt40 years
3 Spatial Dimensions Plus Time
9Possible Approaches to Decadal Regional
- Statistical downscaling
- Nested Regional Climate Modeling
10Current Work The North American Regional Climate
Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP)
Initiated in 2006, it is an international program
that will serve the climate scenario needs of the
United States, Canada, and northern Mexico.
- Exploration of multiple uncertainties in regional
- model and global climate model regional
projections. - Development of multiple high resolution regional
- climate scenarios for use in impacts assessments.
- Further evaluation of regional model performance
over North America. - Exploration of some remaining uncertainties in
regional climate modeling - (e.g., importance of compatibility of physics in
nesting and nested models). - Program has been funded by NOAA-OGP, NSF, DOE,
USEPA-ORD 4-year program
A2 Emissions Scenario
CAM3 Time slice 50km
GFDL Time slice 50 km
1971-2000 current
2041-2070 future
Provide boundary conditions
CRCM Quebec, Ouranos
RegCM3 UC Santa Cruz ICTP
HADRM3 Hadley Centre
MM5 Iowa State/ PNNL
RSM Scripps
12Precipitation Prediction Example
Winter Precipitation difference -- future vs.
13Next Stage the Nested Regional Climate Model
Bringing the NCAR world-leading climate and
weather models and expertise together to tackle
regional climate prediction on decadal time scales
Phase 1 Tropical simulations for current
climate Results to be published in Special Issue
of Climate Dynamics
14The Community Climate System Model (CCSM)
- A comprehensive climate model to
- Investigate and predict seasonal and interannual
variability in the climate - Explore the history of Earths climate.
- Estimate the future of the environment for policy
formulation. - Developed by NCAR, National Laboratories and
Universities - Used for the largest ensemble of simulations for
the IPCC AR4
15The Weather Research Forecasting Model (WRF)
- The most used weather model on earth, with gt9,000
users in 115 countries and gt20 24/7 operational
centers (including NOAA and USAF)s - Suitable for a broad spectrum of applications
across scales ranging from meters to thousands of
16NRCM Phase II North Atlantic and North American
Regional Climate Changes
- The goal is to simulate the effects of climate
change on precipitation across the intermountain
West States and tropical cyclones, with a focus
on the Gulf of Mexico.
- 36, 12 and 4 km WRF domains nested into CCSM
- 1996-2005, then time slices of 2020-2030 and
2045-2055 - Multi-member ensembles for each period
1712 km Simulation of September 2046
184 km Simulation September 2005
19NRCM Phase II Analysis
- Foci
- Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico for the Offshore
Oil Industry and coastal communities (funded) - Wind Energy Climatology for DOE and the Wind
Energy Community (DOE proposal) - Intermountain West Precipitation for Western
States planning (WGA discussions).
20Current Development Global Weather-Climate
21Summary Regional Climate Prediction on Decadal
Time Scales
- Requires Nested Regional Climate Models
- Current work at relatively course resolution
under NARCCAP is providing immediate indications. - Next stage is the Nested Regional Climate Model
- Coupling weather and climate models to
- utilize the best of both
- improve fidelity of global climate simulations
- provide forecasts of changes in high impact
weather/climate - Inform development of next-generation models
- Research stage is leading towards seamless
weather-climate prediction