Title: ????????%20Logical%20Foundation%20of%20the%20Semantic%20Web
1???????? Logical Foundation of the Semantic Web
?? ??? Zhisheng Huang Vrije University
Amsterdam, The Netherlands huang_at_cs.vu.nl ?? ??
Wei Hu Southeast University whu_at_seu.edu.cn
3(No Transcript)
4 ??5???????(I)Lecture 5 Ontology Management
and Reasoning (I)
- ???????(Reasoning and Management of Ontologies)
- ????????(Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies)
- ???????????(Reasoning with Multi-version
Ontologies) - ?????????(Ontology Revision and Ontology
Evolution) - ????? (Conclusion and Discussion)
5Ontology Reasoning and Inconsistency Management
6?????????SEKT Project
- Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies
(SEKT) - A European research and development project
launched under the EU Sixth Framework Programme. - .
7Duration and Partners
- Three year project January 2004 December 2006.
- 13 partners
- ?? BT(????), Empolis GmbH, iSOCO(Spain), Kea-pro
GmbH, Ontoprise, Sirma AI EOOD(Bulgaria),
(SIEMENS?????) - ?? Jozef Stefan Institute(Slovenia), Univ.
Karlsruhe(Germany), Univ. Sheffield(U.K.), Univ.
Innsbruck(O), Univ. Autonoma Barcelona(Spain),
Vrije Universteit Amsterdam(The Netherlands)
8Case Studies
- Legal Domain (iSOCO)
- Telecom Domain (BT)
- Siemens
9SEKT Activities and Relationships
10Core Tasks WP3
11SEKT WP3 Architecture
12Inconsistency and the Semantic Web
- The Semantic Web is characterized by
- scalability,
- distribution, and
- multi-authorship
- All these may introduce inconsistencies.
13Ontologies will be inconsistent
- Because of
- mistreatment of defaults
- polysemy
- migration from another formalism
- integration of multiple sources
- (Semantic Web as a wake-up call for KR)
14Example Inconsistency by mistreatment of
default rules
- MadCow Ontology
- Cow ? Vegetarian
- MadCow ? Cow
- MadCow ? ? Eat.BrainofSheep
- Sheep ? Animal
- Vegetarian ? ? Eat. ? (Animal? PartofAnimal)
- Brain ? PartofAnimal
- ......
- theMadCow ?MadCow
- ...
15Example Inconsistency through imigration from
other formalism
- DICE Ontology
- Brain ? CentralNervousSystem
- Brain ? BodyPart
- CentralNervousSystem ? NervousSystem
- BodyPart ? ?NervousSystem
16 Inconsistency and Explosion
- The classical entailment is explosive P, P
Q Any formula is a logical consequence of a
contradiction. - The conclusions derived from an inconsistent
ontology using the standard reasoning may be
completely meaningless
17 Why DL reasoning cannot escape the explosion
- The derivation checking is usually achieved by
the satisfiability checking. - ? ? ? ? ?? is not satisfiable.
- Tableau algorithms are approaches based on the
satisfiability checking - ? is inconsistent gt ? is not satisfiable gt ?
?? is not satisfiable.
18Two main approaches to deal with inconsistency
- Inconsistency Diagnosis and Repair
- Ontology Diagnosis(Schlobach and Cornet 2003)
- Reasoning with Inconsistency
- Paraconsistent logics
- Limited inference (Levesque 1989)
- Approximate reasoning(Schaerf and Cadoli 1995)
- Resource-bounded inferences(Marquis et al.2003)
- Belief revision on relevance (Chopra et al. 2000)
19 What an inconsistency reasoner is expected
- Given an inconsistent ontology, return meaningful
answers to queries. - General solution Use non-standard reasoning to
deal with inconsistency - ? ? the standard inference relations
- ? ?? nonstandard inference relations
20Reasoning with inconsistent ontologies Main Idea
- Starting from the query,
- select consistent sub-theory by using a
relevance-based selection function. - apply standard reasoning on the selected
sub-theory to find meaningful answers. - If it cannot give a satisfying answer, the
selection function would relax the relevance
degree to extend consistent sub-theory for
further reasoning.
21New formal notions are needed
- New notions
- Accepted
- Rejected
- Overdetermined
- Undetermined
- Soundness (only classically justified results)
- Meaningfulness (sound never overdetermined)sou
22 Some Formal Definitions
- Soundness ? ?? gt???? (? consistent and
??). - Meaningfulness sound and consistent (? ?? gt ?
?). - Local Completeness w.r.t a consistent ? ??
(?? gt ? ??). - Maximality locally complete w.r.t a maximal
consistent set ?. - Local Soundness w.r.t.a consistent set ? ? ??
gt ??).
23Selection Functions
- Given an ontology T and a query ?, a selection
function s(T,?,k)returns a subset of the
ontology at each step kgt0.
24General framework
- Use selection function s(T,?,k),with s(T,?,k) ?
s(T,?,k1) - Start with k0 s(T,?,0) ? or s(T,?,0) ??
? - Increase k, untils(T,?,k) ? or s(T,?,k) ??
- Abort when
- undetermined at maximal k
- overdetermined at some k
25Inconsistency Reasoning Processing Linear
26Proposition Linear Extension
- Never over-determined
- May undetermined
- Always sound
- Always meaningful
- Always locally complete
- May not maximal
- Always locally sound
27Direct Relevance and K Relevance
- Direct relevance (0-relevance).
- there is a common name in two formulas C(?) ?
C(?)?? ? R(?) ? R(?)?? ? I(?)? I(?)??. - K-relevance there exist formulas ?0, ?1,, ?k
such that ? and ?0, ?0 and ?1 , , ?k and
? are directly relevant.
28Relevance-based Selection Functions
- s(T,?,0)?
- s(T,?,1) ?? T ? is directly relevant to ?.
- s(T,?,k) ?? T ? is directly relevant to
29PION Prototype
PION Processing Inconsistent ONtologies http//wa
30An Extended DIG Description Logic Interface for
Prolog (XDIG)
- A logic programming infrastructure for the
Semantic Web - Similar to SOAP
- Application independent, platform independent
- Support for DIG clients and DIG servers.
- As a DIG client, the Prolog programs can call any
external DL reasoner which supports the DIG DL
interface. - As a DIG server, the Prolog programs can serve as
a DL reasoner, which can be used to support
additional reasoning processing, like
inconsistency reasoning multi-version reasoning,
and inconsistency diagnosis and repair.
32XDIG package
- The XDIG package and the source code are now
available for public download at the website
http//wasp.cs.vu.nl/sekt/dig/ - In the package, we offer five examples how XDIG
can be used to develop extended DL reasoners.
33Answer Evaluation
- Intended Answer (IA) PION answer Intuitive
Answer - Cautious Answer (CA) PION answer is
undetermined, but intuitive answer is
accepted or rejected. - Reckless Answer (RA) PION answer is accepted
or rejected, but intuitive answer is
undetermined. - Counter Intuitive Answer (CIA) PION answer is
accepted but intuitive answer is rejected,
or vice verse.
34Preliminary Tests with Syntactic-relevance
Selection Function
Ontology Queries IA CA RA CIA IA () ICR ()
Bird 50 50 0 0 0 100 100
Brain (DICE) 42 36 4 2 0 85.7 100
MarriedWoman 50 48 0 2 0 96 100
MadCow 254 236 16 0 2 92.9 99
- Intended answers include many undetermined
answers. - Some counter-intuitive answers
- Reasonably good performance
36Intensive Tests on PION
- Evaluation and test on PION with several
realistic ontologies - Communication Ontology
- Transportation Ontology
- MadCow Ontology
- Each ontology has been tested by thousands of
queries with different selection functions.
- we proposed a general framework for reasoning
with inconsistent ontologies - based on selecting ever increasing consistent
subsets - choice of selection function is crucial
- query-based selection functions are flexible to
find intended answers - simple syntactic selection works surprisingly
- Semantic Relevance Based Selection Functions
- K-extension
- Variants of over-determined processing
strategies - Integrating with the diagnosis approach
39Using Semantic Distances for Reasoning with
Inconsistent Ontologies
- Google distances are used to develop semantic
relevance functions to reason with inconsistent
ontologies. - Assumption two concepts appear more frequently
in the same web page, they are semantically more
similar (relevant).
40Google Distances (Cilibrasi and Vitanyi 2004)
- Google distance is measured in terms of the
co-occurrence of two search items in the Web by
Google search engine. - Normalized Google Distance (NGD) is introduced to
measure the similarity/light-weight semantic
relevance - NGD(x,y) (maxlog f(x), log f(y)-log
f(x,y))/(log M-minlog f(x),log f(y) - where
- f(x) is the number of Google hits for x
- f(x,y) is the number of Google hits for the
tuple of search items x and y - M is the number of web pages indexed by Google.
41Semantic Distances
- Define semantic distances (SD) between two
formulas in terms of semantic distances between
two concepts/roles/individuals (NGD)
42Postulates for Semantic Distances
43Semantic Distances
Semantic distance are measured by the ratio of
the summed distance of the difference between two
formulae to the maximal distance between two
- The semantic distance SD satisfies the properties
Range, Reflexivity, Symmetry, Maximum Distance,
and Intermediate Values.
45Example MadCow
NGD(MadCow, Grass)0.7229 NGD(MadCow,
46Implementation PION
PION Processing Inconsistent ONtologies http//wa
47Answer Evaluation
- Intended Answer (IA) Query answer Intuitive
Answer - Cautious Answer (CA) Query answer is
undetermined, but Intutitve answer is
accepted or rejected. - Reckless Answer (RA) Query answer is accepted
or rejected, but Intutive answer is
undetermined. - Counter Intuitive Answer (CIA) Query answer is
accepted but Intuitive answer is rejected,
or vice versa.
48Syntactic approach vs. Semantic approach quality
of query answers
49Syntactic approach vs. Semantic approach Time
- The run-time of the semantic approach is much
better than the syntactic approach, while the
quality remains comparable. - The semantic approach can be parameterised so as
to stepwise further improve the run-time with
only a very small drop in quality.
51Summary (cont.)
- The semantic approach for reasoning with
inconsistent ontologies trade-off computational
cost for inferential completeness, and provide
attractive scalability.
52Multi-versioning Why
- Change Recovery allow the possibilities for the
developers to withdraw or adjust the changes to
avoid unintended impacts. - Compatibility Ontology users may prefer an
earlier version with less resource requirement to
a newer version with higher resource requirement.
53The Idea of Versioning
- Version Spaces
- Models resulting from changes are stored
separately - Models and change operations form a graphcalled
Version Space - Data is accessed through the right version
54Managing Version Spaces
- Idea Enable Administrator to ask questions about
the version space - Combine Reasoning
- Ontologies DL reasoner (RACER)
- Version Space Modal Logic
- Principle
- Each Ontology is a possible world
- Truth of statements in a state is determine by
the DL reasoner
55Simplifying Assumptions
- Linear Time Temporal Logic
- Linear Version Space
- Operators
- Conjunction, Negation, PreviousVersion,
AllPriorVersions - Pre-defined Statement predicates
- Child-of, parent-of,
- Any other RACER function..
56Version Space
- Version space A version space S over an ontology
set Os is a set of ontology pairs, namely, S ? Os
Os. - Linear version space S lto1, o2gt, lto2, o3gt,
, lton-1, ongt such that oi ?oj for i? j. - alternatively, we write
- S(o1, o2, , on)
- Linear ordering o lt o iff o occurs prior to
o in the sequence S.
57Linear Time Logic LTLm
- Operators
- Boolean operators negation, conjunction, etc.
- Temporal operators (Backlooking operators)
- Prev? ? holds in the previous version
- P? ? holds in a prior version(Sometimes in the
past) - H? ? holds in all prior versions (Always in
the past) - ?S? ? always holds in the prior versions
since ? holds in a prior version
58Linear Time Logic LTLm(F)
- Operators
- Temporal operators (forward-looking operators)
- Next ? ? holds in the next version
- F ? ? holds in a sequel version(Sometimes in
the future) - G? ? holds in all sequel versions (Always in
the future) - ?U ? ? always holds in all of the sequel
versions until ? holds.
- S, o Prev ? iff lto, ogt ?S and S, o ?.
- S, o H ? iff ?olt o and S, o ?.
- S, o ? S ? iff ?o1, , on (lto1, o2gt, ,lton-1,
ongt ? S and ono and S, oi ? and S, o1 ?
61Formal Properties
- H ? -gt P ?.
- H ? -gt Prev ?.
- Prev ? -gt P ?.
- Prev P ? -gt P ?.
- P P ? -gt P ?.
- H H ? -gt H ?.
- Prev Prev ? -gt P ?.
62Reasoning Queries
- ? ? holds in the current version
- ? ?? Prev ? ? holds in the current version but
no in the previous version. - ?? ?P? incompactible (with respect to ?).
- ? ? H?? ? holds only in the current version,
it never holds before.
63Reasoning Query stable change
- Once ? is changed, it is never changed again.
?? S (H?).
64 Change Accounting Only Twice
?? S Prev(? S H??).
65 Change Accounting Only N times
- Change(1, ?) df ?? S H?.
- Change(n, ?) df ?? S Prev(Change(n-1,??)),
- for n 2, 4, 6,,
- Change(n, ?) df ? S Prev(Change(n-1,?)),
- for n 3, 5, 7,,
66Reasoning Query last version I
- ? holds at the last version in which ? holds .
?? S (Prev(?? ?))
67Reasoning Query last version II
- ? holds at the last version in which ? does not
hold before a version ? holds.
?? S (Prev(? S Prev(??? ?))).
68Retrieval Queries
- child, parent concept relation
69Relative Versioning
- Version0? ? ?. (the current version)
- Version-i? ? Prev(Version -(i-1) ?)
70Absolute Versioning
- Version(i,S)? ? Version i-n?
- where Sn
71Retrieval Query
72The MORE System
- Milestone 3.5 Software Prototype
- .
- Prototype MORE (Multi-version Ontology REasoner)
- MORE website http//wasp.cs.vu.nl/sekt/more
73The MORE System
- Functionality
- Temporal Reasoning Queries
- Ontology Comparison Queries
- Versioning Retrieval Queries
- Ontology Data format OWL and DIG
- Test Data
- BioSAIL ontologies (3 versions)
- SEKT legal case study ontologies (5 versions)
74Test Result Change Log
- A framework of multi-version ontology reasoning
- Temporal logic approach
- Expressive power of LTLm
- Semantic differences on multi-version
76Future Work
- Integrating MORE with ontology evolution (Dynamic
logic approach). - Hybrid logic approach for nominals
- Branching time version space.
- Merging time model (merging multiple ontologies).
77WP3.6 Inconsistency Diagnosis and Repair
- Software Prototypes
- DION Inconsistency Diagnosis and Repair
- Task Given an inconsistent ontology, locate
possible sources of inconsistencies and offer the
user (a knowledge engineer) to repair them. - Prototypes DION/Mupster
- Using the pinpointing technology
78Pinpointing Technique
- MUPS Minimal unsatisfiability-preserving
sub-TBox w.r.t. a concept - MIPS Minimal incoherence-preserving sub-TBox
- MIPS-Core A non-empty intersection of n
different MIPS - Pinpoints are calculated from MIPS-Core. A
pinpoint is a diagnosis in the sense of (Reiter
1987)"A Theory of Diagnosis from First
79Applying Debugging within SeKT
- Debugging for Learning complex ontologies (UKA)
- Given natural language text
- Calculate complex (OWL) ontology
- this ontology might be inconsistent
- Strategy
- learn as many axioms as possible, and
- debug those that lead to logical contradictions
80Debugging for Learning (more)
- UKA developed methods for learning disjointness
axioms from free-text. - Ontology can become inconsistent
- Conceptually correct inconsistency
- Incorrectly learned axiom
- Debugging can help solve the latter
- MIPS (from learned axioms only) contains at least
one axioms with a mistake. - Pinpoint suggests a way of correcting
81Debugging for learning (example)
- The problems are already on a simpler level what
is a correct disjointness statement. - UKA tested agreement on added disjointness
statements for PROTON. - Even on expert level -gt inconsistencies!
- Debugging can explain!
- Let us see an example
- Even in the most expert level, there are three
unsatisfiable concepts - ltunsatisfiableConcept ontology"proton_100_all.owl
" number"3"gt ltcatom name"http//proton.semantic
web.org/2004/12/protonuReservoir"/gt ltcatom
uHarbor"/gt ltcatom name"http//proton.semanticwe
b.org/2004/12/protonuCanal"/gt lt/unsatisfiableCon
82Debugging for Learning (ex cont)
- A minimal incoherent subterminology(MIPS)
Facility ! WaterRegion Reservoir isa
HydrographicStructure Reservoir isa Lake
HydrographicStructure isa Facility Lake isa
WaterRegion - There are two pinpoints (i.e. possible errors)
Facility ! WaterRegion andHydrographicStructur
e isa Facility - Experts have to decide which one is faulty!
83Debugging for Learning (ex cont)
84Debugging Evaluation of Prototypes
- Evaluation of MUPSter and DION showed
- Comparable runtimes
- DION more flexible, expressive and easy to adapt
- .
- Queries on MUPS/MIPS/Core/Pinpoints
- Data Format Support DIG/OWL
- Integration with RACER/KAON2
- Platform Support Windows/Linux
- Graphical User Interface DION Testbed
- Ontology Data Pre-processing more fine-grained
debugging - Example A ? D1 ?D2 gt A ? D1, A ? D2
86DION Testbed
87Ontology Evolution
88AGM Postulates for Belief Revision
89Postulates for Contraction
90Levi and Harper Identities
91Problems for Ontology Revisions
- Many description logics (including OWL DL) are
not AGM-compliant - Problem (implicit) negation and base recovery
92Variants of Inconsistencies in SW
- Schlobach at el.(IJCAI03) Incoherence
unsatisfiable concept in Tbox - Huang at el. (IJCAI05) Classical sense of
logical inconsistency - Haase at el. (ISWC05) Example in a footnote.
93Incoherence and Inconsistency
- Unsatisfiable concept in a Tbox its
interpretation is empty in any interpretation of
Tbox - Incoherent Tbox there exists unsatisfiable
concept - Incoherent Ontology its Tbox is incoherent
- Inconsistent Ontology there exists no models
94Example I Coherent and Inconsistent Ontology
95Example II Incoherent and Inconsistent Ontology
96Example III Incoherent and consistent Ontology
97Example IV Inconsistent (and coherent?)
98Consistency Negation
99Coherence Negation
101New Postulates for Ontology Revision
102New Postulates for Ontology Changes
103Levi and Harper Identities
- Framework accounts for negation, inconsistency
and change for DL-based ontologies for management
of dynamic ontologies. - Proposed negations achieve the Harper identity
and Levi identity for ontology changes - Distinction between incoherence and inconsistency
provides us two different approaches covering
different needs in different application scenarios
- ???????????Variants of extension strategies
- ???????ODP??Variants of over-determined
processing strategies - ??PION?????????? Integrating with the diagnosis
???????????????? ????????????? ??????,?????
107Questions and Discussions