Title: End-User%20Application%20Development%20for%20the%20Semantic%20Web
1End-User Application Development for the Semantic
- Karun Bakshi
- kbakshi_at_mit.edu
- Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory (CSAIL), MIT
- Tools for performing information based tasks are
lacking. - We need to fix these problems if we are to fully
leverage all the information at our disposal. - I propose an approach to fix these problems and I
think the Semantic Web can help. - In the process we demonstrate
- An application of the Semantic Web
- Applications for the Semantic Web
- Introduction
- Related Work
- Approach
- Demonstration
- Implementation
- Discussion
- Evaluation
- Conclusion
5Information Based Tasks
- Information Based Tasks
- Require multiple sets of information and
functionality - Can reuse and visualize the same information and
functionality from other tasks - Use Cases
- Military Commander
- Doctor
- Software Project Manager
6A Day in the Life of a Software Project Manager
- Receive E-mail Bug Report from Customer
- Check Task Assignments
- Log Bug in Bug Tracking Software (automatic
e-mail notification) - Schedule meeting via e-mail and update calendar
- Update Project Schedule and Task Assignments
- Update Project Budget
7How Do We Accomplish Such Tasks Today?
- Users Must
- Dig deep and wide to find relevant information
and functionality - Mentally collate information
- Re-enter Information ? Data Synchronization?
- Lather, Rinse, Repeat
- A solution that allows aggregating relevant
resources would - Increase efficiency
- Be mission critical
8Status Quo A Potential Solution?
- Build an uber-Application or build a task-focused
application. But - How do I reuse the calendar or e-mail for another
purpose? - What if I need to track additional information?
- What if I do a certain new task more often?
- How does another user tackle the same problem?
- How do we handle feature creep?
9Source of Problem
- Tasks are Fluid. Information and functionality
depends on - User
- Expertise
- Preferences
- Task Definition
- Task
- Evolve over time
- New unanticipated tasks appear
- New information is available that can be
incorporated - Applications are static!
10Problem Definition
- How do we provide users with an interface
supportive of their tasks while avoiding the
problems engendered by application shortcomings? - How Important is this Problem?
- WWW ? more information
- WWW ? more complex tasks
- WWW ? lay users
- What about ad hoc multi-domain applications?
11Related Work
12Related Work
UI Real Estate Management
Task Focused Applications
Workspace Builder Tools
Build Task Workspace
Configure Task Workspace
Configure Operations
Configure Content
Configure Presentation
Task Management Interface
Data Management Interface
- Allows Selecting
- Content
- Layout
- Relevant Operations
- Limited to News Domain
- User can configure settings, rather than create
14SNAP Together Visualization
- Linked Content
- Arbitrary Content
- Multiple Visualizations
- No UI Programming
- Knowledge of schema and SQL, or use fixed
queries - Fixed visualizations
- Primarily for data exploration
- Allows collaboration
- Peripheral awareness
- Supports multiple domains
- Cannot be persisted
- Have to go to source window to change content
- Pixel based content, not semantic
- Shareable, but not transferable
16Important Ideas
- Window Management
- Persistent Habitat
- Persistent Queries
- Dynamic Content
- Reusable Content
- User Creatable/Editable
- Co-Location of Relevant Operations
- Synchronized/Linked content
17Important Ideas (contd.)
- Little knowledge of underlying schema
- Powerful query ability
- Tasks require peripheral awareness of other
happenings - No Programming
- Multiple visualizations
- Low overhead reconfigurability
- Applicable to multiple domains
18Whats Missing?
- General Purpose Interface
- All above properties
- Domain Interoperable (support multiple domains ad
hoc and simultaneously) - Transferable
- Semantic Interface
20Our Approach
- Combine desirable characteristics in a single
system - Information Management Interfaces Should Match
Tasks. - Users Know Tasks Best
- Therefore Give User Control Over Building Them
- What are the application building primitives that
users must control to match the fluid nature of
tasks? - What we are NOT trying to achieve
- The best implementation for particular
techniques, feature sets, UI widgets, etc.
21Our Approach (contd.)
- Unify the Data Model
- Let Users Build and Populate a Task Workspace
- Formalize Structure Existing Ideas/Features
- Content
- Presentation
- Manipulation
- Give users fragments of functionality to select
aggregate for unique tasks
22Semantic Web Motivation
- Information on the World Wide Web is primarily
intended for human consumption with complex
semantics distributed across text, images, video,
sound - There is no way for machines to use and leverage
such information easily and effectively - Thus, very little on the WWW can be automated,
and use of all the information on the WWW is
constrained to the limited bandwidth of human
23Semantic Web What is it?
- An initiative to embed semantics into content on
the WWW to make it amenable to machine
processing. - Semantics are embedded via metadata annotations
- Software (agent) understands the annotations
because they follow a particular schema/ontology - Different schemas can be used to describe the
same entity - But with metadata annotations, we begin to have a
substrate for automation
24Semantic Web The Data Model
- Semi-structured (unenforced and/or partial schema
validation) data models are very flexible - Captures multiple domains
- Models the web
- Linking content from multiple domains in a
growing (multi-schema) web - No single schema to enforce
25Resource Description Framework (RDF)
- A specification/technology that captures and
defines such a semi-structured data model for the
Semantic Web - Can be used to capture content from multiple
domains - Provides a common interchange format (XML based)
that allows applications to communicate
26RDF Example
Karun has a blue cat named Max, and Karuns
friend John has a blue car.
URI Universal Resource Identifier Literal
String data
27RDF Example
Karun has a blue cat named Max, and Karuns
friend John has a blue car.
28How Does the Semantic Web Fit In?
- A Problem?
- More information
- Faster generation of information
- Highly granular information
- An Opportunity?
- RDF models multiple domains
- RDF allows granular access and annotation
29Whats Left?
- Tools that let users create a task workspace by
manipulating fragments of - Content ? Queries (Channels) ? Channel Manager
- Presentation ? Views Layout ? View Designer and
Workspace Builder - Manipulation ? Operations ? Workspace Builder
- Haystack provides
- such fragments at the developer level
- other supportive capabilities
- Build tools to expose them to the user
- An general purpose information management platform
User Interface Framework
RDF Store
Services/Agent Framework
31Haystack Views
Browsing Paradigm
Recursive Rendering
32Haystack User Interaction
- Direct Manipulation
- Drag Drop
- Context Menus
- Operations
- UI Continuation
- Currying
34Tool Set
- Workspace Designer
- View Designer
- Channel Manager
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Workspaces Builder Channel Manager Views Designer Haystack
Content X (selecting) X (defining)
Presentation X (layout) X (user views) X (developer views)
Manipulation X (Select Curried Operations,Dynamic Binding) X (developer operations, drag and drop, context menus)
38Implementation (contd.)
- Each Application Building Primitive has
- An ontology
- A set of views
- Each tool generates RDF entities according to an
ontology - User navigates to each entity and modifies it
using its view(s) - Each entity can have several views, e.g. Design
View vs. Usage View
39Implementation (contd.)
- Store views, operation, content description and
workspace as metadata along with application data
in single format
40Workspace Designer
- Design Decisions
- Space Allocation to Winlets
- Modality in Workspace Interaction
- Uniform Treatment of Views
- Dynamic Binding and Currying
41View Designer Pattern
- Developer Created Designer
- Exposes domain specific capabilities to
create/customize views - Named view that can be reused in any context in
Haystack, just like any other view
42Property Lens View Designer
43Property Lens View Designer (contd.)
- Captures
- RDF semantics only (property name and value)
- Resource ? View
- Literal ? Read-only/Editable
- Layout
- Has design and usage views
- Design Intentionally Abstract
- Multi-valued properties are supported
- Provides baseline view extensibility without
developer support or additional view designers
44(Information) Channels
- What is a channel?
- Query
- Dynamic set of items (no ordering) ? URIs only
- Organizing mechanism for dynamic corpora
- What are the implementation components?
- Channel Agent
- Query Primitives
- Query
- View of Query Primitive
45Channel Query Primitives
ltQuery Primitive Argumentsgt
ltSet of URIsgt
RDF Query Primitives
Domain Specific Query Primitives
ltURI1gt ltURI2gt ltURI3gt
Property Constraints
46Channel Query Primitives
- Transferable and Personalizable
- Capture process in an interface
- Low overhead task switching
- Extensible by developers
- Seamless integration of user/developer extensions
- Consistent interaction modality
- Domain specific view designers
- Benefits of Channels
- How much work is this?
- By Example
- Our tools/Specialized tools
- Paper Writing Workspace ? bridged multiple
domains - Project Management Workspace
- Preliminary End-User evaluation with
Massachusetts General Hospital researchers
51Evaluation (contd.)
- Future User Study
- Is such just in time information management
desirable? - Can users succeed with such an task interface
paradigm (not whether the particular interface
implementation is usable)?
- We advocated user specified task workspaces
- We identified three primary aspects of tasks ? a
simple ontology for building applications - We provide tools that allow composing fragments
of functionality into task workspaces - Content ? Channels
- Presentation ? Views
- Manipulation ? Operations
54Conclusion (contd.)
- We demonstrated the usefulness and validity of
the ideas (although a field study is currently
lacking) - We have proposed a solution to the general
problem of information management that will be
even more critical for the Semantic Web - Tools to take advantage of Semantic Web content
immediately - Tools to build applications for the Semantic Web
- We have proposed an application of the Semantic
55Future Work
- Better UI for Tools
- Other enabling components for Semantic Web
- Ontology Translation
- View Servers
- Project Oxygen and Biomedical Informatics
Research Network (www.nbirn.net) for funding - David Karger for Advising
- Various audiences and friends for helpful
feedback on this work and presentation
57Thank You!
- http//people.csail.mit.edu/kbakshi
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