Title: B' Line Housing Information Ltd
1B. Line Housing Information Ltd
- Sample Maps
- http//www.blinehousing.info
2Local Comparison Lone Parent Households (Local
Authority Level)
Examining broad demographics can provide an
indication of potential housing issues in the
area being examined (e.g. lone parents,
households aged over 80, unemployed, disability
3Census Output Area Classifications (number of
categories edited)
Output Area Classifications give a broad
impression of local neighbourhoods they can
suggest where to focus mixed neighbourhood
strategies, and demonstrate housing market
patterns (such as the escalator model).
4House Price data by local authority (East
Midlands 2002)
House price data reveals hotspots for high and
low demand at almost any geography
5Price differentials measured locally can show
where a premium is attached to market housing,
and suggest where need for more measured supply
might be likely to arise.
6Mapping data for rural areas can show the most
isolated patches which are furthest from goods
and services this can be an issue in relation
to traffic and healthcare services (particularly
for the elderly).
7Migrations Data (NHS Central Register)
Migrations data can show patterns and flows in
the local area and from further afield. It often
demonstrates city flight (established
households moving out of cities into the suburbs).
8Migrations in 2001 (from Census Table MG301)
Examining local migration patterns can reveal
housing submarkets and linkages
9Local drive zones
Drive zones can suggest the potential search
radius for residents able to travel to work by
car and help to indicate the potential impact of
new developments on travel to work and traffic
10Aggregated travel to work totals by settlement
(from Census 2001 Table TV301)
Travel to work data can help to show levels of
self containment within and across an area, and
the relationships between settlements of
different sizes.