Title: Career and Technical Education
1Career and Technical Education
Giving Students the Edge
2CTE Introduction
Career Development Activity2
IdentifyingAbilities Talents
3Developing Skills
The Pound Theory
Why everyone is special
4Optional Activity
Read The Crayon Box That Talked by Shane DeRolf
- Ability - What one is able to do, the power to
perform a specific task. - Talent - Superior, apparently natural ability in
the arts, sciences, or in the learning or doing
of anything.
- Skill Expertness which is developed through
training or practice.
8Arithmetic of Success
Ability or Talent Training / Practice Skill
9Arithmetic of Success
Ability of Talent (Varies with the
individual) Training / Practice (Varies with
the individual) SKILL (Varies with the
10Arithmetic of Success
Soccer Join community team Practice School
11Arithmetic of Success
Draw Cartoons Take a drawing class Practice
drawing Better at drawing Cartoons
12Arithmetic of Success
Mechanic Take auto classes Work weekends
with mechanic Certified Mechanic
13Arithmetic of Success
Play the Piano Take piano lessons Practice Recit
als Better at Piano
14Arithmetic of Success
1. Select a talent you want to work on. 2.
Complete the Arithmetic of Success worksheet.