Title: LCCMR Minnesota Statewide Conservation and Preservation Plan
1LCCMRMinnesota Statewide Conservation and
Preservation Plan
2Biofuel energy Products
- Identify biofuel and energy trends and impacts,
including potential trends in energy and fuel
conservation - Map priority natural resource areas affected by
these trends - Identify energy-related investment and policy
choices that impact natural resources
3Energy production and use Progress
- Examine 3 overarching energy environmental
policy scenarios relevant to future sustainable
energy systems - 1. Continuation of current energy environmental
policy incentives - 2. Shift to policies/practices that promote
significant conservation of energy and
alternative energy sources - 3. Scenario 2 policies/practices that promote
significant environmental benefits from land use
practices - For each scenario identify trends, evaluate
biofuel options and impacts, recommend strategies
4Agricultural Land-use Options
- 3 major options for Ag. Landscapes
- Corn-soybean rotation
- Probably more corn, collection of corn biomass
- Monocultures of perennial energy crops
- Switchgrass, miscanthus, hybrid poplar, others
- Polycultures of perennial energy crops
- Grass-legume mixtures, native prairie plantings
- For each overarching scenario
- We will determine expected pattern of options
across ag. landscapes - We will determine expected environmental impacts
and benefits/costs of each pattern - Ex. Environmental scenario likely means more
5Motor vehicle fuel demand
Electricity demand
Fuel Mix
fossil fuels wind biomass
blending production mandates
producer subsidies
Landscape (spatial variables)
commodity prices
climate change
6Energy Policy Act of 2007
- Signed into law December 19, 2007
- Mandates 36 billion gallons of ethanol by 2022
with 21 billion gallons coming from cellulosic
feedstocks. (2005 Energy Policy Act established
target for 2012 at 7.5 billion gallons). - The 36 billion gallons is expected to account
for 22 of the countrys vehicle fuel mix in
7Trend Growing Demand for Cellulose Biofuel -
from where?
25 x 25
October 2007 Capacity(6.9 billion gal)
Gap for Cellulosic ethanol to fill
30 x 30
20 in 10
Energy Policy Act
Ethanol from corn (NCGA)
RFA, http//www.ethanolrfa.org/industry/statistic
s/C NCGA, http//www.ncga.com/ethanol/pdfs/2007
8Expiration of CRP Contracts
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10Minnesota Utility Policies
- 30 renewable electricity by 2020 for Xcel Energy
- 25 renewable electricity by 2025 for all other
electric power utilities - 1.5 load reductions (from projected loads) in
natural gas and electrical power every year - CO2 reduction goals?
- 15 by 2015, 30 by 2030, 80 by 2050
11Minnesota Biomass Resources (NREL, 2005 after
12Minnesota Forest Biomass Resources (Berguson,
2007 after Bowyer)
13Largest bio-feedstock by county in Minnesota
14Biofuel resources in Minnesota by county,
trillion BTUs
15Land cover, 2006
16Relevant Trends for Energy Conservation
Alternative Energy Scenario
- Trends to be considered include
- Better mileage standards
- Electric plug-in cars
- More mass transit
- Increased wind and solar energy
- Smart meters and distributed generation
- Deep injection of carbon
- Decreased carbon footprints/MCAG CO2 reduction
goals/terrestrial C sequestration - Gasifiers/pelletization
- Algae
- Nuclear power
- Geothermal energy for homeowners/cooling plants
- Hydropower from river currents/Lake Superior
17Actual and projected demand for renewable
electricity in Minnesota under RES, 1990-2030
Source renewable electricity values from MPCA
database future projections by LSO
18Actual and projected demand for transportation
biofuels in Minnesota under various scenarios,
Source past ethanol consumption from MNDA
future projections by LSO
192.4 billion gallons of water needed in
2006 Proposed plants need another 1.8 billion
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21Groundwater recharge in in/yr
(fr. USGS)
22Precipitation 30-year normals (in/yr), 1970-2000
MN Climatology
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- Expansion of row crop acreage
- Where?
- How much?
- Removal of stover?
- BMPs
- Expansion of perennial monocultures/polycultures
(What types?, Where?, How much?) - In existing row crop acreage
- In forested lands
- In transition areas between these two
- What incentives and/or policies are associated
with each of these scenarios?