Title: Chapter 5:Corrective Maintenance
1Chapter 5Corrective Maintenance
- Overview
- Corrective Maintenance
- Mathematical Models
2Corrective Maintenance
- Corrective maintenance is the remedial action
carried out due to failure or deficiencies
discovered during PM, to repair an equipment/item
to its operational state - Corrective maintenance is an unscheduled
maintenance action - Classifications
Corrective Maintenance
3Corrective Maintenance Steps
Recognition of existence of a failure
Localizing the failure within the system to a
specific item/equipment
Diagnosing within the item/equipment to identify
specific failed part/component
Replacing or repairing failed item./part/componen
Checking out and returning the system to service
4Model 1 Single Failure Mode CM for Single
- Problem The system can either be in up or down
state. Corrective maintenance is performed on the
failed system to put it back into its operating
state. Determine the probability in failed state,
availability, MTTF - Assumptions
- Failure and CM rates are constant
- The system is as good as new after CM is
performed - System failures are statistically independent
5CM Markov Model
- Model
- Solution Using Laplace transformation
- At the steady state (t ?8)
6Model 2 Two Failure Modes CM for Single Machine
- Problem The system can either be operating
normally or failed in two mutually exclusive
failure modes. Corrective maintenance is
performed on either failure mode of the system to
put it back into its operating state. Determine
the probability in failed state, availability,
MTTF - Assumptions
- Failure and CM rates are constant
- The system is as good as new after CM is
performed - All system failures are statistically independent
7CM Markov Model
- Model
- Solution Using Laplace transformation
- At the steady state (t ?8)
8Model 3 Two Operating Modes CM for Single
- Problem The system can either be operating
normally, operating in degradation mode, or
failed completely. Corrective maintenance is
initiated from degradation and completely failed
modes of the system to repair failed parts.
Determine the probability in failed state,
availability, MTTF - Assumptions
- Partial and complete failures, CM rates are
constant - The system is as good as new after CM is
performed - All system failures are statistically independent
System working Normally 0
9CM Markov Model
- Model
- Solution Using Laplace transformation
- At the steady state (t ?8)
10Model 4 CM for Two Identical Parallel Machines
- Problem The system includes two independent and
identical parallel machines. At least one machine
must operate normally for system success.
Corrective maintenance to put it back into its
operating state begins as soon as any one of the
machines fails. Determine the probability in
failed state, availability, MTTF - Assumptions
- Partial and complete failures, CM rates are
constant - The system is as good as new after CM is
performed - No CM is performed on the failed system
System working Normally 0
System failed 2
1 unit failed 1
11CM Markov Model
- Model
- Solution Using Laplace transformation
- The system MTTFS
- Where MTTF u unit mean time to failure
- MCMT unit mean corrective maintenance time
- Example 1 given mean corrective maintenance time
is 5h. The machine has the exponential failure
distribution with mean of 3000h and standard
deviation of 50h. Determine the steady state
availability of the single failure mode machine - Example 2an engineering system can fail in two
mutually exclusive modes (complete failures).
Failure modes I and II constant failure rates are
?1 0.002 failures/h and ?2 0.005 failures/h.
the constant corrective maintenance rates from
failure modes I and II are µC10.006 repairs/h
and µC2 0.009 repairs/h. Calculate the system
steady state availability
- Example 3a control system can work in the alarm
mode in short time (partial failure mode) before
completely breakdown. The constant failure rates
of the partial, complete and transition failures
are ?1 0.002 failures/h, ?2 0.003 failures/h
and ?3 0.0015 failures/h. The constant
corrective maintenance rates are µC10.005
repairs/h and µC2 0.004 repairs/h,. µC3 0.007
repairs/h. Calculate the system full steady state
availability - Example 4in a two identical parallel motors
system, a failed unit is repaired immediately but
the failed system is never repaired. The motor
times to failure and corrective maintenance times
are exponentially distributed. The motor MTTF and
mean corrective maintenance time are 150h and 5h
respectively. Calculate the system MTTF with and
without the performance of CM