Title: The physics of TG51
1The physics of TG-51
D.W.O. Rogers National Research Council of
Canada Ottawa AAPM Refresher course 730am
Monday July 23,2001 Salt Lake City
Meeting http//www.irs.inms.nrc.ca/inms/irs/irs.ht
2(No Transcript)
3General formalism
- kQ is the quality conversion factor
- accounts for ND,w variation with Q
4Overview - photons
- get a traceable
- measure dd(10) with lead foil
- deduce dd(10)x for open beam
- measure Mraw at 10 g/cm2
- M PionPTPPelecPpol Mraw
5Overview -photons (cont)
- lookup kQ for your chamber
6Overview - electrons
- get a traceable
- measure I50 to give R50
- deduce dref 0.6 R50 -0.1 cm
- measure Mraw at dref
- M PionPTPPelecPpol Mraw
7Overview -electrons(cont)
- lookup kecal for your chamber
- determine (fig, formula)
- establish (Mraw 2 depths)
8Fundamentals - definitions
Absorbed dose calibration factor
Beam quality conversion factor
9Fundamentals - definitions
Electrons electron quality conversion factor
gradient correction factor
photon-electron conversion factor
10Dose equations
11Absorbed-dose calibration factors
These can be used to measure kecal and
12Relationships of calibration factors
13Spencer-Attix cavity theory
Kh is humidity correctiongtair is dry M is fully
corrected charge
- accounts for wall not being water
- unity for electrons (ignores known backscatter
issues for plane-parallel chambers - 1-2
effects) - same as TG-21 for photon beams
15Pwall 0.05g/cm2 walls
16Mass energy absoption coefficients
TG-51 data based on Hubbell 1982 and Cunninghams
MC calns
17Stopping power ratios
TG-51 uses stopping powers from ICRU Report 37
18Prepl Pgr Pfl
Prepl replacement correction accounts for
changes caused by the cavity
Pgr gradient correction fluence moves
upstream because of low density
Pfl fluence correction other changes due to
19Pgr gradient correction
-fn of gradient chamber radius -taken as 1.00
at dmax Two approaches -effective point of
measurement for depth-dose curves -Pgr
multiplicative correction for absolute
dose measurements
20Effective point of measurement
Johansson et al (1977) electrons 0.5rcav upstream
of central axis photons 0.6rcav (was 0.75rcav
previously) Only for depth-dose curves
with cylindrical chambers
21Pgr electron beams
-for cylindrical chambers
-equivalent to using the effective point of
measurement -but allows rigorous definition of
calibration factor
22Pgr photon beams
-TG-51 uses the calns of Cunningham and Sontag
(1980) (as did TG-21) -there is considerable
variation in data on this correction
23Pgr photon beams
TG-51 uses the ratio PflQ/PflCo gt
reduced uncertainty
24Pfl fluence correction
photon beams -fluence corrections not needed
-due to transient CPE electron beams TG-51 uses
same factors as TG-21 for cylindrical chambers
and same factors as TG-39 for plane-parallel
25Pfl cylindrical
New data agrees well with that used in TG-51 Need
as f(R50) at dref
Wittkamper et al PMB 38(1991)1639
26Pfl plane-parallel
TG-51 uses data from TG-39 (with new fit)
TG-39 MP 21(1994)1251
27Pfl Ez from R50
Harder relationship Ez Eo ( 1 - z/Rp) Eo 2.33
R50 21 beams used to fit Rp1.271R50-0.23
Ez 2.33R50(1-z/(1.271R50-0.23))
28Pcel Al electrode correction
-for electrode of wall material any effect is
part of Pfl Ma and Nahum(93) showed aluminum
electrodes have an effect -larger in photon
beams -but biggest effect is in electron beams
because it cancels in photons
Ma Nahum PMB 38 (1993) 267
29Pcel Al electrode correction
-expts confirm calns but not as precise
Palm Mattsson PMB 44 (1999) 1299
30Equations for kQ,kecal
-defn of absorbed-dose calibration factor gives
-combining Dmed Dair eqns
31Equation for kQ
-using defn of kQ assuming W/e constant gives
-applies to electrons and photons but for e-, Pgr
depends on users beam
32kQ components
33Equations for kecal
-from defns of kecal
34Realistic electron beam sprs
Ding et al Med Phys 22 (1995)489
35Effects of realistic sprs
Ding et al MP 22(1995)489
36Realistic sprs dref0.6R50 - 0.1
Burns et al MP 23(1996)383
37(No Transcript)
38Summary so far
- Have reviewed
- the formalism
- the equations
- how each factor is obtained
- the effects of different data bases
- How good is it?
39Measurement of photon kQ
Seuntjens et al at NRC measured kQ for gt3 of
each of 6 chamber types Measured against primary
standards Measurement accuracy 0.5 kQ
consistent for each type RMS deviation TG-51 vs
expt for 60 data points is 0.4
40Measured kQ vs TG-51
Seuntjens et al, MP 27(2000)2763
41Measured kQ vs TG-51
Seuntjens et al, MP 27(2000)2763
42Measured kQ vs TG-51
Seuntjens et al, MP 27(2000)2763
43Measured kQ vs TG-51
Seuntjens et al, MP 27(2000)2763
44Measured kQ vs TG-51
Seuntjens et al, MP 27(2000)2763
45What is uncertainty on kQ?
- uncertainty on calculated kQ various
people estimate of 1 -but how uncertain is the
user? given the good agreement with
measurements? (rms dev lt 0.5) -a reasonable
uncertainty on TG-51 kQ values is
46What is uncertainty on dose?
- Uncertainties (photons)
- on ND,w is 0.5-0.6
- on kQ is 0.5
- on M (dd(10)x, monitor etc) 0.7
- total uncertainty 1.0
47Odds and ends
- Pion
- new equations
- problems with the theory
- stopping power ratios for depth-dose curves
- need sprs for realistic beams
48Pion equations
Pion continuous beams (as TG-21)
Pion pulsed or pulsed swept (Pionlt1.05)
49Pion equations
TG-51 eqn is good to 0.2 or 0.4 for pulsed or
pulsed-swept Pion lt 1.05
50sprs for depth-dose curves
TG-51 gives the dose at dref To get the dose at
dmax requires a high-quality depth-dose
curve Need to correct for spr and Pfl
(cylindrical chambers) Need realistic spr vs
depth to be consistent with spr at dref
Burns et al gave a fit to the Monte Carlo
realistic spr values
Tabulated vs R50 and z/R50 at http//www.irs.inms.
52How accurate is L/?(R50,z)?
Fit done for 0.02 lt z/R50 lt 1.1 rms deviation
0.4, max dev 1 -outside this range, the fit
deteriorates rapidly -at dref, the fit is within
0.1 for R50gt3 cm, 0.3 at R501.5cm
53L/?(R50,z) vs dref formula
i.e. agreement is very good
54L/?(R50,z) vs original data
agreement not so good 0.6 variations near
dmax failsgt1.1R50
There is too much in TG-51 to cover in 1
lecture I emphasized fundamentals and how
quantities are calculated I didnt even mention
beam quality specification!
A formal review paper is coming! The slides from
this and related TG-51 talks are available at
http//www.irs.inms.nrc.ca/inms/irs/irs.html My
1996 Summer school lecture and 1998 paper (MP 25
310-320) cover many details about TG-51 (on web)