Title: Optimizing%20Clarifiers:%20What%20Have%20We%20Learned?
1Optimizing Clarifiers What Have We Learned?
- Presented by
- John K. Esler, P.E.
- CPE Services, Inc.
- Enfield, NH
- www.clarifiers.com
2(Alternate Title) Optimizing Clarifiers What
Do We Think We Learned?
- Presented by
- John K. Esler, P.E.
- CPE Services, Inc.
- Enfield, NH
- www.clarifiers.com
3(Alternate Title) Optimizing Clarifiers What
Do We Still Have to Learn?
- Presented by
- John K. Esler, P.E.
- CPE Services, Inc.
- Enfield, NH
- www.clarifiers.com
4To Learn to gain knowledge or understanding
of .. by study, instruction or experience.
5A Basic Understanding
- What do their currents look like?
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9 with a Stamford/Crosby baffle.
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14More Basics
- How do we analyze clarifiers? . How do we get an
initial handle on their performance?
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16Daigger-Roper Curves
17Focus on field testing!!
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26RSR / draft tube Clarifier Currents
RAS box
27Begin with best shape It all depends on ..
- Your professor circular!
- Your state of mind .. Square?
- Your location
- NYC, LA, DC, Boston .. Rectangular
- The rest of the universe? .. Circular
- Your data ASCE CRTC
- NYC Rockaway Gould Type 2 .. 1800 g/sf/d
- LACSD San Jose Gould Type 1 .. 2200 g/sf/d
28Typical LA County San. Dist. Clarifier Layout
150 long x 20 wide x 9.5 deep
2 parallel effluent launders
3 opposing jet inlet nozzles
29150-ft x 20-ft x 9.5-ft SWD
303 Opposing Jet Nozzle Inlets
31Two parallel launders 1/3 clarifier length
32Circular Clarifier Centerwells
- What diameter?
- How deep?
- Anything else?
33What diameter?
- No one knows!
- JE Too big (gt 20) reduces mixing
- JE Too small (10 /-) increases turmoil
- Depends on MLSS concentration SVI
34What centerwell depth?
- No one knows .. With or without EDI?
- JE too deep (gt1/2 center depth)
- LA-Hyp. 0.25 center depth was OK
- LA-Hyp. 0.4 center depth was OK
- Design for downward velocity?
- Depends on blanket depth
35Any special centerwell details?
- In-turned lip? (NG)
- Baffles?.. With mixers.
- Submerged? .. It depends .
- Structural supports?
36In-turned Lip
37Centerwell Scum!!!
38Flow is inward!
39Sheet Flow Inward!
40Submerged Centerwells?
41Now we have Q R .. R1 .. ..flowing
downward in the centerwell.
.. which leads to faster density currents!
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43What about the rest of the scum ???
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46What about the launders?
- Weir length is not as important as ..
- Location! Location! Location!
47The absolute WORST configuration .
48This is what happens !!!!!
49A simple solution ..
50MAJOR Causes of failure in circular clarifiers
- poor flocculation
- High SVIs
- High solids loadings
- Solids leaving the central portion!!!! WHY???
519/15 _at_ 0700 hrs 3FC _at_ 10 mgd
LOCATION 7 12 15 45 70
-1 .92 .85 .04 .03 .03
-2 .85 .84 .04 .03 .03
-3 .80 .84 .04 .03 .03
-4 .80 .85 .04 .03 .03
-5 .80 .85 .04 .03 .03
-6 .78 .84 .04 .03 .04
-7 .69 .82 .04 .03 .04
-8 .69 .80 .04 .03 .05
-9 .68 .76 .04 .03 .05
-10 .65 .71 .03 .04 .05
-11 .63 .67 .03 .04 .05
-12 .62 .65 .47 1.20 5.10
-13 .61 .55 .58 3.40
-14 .64 .65 .59
-15 .66 .65
TOTALS 12 13 2 5 5 37
52Not due to the downward velocity.
- Texas Standard not to exceed 9 fpm
- Metro Syracuse .. 4.8 fpm
- Erie Co. Southtowns .. 6 fpm
- Joint Meeting (NJ) .. 4.7 fpm
- Houston 69th Street .. 3.3 fpm
- Manchester (NH) .. 3 fpm
- LA-Hyperion .. 1 fpm!!!
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55Eslers Baffle Hypothesis
- One baffle is good (Oak Orchard)
- Two baffles are better (Herkimer)
- Three baffles even better (Branford, CT)
- Four baffles better yet! (Waterford)
- Five baffles ????? Six baffles ?????
- The wrong baffle will mess it up (Moravia, Salt
Lake City, Edgewood (NJ))
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59Edmonton Gold Bar WWTP
Baffled Clarifier
60Crosby Cylindrical Baffle
61McKinney Baffle
62Sludge Collection in circular clarifiers
- Do we suction it .. or scrape it?
- A suction manifold . or draft tubes?
- plow blade scrapers .. or spiral blade?
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68Sludge Collection in circular clarifiers
- Floor slope? 1 per ft for scrapers
- Tip speed? Very little data ..
- JE 7 to 10 fpm .. Not 15 to 30 fpm
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76CFD Modeling what do we know?
- Its now used on many major projects.
- Remember G.I.G.O?
- I have had too much negative experience.
- Why has it never shown the excessive turbulence
in the central area of a circular clarifier?? - We need a concerted effort to demonstrate the
predicted performance with actual field tests!
77In summary, what have we learned?
- The right operator can make almost anything work
! - Almost every clarifier can be optimized.
- (Occasionally, one should be nuked.)
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