Title: Delivering a Good Rollo
1Delivering a Good Rollo
2What is the Cursillo Weekend?
- It is a short course in Christianity.
- It is a 3-day program of meditations, talks,
personal sharing, and prayer ( and eating, I may
- Goals of the weekend
- To help the candidates discover the experience
of - Christian community.
- Reinforce or deepen what they know about the
fundamentals for being a Christianmeaning of
their religion and church. - As they return home, to be more active in their
church, to be a Christian leader, and hopefully
to change their environments.
3What is to be a Christian?
4Creation of Adam.why did God create us?
5Genesis A love offering
6Our take away
Kingdom of God
Present Reality A broken world
7Proposed context for the meditations, rollos, and
talks to live out our love for God through a
relationship with Jesus, self and others.
8Rollo and Meditation Flow
9How context plays out
Know Yourself Woman at the well
The Figure of Christ
The 3 Glances of Christ
Christs Message to us
Ideal Grace Laity Faith
Sacraments Leaders Obstacles to a Life of
Study of Environments Christianity in
Action Christian Life Group Reunion Ultreya
10General Preparation for the rollo/talk
The Audience Catholics at different levels of
spirituality and knowledge about Christianity and
the church.
General Approach Not too simple Not too complex
11- Preparation for the rollo/talk
- Again prevailing context to live out our love
for God through a relationship with Jesus, self
and others. - Be mindful of your audience
- Doctrinalmust be true and simple
- Work with the mentors/teamdetermine the main
points - Witness talk must be directly related to main
points - Prepare an outline, have it approved
12- Preparation for the rollo/talk
- Honesty and from the heart
- Be mindful of your time.
- Use short and familiar words change words like
abbreviate, advise, component, currently,
demonstrate, inquire, or utilize. - Avoid jargon Avoid Cursillo jargon especially
in - the first two days.
- Use short sentences long and complex sentences
- are difficult for the listener to
understand. - Edit carefully and rewrite as necessary.
13- Preparation for the rollo/talk
- Visual aids
- Must enhance your talk
- Not take away attention from you
- Serves as your notes
- Transparencies flipcharts
- Pictures, graphics, tables, and bullet points
- Props
- All visual aids must blend together
14- Delivery of the rollo/talk
- Be yourself do not sound like someone else
- Language that you are comfortable with
- Be mindful of the first 90 seconds
- Deal with nervousness
- Body language/eye contact
- Voice variety
- End strongly
15- Critique of the rollo/talk
- Better written
- Stress positive
- Suggest areas for improvement
- Contentsonly if you know
- Delivery from the point of view of candidates
- Clarity
- Voice
- Facial expression
- Gestures
- Eye Contact
16- In the end, remember always that
- You are not doing this for yourself.
- Your service is a visible presence of Gods
love. - Your rollo/talk is an encounter with Christ.
- You are sacramental!!
- Not to worrybe joyful!!