Title: Franklin Township Community School Corporation
1 2GPS Review and Revision Committee
Burt Austin, Assistant Principal Beth Borland,
Teacher Jill Britt, Human Resources
Supervisor Katie Cadle, Teacher Barbara Fengya,
Director of Secondary Education Sonya James,
Teacher Bev Johnson, Teacher Lisa Miniear,
Department Chair Lauren Musgrave, Teacher Mary
Nine, Teacher Ann Puckett-Harpold, Director of
Elementary Education Eric Scott, Teacher Cathy
Smith, Teacher/President FTEA Dr. Jim Snapp,
Assistant Superintendent Toni Stevenson,
Principal Russell Wright, Principal Jim Zoch,
Department Coordinator
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
3Why do we need a new teacher evaluation system?
- The TAS needed specific improvements in the new
teacher and teacher assistance sections. This
included adding rubrics for school counselors and
media specialists where none previously existed. - The Professional Teacher section had a great deal
of paperworkteachers reported not spending time
on meaningful activities. - The goal setting process did not always focus on
directly impacting student learning. - Support for teachers needed a more comprehensive
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
4Growth for Professional Staff
- Three specific sections
- New Teachers (includes all teachers in their
first year in FTCSC - First year in the profession
- Experienced teachers new to FTCSC
- Goal To clearly articulate high expectations
for professional behavior of educators in FTCSC.
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
5- Professional Teachers
- Most teachersmore than two years of teaching
experience in FTCSC. - Goal To focus the work of professional
educators on increasing student performance in a
reflective and collaborative environment. - Teacher Support
- Assistance for teachers new to FTCSC
- Assistance for experienced teachers
- Goal To provide appropriate levels of
assistance to educators enabling them to return
to professional status or monitor insufficient
progress resulting in a recommendation for
non-renewal of the regular teaching contract.
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
School Improvement Plan
Professional Development
District Improvement Plan
Indiana Academic Standards
7New Teacher
- New Teacher is defined as any teacher, regardless
of previous teaching experience, new to FTCSC. - The focus of the New Teacher Phase is to
establish professional expectations for the
teacher and demonstrate proficiency in the key
areas of Instruction (curriculum, content
knowledge, instruction/pedagogy, and assessment)
and Classroom Practices and Culture (monitoring
and managing student behavior). - New teachers are invited to be involved during
PLCs in the SMART goal setting portion of
Professional Teacher Status to grow
professionally and to gain a deeper understanding
of that process.
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
8New Teacher (All new teacher to FTCSC,
regardless of previous experience)
- One observation each grading period (4 per year)
- Pre-observation form completed by the
teachersubmitted to the principal prior to the
classroom visit - Principal observes one full lesson or period
- Post observation conference held and form
completed - New Teachers focus on Instruction (Domain 1) and
Classroom Practices and Culture (Domain 4) - New Teachers attend meetings as scheduled
- IMAP successfully completed and submitted by the
established deadline
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
9Comparing TAS to GPS
- Goal setting in the fall
- Multiple forms for the process
- Four domains provided structure for goal setting
- Student learning data was often narrowly defined
- Process tended to be a one-year focus
- Goal setting begins in the spring
- One pagerfront and back
- Singular domain--instruction
- A variety of measures utilized to measure student
learning - Can be multi-year in nature
- Collaboration is encouraged
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
10Differences for Professional Teachers
- Timeline Start goal setting in the spring and
goals can be multi-year in nature - Format Grade levels, departments, or academies
are encouraged to design the SMART Goal together
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
11- Direction Not an additional piece of work, but
something that is integrated in the work of PLCs
and ongoing professional dialogue - Focus Improving student learning
- (Use of Domain 1 Instruction only.)
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
12What is success based on?
?Clearly defined student learning goal emanating
from the district and school improvement
plan ?Specific steps toward the achievement of
that goal ?Frequent monitoring of progress
toward that goal ?Reflective practice through
the processmonitoring and adjusting professional
practice in an effort to achieve the goal
and ?Sharing insights and celebrating
accomplishments and discoveries.
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
13Results Learningfor students and teachers
While the primary purpose is to increase student
learning, in some cases well-thought out and
carefully implemented professional plans may not
achieve the desired goal. The result is not
failure, but an opportunity for growth in
professional knowledge, providing the opportunity
for refinement and future goal setting.
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
14Teacher Support Phase
- Administrative Support Goal to clearly
communicate professional expectations and
ultimately return the teacher to Professional
Teacher Status (or New Teacher Phase) - Collegial Support Expand support for the
teacher to meet professional expectations and
return to Professional Teacher Status (or New
Teacher Phase) - Intensive Support Most extensive and
comprehensive level of support for the teacher,
lasting no longer than one year. (This is level
is only for teachers who have more than two years
of experience in FTCSC.)
Franklin Township Community School Corporation
15Sharing GPS Upcoming Meetings
- Acton                          10/3 _at_ 750 AM
- Adams                        10/9 _at_ 800 AM
- Arlington                     10/10 _at_ 750 AM
- Bunker Hill                   10/15 _at_ 800 AM
- South Creek                 10/9 _at_ 340 PM
- Thompson Crossing      10/16 _at_ 340 PM
- Wanamaker                  10/14 _at_ 800 AM
- Edgewood Intermediate 10/27 _at_ 745 AM
- Kitley Intermediate        10/13 _at_ 745 AM
- FTMS East                   10/14 _at_ 245 PM
- FTMS West                  9/29 _at_ 245 PM
- FCHSÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 10/13 _at_ 245 PM
- Diploma                     10/21 _at_ 245 PM
Franklin Township Community School Corporation