Title: Remote Method Invocation
1Chapter 13
2Based on RPC
- Remote Procedure Call 1980s
- RPC call function on another computer
- marshalling data (package arguments, return
values) related to function call - RPC Disadvantages
- limited data types
- functions must be described in special Interface
Definition Language (IDL)
- java object registers as being remotely
accessible - client obtains remote reference
- call syntax same as object in same program (no
IDL) - RMI does marshalling of data (like RPC)
- Can transfer objects like Java object
4RMI - Disadvantages
- Only Java
- CORBA still preferred for interoperability and
speed - Web Services becoming more popular for
cross-platform/cross-language options
5RMI process
- Define remote interface what methods can the
client invoke? - Implement the remote object by convention has
same name as interface, ends with Impl - Define client app that uses remote interface
- Compile and execute
6RMI Interface
- java.rmi.Remote
- tagging interface (implemented in Remote class
which our RMI classes extend) - no methods
- can be accessed with appropriate security
permission from any JVM connection to remote
object - class that implements Remote must be exported to
make object accessible (call super in
constructor) - All method arguments/return values must be
serializable or primitives
7RMI Interface - cont
- Remote exception
- Checked exception
- Use on remote methods in case of communication
problem (not necessarily on all methods in class)
- rmic is the Java RMI Compiler that generates
stubs used to connect remote objects - rmic v1.2 MyServiceImp creates
MyServiceImpl_Stub.class - A stub is a proxy for a remote object. It
implements only the remote interfaces, no local
(i.e. helper) interfaces. - If the stub doesnt match the class (that is, if
the remote methods have changed), a marshalling
error can occur. - rmic is run from the command prompt, in the
directory that contains the class file (or the
beginning path for the class file, e.g., the
directory containing com if the path is
9Weather Service Example
Weather List Model
Weather Service ltltinterfacegtgt
Weather Service Client
Weather Cell Renderer
Weather Service Impl
Weather Bean
Weather Item
not uml
10Weather Service Example
- Service side Details
- Gets information by html scraping
- http//iwin.nws.noaa.gov/iwin/us/traveler.html
- Interface
- extends java.rmi.Remote
- getWeatherInformation is remote method
- Implementation
- extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
- UnicastRemoteObject exports object on anonymous
port for point-to-point communication using
standard socket connection - Notice call to super() in default constructor,
which can throw RemoteException. Alternative
would be to call static method exportObject
explicitly. - Implementation has additional updateWeatherConditi
ons method to contact Travelers Forecast web
page, create beans
11Weather Service Example, cont.
- main method
- URL to obtain remote reference is
rmi//hostpost/remotObjectName, in this case
rmi//localhost/WeatherService - host is computer running rmiregistry
- port is port number on which registry is running,
default for rmi is 1099 - localhost is synonymous with
- static method rebind of class java.rmi.Naming
binds WeatherServiceImpl to rmi registry (and
replaces other objects with same name, so
preferred to bind)
12Weather Service Example - cont
- WeatherBean
- Stores the weather forecast for one city
- Data beans, objects with getters and setters.
- Often use to interact with databases, web apps,
etc. - If only getters, then read-only
- WeatherBean has city name, temperature,
description, graphic image - static initialization block prior to constructor
- ensures image names are available as soon as
class loads - Properties are like hash table.
13Weather Service Example cont.
- Weather Service Client
- just extends JFrame (no remote class)
- finds remote object using Naming.lookup (must
have url of remote service) - Access WeatherService, not WeatherServiceImpl
- refers to stub object on client. Stub passes
call to rmi system. MUST match version on
server! - uses remote object to do method call
- remote access is in a try-block that catches
14Weather Service Example - cont
- WeatherListModel
- Adapter design pattern. Enables two objects with
incompatible interfaces to communicate with each
other. Like electrical plugs. - List is not compatible with JList, which requires
a ListModel. How did they know what methods to
write? See ListModel on Java website. - WeatherCellRenderer
- displays weather information inside a JList,
using a WeatherItem - WeatherItem
- formats one line of the weather table
15Weather Service Example - cont
- Compile the classes
- Produce the stub of WeatherServiceImpl
- rmic v1.2 com.deitel.advjhtp1.rmi.weather.Weather
ServiceImpl - Start the registry from a command prompt
- rmiregistry
- NOTE the registry must be able to find the stub.
Either the stub directory must be on your path,
or you need to run rmiregistry from the root of
your application. - Run the WeatherServiceImpl
- Run the WeatherServiceClient
16RMI Chat Application
- UnicastRemoteObject runs continuously
- java.rmi.activation.Activatable activate when
client invokes request - RMI activation daemon (rmid) enables activatable
objects - Cant run activatable on campus, we use modified
ChatServer that runs continuously.
17Chat Application Server Classes
Stoppable ChatServerltinterfacegt --------------- s
ChatServer ltinterfacegt --------------- registerCli
ent unregisterClient postMessage
(ours is not stoppable)
ChatServerImpl --------------------- main
ChatServerAdministrator --------------------------
------- startServer terminateServer main
Interfaces to allow reusable architecture
e.g., with CORBA
(we dont use ChatServerAdministrator)
18Chat Application Client Classes
DisconnectListener ltinterfacegt -------------------
------ serverDisconnected
MessageListener ltinterfacegt --------------- messag
ChatClient ltinterfacegt --------------- deliverMess
age serverStopping
MessageManager ltinterfacegt -----------------------
connect disconnect sendMessage setDisconnectListe
RMIMessageManager ------------------------------ s
etDisconnectListener fireServerDiscconnected
ClientGUI (JFrame)
ChatMessage (like bean)
DeitelMessenger ----------------------- main
19Chat application - ServerImpl
- registers with rmi registry (in main)
- ChatServerImpl keeps a HashSet of clients
- register/unregisterClient maintain HashSet
- postMessage
- takes ChatMessage bean as parameter
- bean includes sender, message (getters/setters)
- bean MUST be serializable
- calls deliverMessage on clients (iterates
20DeitelMessenger client main
- sets security manager to enable download of
stub - creates RMIMessageManager
- creates ClientGUI
- displays GUI (waits for events)
21RMI Message Manager
- uses class java.rmi.Naming
- provides methods for storing and obtaining
references to remote objects in the rmi registry - Takes string //hostport/name
- host defaults to localhost
- port defaults to 1099
- Bind/Rebind associates name with remote object
- Lookup returns an object reference, can use
reference to call methods
22RMI Message Manager cont.
- Registry may be shared by all servers on a host
or individual process may create its own registry - connect(MessageListener)
- does a lookup on ChatServer
- Pass this as argument to registerClient on
ChatServer. Enables RMIMessageManager to receive
callbacks. - sets a MessageListener to handle received
23RMIMessageManager cont.
- deliverMessage(ChatMessage)
- calls messageReceived of MessageListener, passing
in sender message from bean - sendMessage(sender, message)
- create bean, call postMessage of ChatServer
- serverStopping
- sets ChatServer to NULL, message
- Class that incorporates MessageManager,
MessageListener and DisconnectListener - WindowAdapter to disconnect if close window
- connectAction calls MessageManager connect,
sets DisconnectListener - most actions just call corresponding functions,
display status, etc.
25Dynamic Class Download
- For clients to download stubs dynamically
- RMI object specifies java.rmi.server.codebase
- Classes must be available for download from an
http server - http server must be running on ChatServer machine
26Executing Chat
- First start the server
- rmiregistry This must not be run in directory
with ChatServerImpl_Stub.class (or with that
class in its classpath). NOTE If your home
computer cannot find rmiregistry, you may need to
supply a complete path. For example, in CTLM we
used to run this command as      "C\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_04\bin\rmiregistry.exe" - Now you need to start the http server running.
We'll do this from inside Eclipse Set up a Run
configuration for examples.classServer.ClassFileSe
rver - Program Arguments 2001 ClassServer\classes
- VM Arguments none
- 2001 is port, ClassServer\classes is where youve
placed the root for it to locate the .class
files. May be able to use . (if set up in same
project) - Now you need to start the Chat Server. We'll do
this from inside EclipseSet up a Run
configuration for com.deitel.messenger.rmi.server.
ChatServerImpl     Program Arguments
none     VM Arguments -Djava.rmi.server.codeba
sehttp//localhost2001/ - Then start the client
- Set up a run configuration for com.deitel.messenge
r.rmi.client.DeitelMessenger     Program
Arguments none     VM Arguments
-Djava.security.policyclient.policyA common
error here is not having client.policy in the
correct location. Another possibility is not
specifying the VM arguments correctly.Â
27Attaching from a different computer
- run ipconfig on the server to find out the IP
address - Start server normally
- rmiregistry must be running on client machine (in
source root directory) - Add ip address of server as Program argument (not
VM argument) for DeitelMessenger. Notice if
statement that checks for args, routes to host
other than localhost if arg included.
28RMI Exercise
- Modify ChatServer and ChatServerImpl to register
an ID String with each client. - Messages may be sent to a specific client or to
All - Update MessageManager and RMIMessageManager to
operate with the new ChatServerImpl - Modify ClientGUI to accept To field
- Hint I used a Hashtable instead of a set to
contain the clients
29Info on ChatServerAdministrator(not used on
- Activatable objects execute in ActivationGroup
security - Starts new virtual machine for each Activation
Group - create new group with needed security policy
- register group with RMI activation system
- can customize commands daemon executes on
starting, not done for Chat - each group gets an incarnation number
30ChatServerAdministrator cont.
- ActivationDesc config for Activatable remote
object - name of class
- codebase with remote objects class files
- marshalledObject with initialization info (null
for Chat) - Call register take ActivationDesc, return
remote object stub. Bind to RMI registry. - Locate Registry does not actually connect to
remote host obtains reference to bootstrap
remote object registry.
31Activatable cont.
- stopServer
- Use Thread to ensure time to unbind from registry
before object terminates. Unbind done in