Title: Summary Panel 1
1SCRS SKIPJACK Report 2007
Purse seiner
Spatial distribution of the SKJ catches during
the period (2000-2004) for the main fisheries and
fishing gears in the Atlantic ocean.
3192.000 t
137.000 t
26.000 t
110.000 t
4Eastern Atlantic SKJ
EU purse seiners
Free school
Dakar based baitboats
Azorean baitboats
5Eastern Atlantic SKJ
Regular decrease in mean weight (dominated by PS
catches) until 1995
and logically regular increase in total mortality
(based on Length data) until 1995 ------ but
followed by a dramatic decline moratorium
effect ? decrease in fishing effort ?
Z K( L8 -L moy) / (L moy - L c) under .
equilibrium conditions
6Western Atlantic SKJ
Recent unexplained decline of Venezuelan PS CPUE,
while Brasilian BB CPUEs remain stable
Different patterns observed for mean weight
Venezuelan PS index decreases continuously,
while Brazilian BB index drop only in 2004
But US LL index increases slowly
7Fishery indicators
8See you next year for my stock assessment ? YES,
some guys at Corazon de Maria have proposed to
evaluate how many skj we are !, how many time we
move from the meeting room to the cafeteria,
whether the famous FADs in Madrid (i.e., Museo
del Jamon, El abuelo, etc) are still attractive
for ICCAT scientists ., well you know all types
of information very useful for playing with
CAUTION! Attending a SKJ assessment meeting is
not dangerous and not cause irreversible eye
damage It has been evidenced (by a Bayesian
Approach) that the SKJ Rapporteur had to wear
glasses BEFORE he started to work with this