Title: More on Objects and the BOMDOM
1More on Objects and the BOM/DOM
- Browser Object Model (BOM)
- Window Object
- Windows history Object
- Windows location Object
- Windows navigator Object
- Windows screen Object
- Document Object Model
- DOM Node Tree
- Document Object Collections
- JavaScript Events
- Old Examples
- Lab Challenge
3Browser Object Model (BOM)
- Means to access the properties and methods of the
browser objects - Browser-dependent
- Will cover DOM in more detail later
4Window Object
- Created automatically with every instance of a
ltbodygt or ltframesetgt tag. - Represents the window that contains your page
- Gives us access to some features of the browser
itself - Global object?
5Weve already used it
- window.alert()
- window.prompt()
- window.document.write()
- Document is a property of the window object, but
it is also an object itself!
6The Window Object
7The Window Object (continued)
JavaScript, Fourth Edition
8Windows and Events
- The click and dblclick Events
- The click event is often used for anchor element
- Web browser handles execution of the onclick
event handler automatically - You can override an anchor elements automatic
onclick event handler - Add to the ltagt element an onclick event handler
that executes custom code - The dblclick event works like the click event
JavaScript, Fourth Edition
9Opening and Closing Windows
- Opening a Window (continued)
- Syntax
- window.open(url, name, options, replace)
- You can customize its appearance using the
options argument
JavaScript, Fourth Edition
10Opening and Closing Windows (continued)
JavaScript, Fourth Edition
11Opening and Closing Windows (continued)
- Opening a Window (continued)
- Example Pine Knoll Properties Web page
- Links use the window.open() method instead of the
target attribute to open the URLs in a separate
page - A Window objects name property can be used only
to specify a target window with a link - And cannot be used in JavaScript code
- Assign created window to a variable
- If you want to control it
- focus() method
- Makes a window the active window
JavaScript, Fourth Edition
12Opening and Closing Windows (continued)
- Opening a Window (continued)
- Example Pine Knoll Properties Web page
- Add a focus() method to showProperty()
- Closing a Window
- close() method
- Closes a Web browser window
- window.close() or self.close()
- Closes the current window
- Example Pine Knoll Properties Web page
- Add links to each of the property Web pages that
call the close() method
JavaScript, Fourth Edition
13Windows history Object
- Consists of an array of URLs the user has visited
within a browser window. - Can use it to go to a URL in the browsers
history. - history.length
- history.go()
- history.back()
- history.forward()
14Calling JavaScript in an anchor tag
- You can execute single statements on JavaScript
using the achor tag. - More then one statement? Define a function in the
head and call the function with the anchor tag. - Lets take a look (history.html)
lta href"javascripthistory.back()"gt Go back a
page using backlt/agt lta href"javascriptgoBack()"
gt Calling a function to go back with an anchor
15The History Object
- Security features
- Object will not actually display the URLs
contained in the history list - In Internet Explorer this is only possible if the
currently displayed Web page exists - In same domain as Web page containing JavaScript
16The History Object (continued)
JavaScript, Fourth Edition
17Windows location Object
- Common Properties
- hash - Sets or returns the URL from the hash sign
() - href - Sets or returns the entire URL
- pathname - Sets or returns the path of the
current URL - protocol - Sets or returns the protocol of the
current URL - search - Sets or returns the URL from the
question mark (?) - Methods
- assign() - Loads a new document
- reload() - Reloads the current document
- replace() - Replaces the current document with a
new one
Lets take a look (location.html)
18The Location Object
JavaScript, Fourth Edition
19Windows navigator Object
- Automatically created by JavaScript and contains
information about the client browser. - Returns info about the users browser and OS.
- Common Properties
- appCodeName - Returns the code name of the
browser - appName - Returns the name of the browser
- appVersion - Returns the platform and version of
the browser - cookieEnabled - Returns a Boolean value that
specifies whether cookies are enabled in the
browser - platform - Returns the operating system platform
Lets take a look (navigator.html)
20Windows screen Object
- Automatically created by JavaScript and contains
information about the client browser. - Returns info about the users display
capabilities. - Common Properties
- height - The height of the display screen
- width - Returns width of the display screen
- availHeight - Returns the height of the display
screen (excluding the Windows Taskbar) - availWidth - Returns the width of the display
screen (excluding the Windows Taskbar) - colorDepth - Returns the bit depth of the color
palette on the destination device or buffer
Lets take a look (screen.html)
21The Screen Object (continued)
JavaScript, Fourth Edition
22Document Object Model
- defines a standard way for accessing and
manipulating HTML documents. - presents an HTML document as a tree-structure
- The W3C published the Level 1 DOM specification
in 1998. - All browsers have implemented this recommendation
23DOM Nodes
- According to the DOM, everything in an HTML
document is a node. - The entire document is a document node
- Every HTML tag is an element node
- The texts contained in the HTML elements are text
nodes - Every HTML attribute is an attribute node
- Comments are comment nodes
24DOM Node Tree
25Document Object Collections
- document.anchors
- returns a reference to all Anchor objects in the
document. - document.forms
- document.images
- document.links
26JavaScript Events
- When have our scripts been running so far?
- Every element on a web page has certain events
which can trigger JavaScript functions - A mouse click
- A web page or an image loading
- Mousing over a hot spot on the web page
- Selecting an input box in an HTML form
- Submitting an HTML form
- A keystroke