Title: New Mills School Business
1New Mills SchoolBusiness Enterprise College.
- How does Enterprise Work here?
Back to Home
2Enterprise Across the School
- Enterprise Day
- New Vocational courses
- Enterprise Showcase Evening
- Lessons in Year 11
- Lesson in Active Tutorial
- Year 8 Receptionists
- Companies eg. Peak Plants and Fair Trade
- Within the curriculum!!!!!!
- 500 projects offer for each department
36. Year 8 Receptionist
- A simple idea with an Enterprise Theme
41. Enterprise Day (06)
52. New Vocational Courses
- CITB Foundation Award in Construction
- BTEC Firsts Business, Travel, Art Design,
Manufacturing - GCE Catering
64. Enterprise Lessons in Yr 11
- Enterprise Projects (5)
- Adult Literacy and Numeracy
- Learn 2 Learn
- Space to fill in gaps
75. Lessons in Active Tutorial
8Enterprise Projects
- Drama Production of A Christmas Carol
- Year 8 Recipe Book Project
- The Jaguar Maths Challenge
- The Orchid Company
- Foreign Film Society
- Adopting of a school in Kenya
- The School Year book
- ICT Animation Film Production Club
- Music CD Production and sale
- Bird/ Bat box production and sale
- Fantasy Football
9(No Transcript)
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
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Title of activity
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Title of activity
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Title of activity
Date Describe your involvement
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