Title: Crankback Signaling Extensions for MPLS Signaling draftiwatamplscrankback07'txt
1Crankback Signaling Extensions for MPLS
- Adrian Farrel (editor) adrian_at_olddog.co.uk
- Arun Satyanarayana aruns_at_movaz.com
- Atsushi Iwata a-iwata_at_ah.jp.nec.com
- Norihito Fujita n-fujita_at_bk.jp.nec.com
- Gerald R. Ash gash_at_att.com
- Simon Marshall-Unitt smu_at_dataconnection.com
- Crankback is now a charter item
- Requirement identified in ASON
- Rev 07
- Tightening of text
- Fix typos
- Address issue of using up all remaining
SESSION_ATTRIBUTE flags - Move to use new LSP_ATTRIBUTES object
3Remaining Questions
- Are there too many TLVs?
- We believe that each one has a use
- Use is dependent on switching type etc.
- Not a requirement to actively support them all
- Do we need to add text to explain the use of each
TLV? - Should this draft define IF_ID TLVs for
unnumbered bundles? - It does at the moment
- In Vienna I asked
- Do we need to handle unnumbered bundles at all?
- Should the TLVs be defined in a separate draft?
- No-one seemed to care.
- Fold into ASON signaling solutions or keep
separate - My opinion is that this is a distinct piece of
work that will also be used for PSC
4Next Actions
- Time to become under WG draft
- Would like WG to review and indicate their
support or comments