BURUNDI PRESENTATION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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But it is linked to the Ocean Indian by 3 ways: ... Free movement of people and capital, Lack of access to markets in European Union, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • by
  • Marie Chantal NZOPFINDEKUYE

  • 0. Geographical location
  • I. What is the importance of the selected
    sectors in our country
  • 1. Tourism sector
  • 2.Culture sector
  • 3.Education sector
  • 4.Traditional medicine sector
  • II. State of each sector

Outline ( following)
  • III. Key barriers. 1. External barriers.
  • 2. Internal obstacles.
  • IV. How overcoming these barriers
  • Take on initiative for the promotion of
    foreign trade
  • V. Negotiation framework.

0. Geographical location
  • Burundi is a small country situated between
    East-African and Central Africa.
  • It is limited by the Democratic Republic of
    Congo in West and South-West, Rwanda in North and
    Tanzania North-East and South West. Thanks to the
    Lake Tanganyika with 650km, Burundi becomes an
    entrance to powerful countries of East Africa,
    Central Africa and Southern Africa

Geographical location( following)
  • Our country has a surface of 27,834 km2 with
    3,000Km2 taken up by the Lake Tanganyika.
  • Burundi doesnt have access to sea. But it is
    linked to the Ocean Indian by 3 ways
  • -The way said North, is a road crossing Rwanda,
    Uganda and Kenya till Mombassa port. The length
    of the road is about 2,000km.
  • -The way said South, 180Km from Lake Tanganyika
    port to Kigoma port in Tanzania

Geographical location( following)
  • A 1,250Km railway that links Kigoma port to
    Dar-es-Saalam. It is the least expensive way for
    the transport of goods.
  • The 180km central way that links Bujumbura to the
    port of Kigoma. That way is not passable on some
    areas in Tanzania especially in the rainy season.

I. What is the importance of the selected
sectors in our country
  • Selected sector are
  • 1.Tourism sector
  • 2. Culture sector
  • 3. Education sector
  • 4. Traditional medicine sector
  • The above sectors are important in our country
    as far as services export is concerned. The first
    and the second have enormous potentialities and
    opportunities when comparing them to the third
    and the forth. They have potential services
    assumed to be exported in Europe.

II. State of each sector1.Tourism
  • Burundi has a great potential touristic
  • - Beauty hills with large green spaces
  • - Lake Tanganyika with very good beaches
    (Saga Resha, Saga Nyanza, Saga plage, etc.)
  • - Five small lakes in north of the
  • - Source of Nil at Rutovu in Bururi
  • - Stanley and Livingstone stone place
  • - The special freshness of Bugarama
  • - Kibira and Ruvubu parks

1.Tourism ( following)
  • Data available in the Ministry of commerce shows
    that about 50 of revenue from services
    exportations comes from tourism. Tourism exports
    in region, E.U and globally. People from deferent
    countries admire the beauty of our country.

2.Culture sector
  • 2.The culture sector produces a lot, as Burundi
    has many and various cultural groups and clubs.
  • The exact number of cultural clubs is unknown but
    the main are
  • - 8 clubs in provinces and 9 in Bujumbura
    Mayorship. (see Page 10-11 of the document).

2.Culture sector
  • These groups export in regions and sometimes lack
    opportunities to go far. For instance, the
    cultural clubs BIRENZI VYA NTARE have been in
    china, South Africa, in Uganda, in Japan and in
    Canada to celebrate the festival dances and
  • RUKINZO Legacy club has been in Canada and LAC
    AUX OISEAUX club has been in Tanzania on the
    occasion of Burundi peace process agreement
    cerebration. All their presentations have been
    highly appreciated.

3. Education.
  • A number of Burundians desire to go deep in their
    studies but some lack of scholarships and other
    lack financial means.
  • High educational system now includes 6 public
    institutes and 12 private institutes ( Page 13-14
    of the document). From these Universities, we
    expect to get qualified people who can provide
    special teachings about our country in EU.

3. Education (following).
  • For instance the lecturer Adrien Ntabona
    initiated Burundi Literature course at
    University of Burundi that is integrated in the
    curriculum of the Faculty of Arts and Social
    Sciences. We assume that course should be
    exported in E.U.
  • It is structured as other literatures (African,
    French, English, American) that are imported and
    taught at university of Burundi.

4. Traditional Medicine
  • There exist a number of traditional medical
    centres in Burundi but only four are mentioned in
    the document. The focus has been on only one
    centre, managed by a Parish Priest, Leopold,
  • Nurses from these centres are highly appreciated
    by domestic and external beneficiaries. The
    external demand is from frontier countries such
    as Tanzania, Rwanda and Congo (see page18)

III. Key barriers. 1. External barriers.
  • External barriers are the most important
  • The lack of freedom of settlement,
  • Free movement of people and capital,
  • Lack of access to markets in European Union,
  • The developed countries limit the liberalism of
  • free movement of highly skilled people.

External barriers (following).
  • There are restrictions on temporary settlement
    into the European countries based on formalities
    for paperwork, visas or work permits,
  • The imposition of high taxes on the repatriation
    of income,
  • No formal recognition of professional

2. Domestic obstacles.
  • - Low income and lack of capital
  • - High cost and poor infrastructure,
  • - Skilled workers,
  • - Narrow market,
  • Administrative slowness,
  • - High rates of taxation,
  • - Lack of information about available market,
  • - Unfair competition.

IV. How overcoming these barriers
  • To address these issues, there are some
  • Natural tourist resources
  • The hotel trade is now growing and is
  • A security recovered.
  • - Roads in good condition
  • Strategic location of Burundi
  • - The investment environment.

Take on initiative for the promotion of foreign
trade such as
  • - Better information and market searching -
    Organization of exhibitions. - Training of
    managers of enterprises and improvement of laws
    and regulations. - Mobilization and change of
  • - The institutional framework is now varied
  • Indeed, there are public institutions
  • the Ministry of Commerce,
  • the National Office of Tourism,
  • the agency regulation and control of

Public institutions
  • The Bank of the Republic of Burundi,
  • The administration of Aeronautic services,
  • to name but a few

Private institutions
  • Chamber of commerce and investment of Burundi
  • Association of Employers of Burundi.
  • The Association of Industries of Burundi.
  • Private and public institutions should work
    together so as to overcome all the mentioned

V. Negotiation framework.
  • To face such an important partner ( EU), the
    negotiation would be done within the WTO because
    in the WTO the developing countries group makes
    itself understood as it has been proved in Doha
  • On the contrary negotiation trough EPA, EAC and
    COMESA member countries are not strong.

  • Thank you
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