Title: EarthCARE
- Welcome EarthCARE Team Leaders and Students
- to 2009 Spring Training
2Spring In-Service Agenda
- February 9, 2009 New Team Leaders Session
- 830 Welcome Introductions
- 835 Quiz
- 845 Audit Training
- 915 Sharing
- 1000 BREAK
- 1015 References Upcoming Events
- 1100 Expo 2009 Challenges
- 1120 Feedback
- 1130 On Your Way! THANKS.
3Spring 2009 In-Service Agenda
- 830 Welcome Introductions
- 835 Quiz
- 845 Sharing
- 930 Audit Dates
- 940 BREAK
- 955 Activity
- 1015 Expo 2009 Challenges
- 1035 References Upcoming Events
- 1120 Feedback
- 1130 On Your Way! THANKS.
4Spring 2009 In-Service Agenda
- 1230 Welcome Introductions
- 1235 Quiz
- 1245 Sharing
- 130 Audit Dates
- 140 BREAK
- 155 Activity
- 215 Expo 2009 Challenges
- 235 References Upcoming Events
- 320 Feedback
- 330 On Your Way! THANKS.
5Recycling Quiz - Primary
- Draw a line to show where you would put the
following items - newspapers
- cardboard
- milk carton
- soup cans
- batteries
- egg cartons
- gum
- candy wrappers
- juice boxes
- sandwich
- cereal box
- soft drink cans
- bottles
- jars
- plastic yogurt tubs
- worksheet
- magazines
Special Handling
6Primary Quiz (continued)
- What are you doing to help with recycling at
school and home? - What should you do with used batteries (those
that dont work any more)?
7Recycling Quiz
- In Ottawa more than a ______________ dollars of
revenue are lost every year when recyclables are
needlessly disposed of in the garbage? - The packaging industry through Waste Diversion
Ontario, covers ____ of the costs of Ottawas
residential recycling program. - Much of the citys waste ________ is used as a
base for road construction. - Ottawas recyclables sell for 120 a tonne. The
City used the money to ___________________________
___________________. - Ottawa residents generate __________ tonnes of
waste per year. - More than _____ of Ottawas residential waste
is organic and compostable (leaf and yard waste,
kitchen waste).
8Recycling Quiz (continued)
- Check what can go in a green bin for composting
- Vegetables, fruits leaves paper towels
- Meat/fish grass diapers
- Rubber bread cereals
- Coffee grounds tissues egg shells
- Food leftovers cloth vacuum sweepings
- 8. In Ottawa _____ of batteries are recycled
each year. - By recycling 1 tonne of paper, ________ average
sized trees are saved. - Recycling just one glass bottle or jar can save
enough energy to run your TV - for ____ hours.
- 11. It takes _______ years for a single aluminum
can to decompose. - 12. Recycling one aluminum can saves enough
energy to power your TV - for ____ hours.
- 13. What advice would you give others about
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14(No Transcript)
15Audit Week April 14 20, 2009 Due Online
April 21, 2009
16Student Activity 1
- List all the acts of green you are doing at
- School
- Home, and in the
- Community
17Student Activity 2
- List EarthCARE topics
- you could use to speak to students
- on the morning announcements
18Student Activity 3
Reduce your mileage!
List ways YOU can help with this problem
19EarthCARE Expo 2009
Keynote Speaker LISA GLITHERO Environmental
Educator, Youth Advocate Community Innovator
http//www.speakers.ca/glithero_lisa.aspx http//
20EarthCARE Expo 2009
Challenges Elementary Secondary
Create a 60 second audio podcast that could be
aired on the radio on Earth Day, April 22, 2009.
It can be on any EarthCARE topic, e.g.,
recycling rethinking reducing reusing energy
conservation Earth Hour water conservation plastic
bags battery recycling anti-idling uranium
mining plastic water bottles greening your
space composting litter-less lunches
Looking for clear message, creativity, 60
seconds, submitted by April 15th
21Battery Recycle
8.3 million batteries are purchased each year in
Ottawa alone
Improper battery disposal ? 75 of cadmium 88
of mercury in landfills
22Earth Day Ottawa
23One Million Acts of Green
Create a Group. Challenge Others. Get Involved.
Challenge your friends, families, co-workers or
24Zerofootprint Ottawa
25Go Green Expo
March 21, 22 at Lansdowne Park with Severn
Cullis-Suzuki http//www.ottawagogreenexpo.com/
26Spring Cleaning the Capital
Spring Cleaning the Capital is ready for a clean
sweep. Residents of all ages are invited to
participate in the City's 14th annual Spring
Cleaning the Capital campaign between Sunday,
April 15 and Tuesday, May 15, 2007. Check their
website in March for campaign details and to
register your spring project.
27New URLs to View
http//www.eyesproject.com http//www.chiff.com
http//www.ecokids.ca http//www.earthcarecanada.
com http//www.ottawa.ca/residents/recycling_garb
age/talkin_trash/index_en.html http//www.ottawa.
stem/air/idling/index_en.html http//app01.ottawa
28FEEDBACK Please!
EarthCARE Team Leaders - Information/Training Di
d the session meet your needs and or
expectations? Are there other topics you
would like to hear about? Do you have any
suggestions for improvement? Remember Let us
know if you need help with the audit contact
Doris on Beam at EarthCARE Book Doris on Beam for
a school visit or help with a school story for
the web. Bring your team/class to Expo April 30th
to see and hear Lisa Glithero Thank you for
providing us with this feedback.
29Happy Valentines Day
Dont be a passenger
Be the crew for planet earth!