Using Design Patterns to Elaborate upon Design Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Using Design Patterns to Elaborate upon Design Models


... and operations flagged by a 'House Unwordy Activities Committee' as not ... there is only one part to build, as the Association in the Concordance example, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Using Design Patterns to Elaborate upon Design Models

Using Design Patterns to Elaborate upon Design
Moving from Analysis to Design
Examine Design models and initial code to
  • Improve cohesion
  • Reduce coupling
  • Enhance Reusability

GoF Design Patterns should be used to rewrite
code to promote these goals
Concordance Example
A Concordance consists of an alphabetized list of
words appearing in a short document together with
an ordered list of the distinct line numbers of
lines in which each word appears. Design and
implement a short document concordance program.
Your program should be able to accept any
document, generate a Concordance for the
document, and display (or print) the document
with its concordance.
The domain model will contain the following
Concordance Document Word WordList
Line LineNumberList
Concordance Domain Model
Consider class WordList. It has the following
Quick Access -- HashTable O(1),
BinarySearchTree O(lg(n)), Vector O(n)
Alphabetically ordered display BinarySearchTree
O(ln), Vector O(n), HashTable
Choose a BinarySearchTree as the most appropriate
data structure
Next, consider class LineNumberList.
Line numbers are entered in the order they
appear, and are read from front to back.
Consider using either a Vector or a Queue to list
line numbers. Choose the Vector for simplicity
and because it can be read non-destructively.
Class Diagram First Iteration
Consequences of Implementation 1
Class Interfaces
class Word private String word
private Vector theLines public Word
(String s, int lineNum) . public void
addLine(int num) theLines.add(new
Integer(num)) public boolean equals(Word w)
public String toString( )
public String getWord( ) public String
getLineNums( )
The statements highlighted in blue indicate
attributes and operations flagged by a House
Unwordy Activities Committee as not properly
belonging to class Word.
In the interest of high cohesion we will redesign
the class
Modified Class Diagram
Additional Design Modification
Who is responsible for creating Associations?
Better Solution use a Builder to construct
Association objects
Builder Pattern
Implementation of Builder Pattern
public class Concordance private Builder
assBuilder new AssocBuilder( ) private
BinsSTree bst new BinsSTree( ) public
void readLines(Document doc) String delims "
\t\n.,!?" for (int line 1 true line)
try String text doc.readLine(
) if (text null) return text
text.toLowerCase( ) Enumeration e new
StringTokenizer(text, delims) while
(e.hasMoreElements( )) enterWord((String)e.nex
tElement( ),line) catch(IOException e)
System.err.println(e.toString( ))
private void enterWord(String word, int line)
Word w new Word(word)
assBuilder.buildPart(w, line) Association
ass assBuilder.getPart( ) if
(!bst.contains(ass) ) bst.add(ass)
else boolean flag false
Iterator itr bst.iterator( ) while
(itr.hasNext( ) !flag)
Association visit (Association)
) if (visit.equals(ass))
flag true

Implementation of Builder Pattern
class AssocBuilder implements Builder
private Association theProduct public
void buildPart(Word w, int lineNum)
theProduct new Association(w, new
Integer(linNum) ) public Object
getPart( ) return theProduct
class Association implements Comparable
private Word word private Vector v
private String key public Association ( )
word null v new Vector( ) key
null public Association(Word w,
Integer lineNum) word w v new
Vector( ) key w.getWord( )
v.add(lineNum) public addWord(Word w)
word w key w.getWord( )
public addLine(Integer lineNum)
v.add(lineNum) //methods equals,
compareTo, toString, etc.
Note! getPart( returns a generic Object client
must cast to get the desired return type.
Implementation of Builder Pattern
When there is only one part to build, as the
Association in the Concordance example, it makes
sense to omit the abstract builder interface and
just use a concrete class. We compromised and
kept the abstract interface, but wrote the
buildPart method with parameters specific to the
single product (Association) in the example.
Builder Pattern
Intent Separate the construction of a complex
object from its representation, so that the same
construction process can create different
representations (in our example Association and
  • Builder an Abstract Interface for creating parts
    of a Product object.
  • ConcreteBuilder
  • Implements the Builder Interface
  • Defines and keeps track of the representation it
  • provides an interface for retrieving the
  • Director (Concordance)
  • Constructs a Product object using the Builder
  • Product (Association)
  • includes classes that define the constituent
    parts, including interfaces for assembling the
    parts into the final result.

Builder Pattern
  • The client creates the Director object and
    configures it with the desired Builder object.
  • The Director notifies the ConcreteBuilder
    whenever a part of the Product should be built.
  • The Builder handles requests from the Director
    and adds parts to the Product
  • The client retrieves the Product from the Builder

Alternative Design
Follow the pattern more closely and create a
separate Director that directs the construction
of the BinSTree and the Document (not shown)
new TreeBuilder( )
parseText(Document )
printConcordance( )
getResult( )
iterator( )
Alternative Design Classes
public class Concordance private Builder
docBuilder new DocumentBuilder( ) private
DocParser director private Document
theText public Concordance( )
director new DocParser( ) public
void makeConcordance( String filename)
docBuilder.buildPart( filename) theText
docBuilder.getPart( ) director
.parseText(theText) public void
printConcordance( )
Alternative Design Classes
class DocParser private Builder treeBuilder
new TreeBuilder( ) private Document
theText public parseText(Document doc)
theText doc readLines(theText)
public void readLines( )
String delims " \t\n.,!?" for (int
line 1 true line) try
String text doc.readLine( ) if
(text null) return text
text.toLowerCase( ) Enumeration e
new StringTokenizer(text, delims)
while (e.hasMoreElements( )) enterWord((String)e
.nextElement( ),line)
catch(IOException e) System.err.println(e.toStrin
g( ))
private void enterWord(String word, int line)
Word w new Word(word)
treeBuilder.buildPart(w, line)
The Concordance is relieved of any responsibility
for forming Associations or performing operations
on a tree.
Alternative Design
class TreeBuilder implements Builder private
BinSTree bst new BinSTree( ) private
Association ass public void buildPart(Word
w, int line) ass new Association(w,
new Integer(line) ) if
(!bst.contains(ass) )
bst.add(ass) else
boolean flag false
Iterator itr bst.iterator( )
while (itr.hasNext( ) !flag)
Association visit (Association)
) if (visit.equals(ass))
flag true

public Iterator getResult ( ) return
bst.iterator( )
Additional Patterns
Singleton Adapter Composite Decorator Flyweight
Singleton Pattern
Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide
a global point of access to it.
  • Use Singleton pattern when
  • There must be exactly one instance of a class,
    and it must be accessible to clients from a
    well-known access point.
  • When the sole instance should be extensible by
    sub-classing, and clients should be able to use
    an extended instance without modifying their code.

  • Controlled access to sole instance. Singleton
    class encapsulates its sole instance and has
    strict control over how and when clients access
  • Reduced name space. It avoids polluting the name
    space with global variables that store sole
  • Permits refinement of operations and
    representation. It can be subclassed.

Singleton Pattern Example code
Singleton class declaration
Implementation of Singleton
class Singleton public static
Singleton Instance( ) protected
Singleton( ) private static
Singleton _instance
Singleton Singleton _instance 0 Singleton
SingletonInstance( ) if (_instance
0) _instance new Singleton( )
return _instance
Adapter Pattern
Class Adapter
Adapter lets classes work together that couldnt
otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.
Adapter Pattern
Object Adapter
Adapter can add additional functionality to the
Adaptee object that the Adaptee object lacks but
that Target requires.
Adapter (a.k.a. Wrapper)
  • Use the Adapter pattern when
  • You want to use an existing class and its
    interface does not match the one you need.
  • You want to create a reusable class that
    cooperates with unrelated or unforseen classes,
    that is, classes that dont necessarily have
    compatible interfaces.
  • (object adapter) you need to use several existing
    subclasses, but its impractical to adapt their
    interface by subclassing every one. An object
    adapter can adapt the interface of its parent

Target -- defines the domain-specific interface
that Client uses. Client -- collaborates with
objects conforming to the Target
interface. Adaptee -- defines an existing
interface that needs adapting.
Adapter -- adapts the interface of
Adaptee to the Target interface
Composite Pattern
Composite Pattern
You want to be able to ignore the difference
between compositions of objects and individual
objects. Clients will treat all objects in the
composite structure uniformly.
  • Component

-- declares the interface for objects in the
composition -- implements default behavior for
the interface common to all classes, as
appropriate -- declares an interface for
accessing and managing its child components.
  • Leaf

-- defines behavior for primitive objects in the
  • Composite

-- defines behavior for components having
children. -- stores child components --
implements child-related operations in the
Component interface.
Composite Pattern
Clients use the Component class interface to
interact with object in the composite structure.
If the recipient is a Leaf, then the request is
handled directly. If the recipient is a
Composite, then it usually forwards request to
its child components, possibly performing
additional operations before and/or after
  • Defines class hierarchies consisting of primitive
    objects and composite objects. Wherever client
    code expects a primitive object, it can also take
    a composite object.
  • Makes the client simple. Clients can treat
    composite structures and individual objects
  • Makes it easier to add new kinds of components.
    Newly defined Composite or Leaf subclasses work
    automatically with existing structures and client
  • Can make your design overly general. It makes it
    harder to restrict the components of a composite.

Example of Composite Pattern
Sample Code
class Equipment public virtual
Equipment( ) const char name( )
return _name virtual Watt Power( )
virtual Currency NetPrice( )
virtual Currency DiscountPrice( )
virtual void Add(Equipment ) virtual
void Remove(Equipment ) virtual
IteratorltEquipmentgt CreateIterator( )
protected Equipment (const char )
private const char _name
class FloppyDisk public Equipment
public FloppyDisk(const char)
virtual FloppyDisk( ) virtual Watt
Power( ) virtual Currency NetPrice( )
virtual Currency DiscountPrice( )
class Chassis public CompositeEquipment
public Chassis (const char )
virtual Chassis( ) virtual Watt Power(
) virtual Currency NetPrice( )
virtual Currency DiscountPrice( )
Sample Code for Composite Example
class CompositeEquipment public Equipment
public virtual CompositeEquipment( )
virtual Watt Power( ) virtual
Currency NetPrice( ) virtual Currency
DiscountPrice( ) virtual void
Add(Equipment ) virtual void
Remove(Equipment ) virtual
IteratorltEquipment gt CreateIterator( )
protected CompositeEquipment(const char
) private ListltEquimpent gt
An implementation of NetPrice( )
Currency CompositeEquipomentNetPrice( )
IteratorltEquipment gt i CreateIterator( )
Currency total 0 for (i -gt first( ) i -gt
isDone( ) i -gt next( ) ) total i -gt
currentItem( ) -gt NetPrice( ) delete
i return total
Sample code for Composite Pattern Example
Assume we have additional Equipment classes such
as Bus, Cabinet, etc. We can assemple equipment
into a (simple) computer (CompositeEquipment
Cabinet cabinet new Cabinet(PC
Cabinet) Chassis chassis new Chassis(PC
Chassis) cabinet -gt Add(chassis) Bus bus
new Bus(MCA Bus) bus -gt Add(new Card(100 Mbs
Ethernet) ) chassis -gtAdd(bus) chassis -gt Add
(new FloppyDisk(3.5 in Floppy) ) cout ltlt the
net price is ltlt chassis -gt NetPrice( ) ltlt endl
Decorator Pattern
Allows the programmer to add responsibilities to
individual objects, not to an entire class. The
decorator conforms to the interface of the
component it decorates so that its presence is
transparent to the components clients.
An example of a decorator is the scroll pane in
java. We may add scroll bars as needed. We may
also add a border around the scroll pane.
Another example of the Decorator Pattern in java
is the Stream classes.
Decorator Pattern
Decorator Pattern
  • Component defines the interface for objects
    that can be decorated
  • ConcreteComponent (JTextArea) defines an object
    to which additional responsibilities can be added
    (can be decorated)
  • Decorator maintains a reference to a Component
    object and defines an interface that conforms to
    Components interface.
  • ConcreteDecorator (JScrollPane) adds
    responsibilities to the Component.

Decorator Pattern
More flexible than static inheritance.
Avoids feature-laden classes high up in the
hierarchy. Instead of trying to support all
foreseeable features in a complex, customizable
class, you can define a simple class and add
functionality incrementally with Decorator
A Decorator and its Component are not identical.
A decorator acts as a transparent enclosure.
Decorator Pattern -- Example
import java.awt. import javax.swing. public
class JScrollDemo extends JFrame JTextArea
area new JTextArea(10, 60) JScrollPane sp
new JScrollPane(area,
public JScrollBarDemo( ) Container cp
getContentPane( ) area.setFont(new
Font(Monospaced, Font.PLAIN, 12))
cp.add(sp, BorderLayout.CENTER)
setVisible(true) setDefaultCloseOperati
Flyweight Pattern
Use sharing to support a large number of
fine-grained objects efficiently. The Flyweight
pattern describes how to share objects to allow
their use at fine granularities without
prohibitive storage cost.
Applicability -- Apply the Flyweight pattern
when all of the following are true.
  • An application uses a large number of objects.
  • Storage costs are high because of the sheer
    quantity of objects.
  • Most object state can be made extrinsic.
    (Intrinsic state is stored in the flyweight it
    is context independent. Extrinsic state depends
    upon the flyweights context and cant be
  • Many groups of objects may be replaced by
    relatively few shared objects once extrinsic
    state is removed.
  • The application does not depend upon object
    identity (since flyweight objects are
    shared,identity tests will return true for
    conceptually distinct objects.)

Flyweight Pattern
Flyweight Pattern
The following object diagram shows how flyweights
are shared
Flyweight Pattern
  • Flyweight (Glyph) declares an interface through
    which flyweights can receive and act on extrinsic
  • ConcreteFlyweight (Character) implements the
    Flyweight interface and adds storage for
    intrinsic state. It must be sharable and any
    stored state must be independent of the
    flyweights context.
  • UnsharedConcreteFlyweight (Row, Column) not all
    Flyweight subclasses need to be shared. The
    Flyweight interface enables sharing it doesnt
    enforce it. Its common for UnsharedConcreteFlywe
    ight objects to have ConcreteFlyweight objects as
    children at some level of the flyweight object
  • FlyweightFactory creates and manages flyweight
    objects. When a client requests a flyweight
    object, the factory supplies an existing
    flyweight object if one exists and creates one if
    it doesnt.
  • Client maintains a reference to flyweights and
    computes or stores their extrinsic state.

Flyweight Pattern
ConcreteFlyweight -- Character Intrinsic
state character code Extrinsic state
font, color, position
public interface Glyph public void
draw(Window w, GlyphContext gc) public void
setFont(Font f, GlyphContext gc) public
Font getFont(GlyphContext gc) ..
public class Character implements Glyph
//implement all of the Glyph methods public
Character(char c) _charcode c private
char _charcode
public class Row implements Glyph
//implement all of the Glyph mehods
Flyweight Pattern
public class GlyphFactory private static
final int NUMCHARS 128 private Glyph
charPool public GlyphFactory
charPool new GlyphNUMCHARS for
(int i 0 i lt NUMCHARS i) charPooli
null public Character
createCharacter(char ch) if
(charPoolch null) charPoolch new
Character(ch) return charPoolch
public Row createRow( ) return
new Row( )
Flyweight Pattern
Class GlyphContext must store or compute the
extrinsic state of each flyweight object in the
document. If each character in the document is
indexed, then we would need to locate the start
index and duration of substrings using a
particular font.
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