Title: Sol UK
1Sol UK
- Options and choices for tomorrows capability
Internal discussion document January 16th 2006
2How shall we learn together?
10 Minutes
Advocacy defensive routines. Things
deliberately unsaid the fact they are unspoken
is itself undiscussable. But lets not talk about
But which filter dominates our ability to
identify evaluate errors?
1. Espoused Theory Planned Intention
Model I
- Be in control
- Win do not lose
- Suppress negative feelings
- Emphasise rationality
- Full participation in defining purpose
- Everyone wins no one loses
- Express feelings
- Suppress cogitative intellectual aspects of action
4. Gap evaluation error detection
2. Designed Action
Opposite Model I This is only an Espoused Theory
of action. Do as I say, not as I do!
Effective Learning. Brutal truths that can only
be spoken if we genuinely value each other
- Valid information
- Free Informed Choice
- Internal commitment
3. Actual Outcome
Important Question Is our capacity to undertake
organisational learning sufficiently
developed? Can we do this?
Model II
Source Interpreted from Chris Argyris
3Proposed Agenda
- Agree agenda Consensus
- Define Current Reality
- Current hopes, anxieties Issues
- Current health of Sol UK
- Assumptions Constraints
- Key variables Change Priority
- Discussion about model building
- Front page article from 2010 edition of
Reflections - Build Base Case model
- Scenarios Insights
- Creativity new options
- Decisions and Commitment to actions
2 Minutes
41. Consensus
- Test proposed agenda
- Questions Answers about agenda
- How should we deal with undiscussable issues?
(Anyone seeking to control, for any purpose, will
promote Model I values undermine OL) - Modification of agenda (is it adequate Just)
- Acceptance of agenda or end of session
30 Minutes
52.i. Current hopes, Anxieties issues
15 Minutes
62.ii. Current Health of Sol UK
30 Minutes
72.iii. Assumptions Constraints
- Why do we think this?
- Why cant we just do it?
- Who needs to approve?
- What else will happen?
- What if we do nothing?
- What are we trying to achieve?
15 Minutes
82.iv. Key variables Change priority
Agreed Importance
30 Minutes
92.v. Discussion about model building
- Are we ready to form a problem statement?
- Do we have a succinct problem statement
- What are the problems and opportunities?
- Why have they arisen?
- What would happen if we did nothing?
- What are the key variables?
- Who will develop the model?
- What will they do?
- Why will they do it like that?
- When will they show it?
- How will it be used when its done?
- How will we know its valid?
15 Minutes
102.vi. Front Page of Reflection in 2010
- As a team write the front page of Reflections in
2010 explaining what we achieved - Headline
- Qualitative quantitative achievements.
- Key challenges that were overcome.
- First signs of success.
- First major celebration as a team.
15 Minutes
113. Build Model
??? Minutes
124. Scenarios Insights
??? Minutes
13Task Group
Initial idea Arie de Gues Sol members tasked
Roy Woodhead, Phil Hadridge, Didier
Clement. Friends with experience in building SD
models Andrew Alf Garnett Graham Mead