GTSTRUDL Version 27 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GTSTRUDL Version 27


Select the Units-Length-Centimeters menu option to change the length unit to CM. ... specify paper margin sizes (in inches), and select the Print black & white ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GTSTRUDL Version 27

GTSTRUDL Version 27 This latest version of
GTSTRUDL includes numerous new features, feature
enhancements, error corrections, and prerelease
features. GTSTRUDL is developed and supported
at The Computer Aided Structural Engineering
(CASE) Center School of Civil Engineering Georgia
Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia
30332-0355 U.S.A. Tel 1-404-8942260 Fax 1-404-
8948014 email Address Demons
trations 1 and 2 provide step-by-step
descriptions of using GTSTRUDL to respectively
create a structure using the Model Wizard and the
GTMenu graphical user interface.
Demonstration 2 Slide Show demonstrates the use
of the GTMenu graphical user interface to create
a simple Plane Truss structure, and then using
GTMenu to display the structure and analysis
results. 2. The slides in this Demonstration
Slide Show are advanced by clicking the left
mouse button, or by using the Down/Up Arrow keys,
or by clicking the PgDn/PgUp (page down/up)
keys. 3. The Slide Show may be exited by
clicking the right mouse button 4. Since GTMenu
will occupy the full screen, the Tutorial Slide
Show screen can be displayed alternately with the
GTMenu screen by clicking the Alt - Tab keys at
the same time.
Plane Truss Structure of Demonstration 2
Material Steel Member Properties Loads Memb
ers AX (cm2) 1 Self Weight 2
Applied Joint Loads 1 - 4 600 11
1 2 (Gravity Load) 6, 7 900 5,
8 700
Initiating GTSTRUDL 27 GTSTRUDL may be initiated
from the Start menu by clicking Start - Programs
- GTSTRUDL 27 - GTSTRUDL 27 as follows
  • Starting GTSTRUDL Directly in GTMenu
  • When GTSTRUDL is initiated, this GT STRUDL
    StartupWizard opening dialog will appear with the
    default working directory in the Working
    Directory Dialog Area. The working directory may
    be changed if desired (e.g., D\Userdir).
  • Click the GTMenu option, and then click the OK
    button which opens the main GT STRUDL output
    window , and then opens the GTMenu graphical user

Select the Units-Length-Meters menu option to
change the length unit to Meters.
Select the Units-Force-Mtons menu option to
change the force unit to Metric Tons (Mtons).
  • Creating the Structural Model Beginning with
    Joint Coordinates
  • Select the Create-Joints-Only menu option. The
    GTMenu Structural Modeling Tool menu will appear.

Select Input Coordinates to permit the input of
the coordinates of joints.
In the Input Coordinates data entry box, and for
each joint in sequence, enter the coordinates in
the Enter Coordinates data box followed by the
Enter key as follows Joint 1, type
0.0 0.0 Joint 2, type 0.0 5.0 Joint 3, type
5.0 0.0 Joint 4, type 5.0 5.0 Joint 5,
type 11.0 0.0 Click the Store button at the
lower right of the Input Coordinates dialog box.
This will store the five input joints.
Click the Redraw button in the upper menu bar to
redraw the five joints on the screen in a scale
where all five joints will be visible.
  • Create Member Incidences and Assign Material
  • Select the Create-Members Only menu option in
    order to specify the incidences of the truss

In the Create Members dialog box, select the
Material Group Assignment.
In the Material Properties dialog box, select
Steel, and then click the Done box.
In the Create Members dialog box, while the
Current Material Properties is set to Steel,
select Plane Truss (the XY Global plane is the
default plane), Define Start End,
and Generate Members. The cursor will appear
and it is then used to define the incidences of
each of the eight plane truss members as
described below.
  • Place the cursor on joint 1 and click the left
    mouse button.
  • Drag the cursor to joint 2 and click the left
    mouse button which creates Member 1.

  • Place the cursor on joint 3 and click the left
    mouse button.
  • Drag the cursor to joint 4 and click the left
    mouse button which creates Member 2.
  • Place the cursor on joint 1 and click the left
    mouse button.
  • Drag the cursor to joint 3 and click the left
    mouse button which creates Member 3.
  • Place the cursor on joint 2 and click the left
    mouse button.
  • Drag the cursor to joint 4 and click the left
    mouse button which creates Member 4.
  • Place the cursor on joint 3 and click the left
    mouse button.
  • Drag the cursor to joint 5 and click the left
    mouse button which creates Member 5.

  • Place the cursor on joint 3 and click the left
    mouse button.
  • Drag the cursor to joint 2 and click the left
    mouse button which creates Member 6.
  • Place the cursor on joint 1 and click the left
    mouse button.
  • Drag the cursor to joint 4 and click the left
    mouse button which creates Member 7.
  • Place the cursor on joint 5 and click the left
    mouse button.
  • Drag the cursor to joint 4 and click the left
    mouse button which creates Member 8.

  • Click the right mouse button to exit the cursor.
  • The incidences of all 8 Plane Truss members have
    been created.
  • Click the Store button. This will cause the 8
    Plane Truss members to be stored.

  • Assign Member Cross-Section Properties
  • The member cross-section area properties of the
  • 8 Plane Truss members will be defined next.
  • Select the Create - Material and Member
    Properties - Member Properties menu options.

Select the Prismatic option in the Member
Properties Group dialog box. The Prismatic
Properties dialog box will appear.
Select the Units-Length-Centimeters menu option
to change the length unit to CM.
In the Prismatic Properties dialog box, type the
property name as Prop 1, and the value of AX as
600. Click the Store New button.
In the Prismatic Properties dialog box, type the
property name as Prop 2, and the value of AX as
700. Click the Store New button.
In the Prismatic Properties dialog box, type the
property name as Prop 3, and the value of AX as
900. Click the Store New button.
In the Prismatic Properties dialog box, click
the Done button.
Select the Edit-Joints, Members and
Elements-Member Data menu options. The Edit
Member Data dialog box will appear.
Select the Properties option in the Edit Member
Data dialog box. The cursor will appear. Use the
cursor to select members 1, 2, 3, and 4. Then
click the right mouse button to exit the cursor.
The Member Properties dialog box will appear.
Select the member property option called Prop 1
pris AX 600 in the Member Properties dialog box,
and click the Done button. Members 1, 2, 3, and
4 will be assigned the member property group
called Prop 1 (i.e., Prismatic AX 600 cm 2).
Use the cursor to select members 5 and 8. Then
click the right mouse button to exit the crsor.
The Member Properties dialog box will
appear. Select the member property option called
Prop 2 pris AX 700 in the Member Properties
dialog box, and click the Done button. Members 5
and 8 will be assigned the member property group
called Prop 2 (i.e., Prismatic AX 700 cm 2).
Use the cursor to select members 6 and 7. Then
click the right mouse button to exit the crsor.
The Member Properties dialog box will
appear. Select the member property option called
Prop 3 pris AX 900 in the Member Properties
dialog box, and click the Done button. Members 5
and 8 will be assigned the member property group
called Prop 3 (i.e., Prismatic AX 900 cm
2). Click the right mouse button to exit the
Click the Right Mouse button to exit the
cursor. Member properties for all eight Plane
Truss members have been assigned. Click the
Redraw button.
Define Support Boundary Conditions Select the
Edit - Joint Data menu options. The Edit Joint
Data dialog box will appear.
In the Edit Joint Data dialog box, select the
Support Release option. The cursor will
appear. Use the cursor to select Joint 1. Click
the Right Mouse button. The Edit Support
Release dialog box will appear.
Click the Done button, and Joint 1 is now a
Fully Restrained Plane Truss support joint.
Use the cursor to select Joint 3. Click the
Right Mouse button. The Edit Support Release
dialog box will appear.
Select the FX Release option. Click the Done
button, and support Joint 3 is now a Horizontal
Roller Truss support joint. Click the Right
Mouse button.
Define Self Weight and Live Loads Select the
Create - Loads - Activate Independent Load menu
options. The Create Indep Load dialog box will
The Self Weight (dead load) of the structure will
now be defined as Loading 1 Type the load Name
1 Type the load Description Self
Weight Click the Store New button.
Select the Self Weight of members load option.
In the Self-wt of mem dialog box, select the
Negative Y Load Direction, and use the default
load factor 1.00 in the -Y Direction, and click
the Generate Loads button. This will cause the
self weight of all Plane Truss members to be
automatically calculated in GTMenu, and then each
time an analysis is performed. One half of each
Plane Truss members self weight will be applied
in the negative Global Y-direction at each joint
upon which the Plane Truss member is incident.
Click the Yes button in response to the question
Display generated loads? A graphical display
of the generated self weight will be displayed.
These loads can also be displayed later by using
the Display - Loads menu option. In the Gravity
Loads dialog box, click the Active Load button.
This will cause a return to the Create Indep Load
dialog box so that another load may be defined.
The applied joint forces on the structure will
now be defined as Loading 2 Type the load Name
2 Type the load Description Applied Joint
Loads Click the Store New button.
Select the Joint Loads load option.
Click the Generate Load button. The cursor will
appear. Place the cursor on Joint 2 and click
the Left Mouse button. Then place the cursor on
Joint 4 and click the Left Mouse button.
Click the Right Mouse button. The Individual
Joint Load Values dialog box will appear. Enter
the value of FX as 5.0, and click the Done
button. The concentrated joint forces of 5.0
MTONS acting on joints 2 and 4 will be displayed.
Click the Generate Load button again. The
cursor will appear. Place the cursor on joint 5
and click the Left mouse button. Click the Right
Mouse button. The Individual Joint Load Values
dialog box will appear. Enter the value of FX as
15 and the value of FY as -10 and click the Done
button. The concentrated joint forces of 15 and
-10 MTONS acting on joint 5 will be displayed.
Select the Display - Loads menu options. Click
the Select Load button.
Select the Load 2 Applied Joint Loads menu
option. Click the Done button.
Click the Display Load button.
Define Loading Combinations Loading Combinations
11 and 12 will now be defined. Select the
Create-Loads-Define Dependent Load menu options.
The Create/Edit Dependent Load menu will appear.
Type the Name of one loading combination as 11",
and its Description as Gravity Loads. Then
click the Store New button.
Define Loading Combination 11 specifications by
making the following sequence of picks Select
Independent Loading 1. The default load factor
is 1.0. Click the Add Component button. Select
Independent Loading 2. The default load factor
is 1.0. Click the Add Component button. Loading
Combination 11 Specifications 1 1.0 2 1.0 are
now defined. Click the Done button.
Click the Redraw menu option. SAVE the Current
State of the Model From time to time during a
GTMenu model generation session, it is advisable
to save and protect the current state of the
information created. Select the File - Save
Model menu options. This will cause the Save
File dialog box to appear.
Enter the file name (Tutorial2-ppt) of the save
file in which the current model data will be
saved. The save file name will be
Tutorial2-ppt.gts. Click the Save button.
Select File - End GTMenu to exit GTMenu. Select
the YES option which will retain the model
created in GTMenu.
Select the Analysis - Static Analysis (Stiffness
Analysis) menu option to perform a linear static
analysis for all currently active loading
Select the Results - Static (Text Output) -
Output Ordering-By Joints/Members menu options to
order analysis results by joints or members
rather than by loading condition.
Select the Results - Static (Text Output) -
Member End Forces menu options to list member
forces for all currently active loading
Select the All members option, and click the OK
button, to list analysis member end forces,
ordered by member, for all currently active
loading conditions.
To print the text output on a printer device,
select the View-Options menu option. The
GTSTRUDL Options dialog box will appear.
In the GTSTRUDL Options dialog box, select the
Printing folder, and then select the
Automatically fit font size for paper option.
This option will automatically select a font size
to fit the specified print margins and the
default paper size that is defined in the system
printer settings. In addition, specify paper
margin sizes (in inches), and select the Print
black white option which will assure clear
printing on black white laser printers.
Select the print icon, and the
member end forces text output will be printed to
the laser printer according to the format options
set above. Click the OK button in the Print
dialog box.
Select the icon to enter the
GTMenu graphical user interface.
Select the Label-Display and Label Settings menu
options. The Display Label Entities dialog box
will be displayed.
Select the Label All Joints and Members. Click
the Redraw and Done buttons.
Select the Force X diagram option. Click the
Select Load button. The Current Loads dialog box
will be displayed.
Select the Loading 2 Applied Joint Loads
option. Click the Done button.
Select the Display and Add to List option, and
the Force X diagram for Load 2 will be drawn on
each Plane Truss member.
Select the File-End GTMenu menu option to exit
Select the File-Exit menu option to exit
GTSTRUDL. Select the default Finish option by
clicking the OK button.
Select the No menu option to exit GTSTRUDL
without saving commands and text output to a
file. This GTSTRUDLTutorial structure analysis
is now terminated.
  • DEMONSTRATION 2 Completed
  • This Demonstration 2 Slide Show demonstrated the
    use of the GTMenu graphical user interface to
    create a simple structure, and then to
    graphically display the structure and analysis
  • GTSTRUDL 27 includes the following features
  • GTMenu graphical modeling
  • Static frame and finite element analysis
  • Dynamic Analysis
  • Advanced Analysis including Nonlinear Static
  • Dynamic Analysis, Cable Analysis, Superelements,
  • other advanced analysis features
  • Steel design of frame structures
  • Reinforced concrete design of frame structures
  • Data Base Exchange (DBX)
  • Offshore jacket analysis and design
  • GTTABLE for the creation of tables of steel
    shape names
  • and properties

GTSTRUDL 27 DEMONSTRATION 1 The Demonstration 1
Slide Show (accessed from the Start Menu as shown
below) demonstrates the use of the Model Wizard
to create a simple structure using a predefined
modeling template, and then using the GTMenu
graphical user interface of GTSTRUDL to
graphically display the structure and analysis
GTSTRUDL 27 TUTORIALS 1, 2, and 3 Tutorials 1,
2, and 3 which are described in the GTSTRUDL User
Guide Getting Started, are additional examples
of the use of GTSTRUDL, and may be accessed from
the on-line Help facility in GTSTRUIDL as shown
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