Title: Coming to a Community Near You: Reentry
1Coming to a Community Near You Reentry
- National Crime Prevention Council
- 2006
- Drew Carberry
- Participant will be able to identify the breadth
of the ex-offender reentry issue. - Participants will be able to identify CNCS and
local partnering resources for reentry programs. - Participants will examine different ex-offender
reentry models in place across the country. - Participants will be able to list the important
components of a successful ex-offender reentry
3NCPCs Mission
- To enable people to create safer, more caring
communities by addressing the causes of crime and
reducing the opportunities for crime to occur.
4Reentry A definition
- Reentry (n.)
- A broad term that refers to the issues related
to the transition of offenders from incarceration
to community.
6 7Most returning ex-offenders return to just a few
8Model Programs
- Lowell, Massachusetts
- Ft. Wayne, Indiana
- Baltimore, Maryland
- Providence, Rhode Island
- Florida
- Arizona
9AmeriCorps VISTA12-City InitiativePhiladelphia,
Providence, Cleveland, Dayton, Portland,
Washington DC, Chicago, Charleston/ N. Charleston
SC, Dallas, Indianapolis, Miami, Oakland
- Department of Labor
- Michigan
- Iowa
- New Jersey
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Course is interactive
15Citizen Circles
- Employment
- Family and marital
- Associates / Social Interaction
- Substance Abuse
- Community Functioning
- Personal /Emotional Orientation
- Attitude
16Citizen Circle
- Accepting responsibility
- Accepting Recommendations
- Community Service
- Law Abiding Goals
- Productive Community Behavior
17Reentry Horizon
- Prison Sentencing Reform
- Second Chance Act (Bill pending)
18Questions and Answers
19Crime Prevention Strategies Reentry services
are crime prevention services.
- www.reentry.gov
- www.reentry.org
- www.reentrymediaoutreach.org
- www.reentry.net
- www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ccdo/welcome_flash.html
- www.urban.org
- .www.csosa.gov
- www.reentrypolicy.org
- The Corporation for National and Community
Service - www.nationalservice.org
- Reentry list-serv
- e-mail join-reentry_at_lists.etr.org
22The National Crime Prevention Council
- Drew Carberry dcarberry_at_ncpc.org 202-261-4186
- 1000 Connecticut Avenue, NW
- Thirteenth Floor
- Washington, DC 20036
- 202-466-6272
- 202-296-1356 fax
- www.ncpc.org