1Bactris gasipaes
Trade in products from palms
Marketing and Sale of Palm Products
Astrocaryum standleyanum
Aphandra natalia
2Trade in products from palms
Participant 4 Freie Universität
Berlin PD Dr. Maximilian Weigend Head of
Workpackage 4 Dipl.-Biol. Grischa Brokamp Ph.D.
Student WP 4 Trade in products from
Elaeis oleifera
Desmoncus polyacanthos
palms money people dimensions of the data
people, kg, area, , time
Attalea colenda
3Trade in products from palms
Overall objective Describe marketing and sale
of palm products including traditional uses in
regional towns as well as processed materials
sold at national and international
markets. Analyze the economic importance,
potentials and implications of the trade.
Euterpe precatoria
Product Volume Value Value chain study
Euterpe oleracea
4Trade in products from palms
Document, describe and quantify the trade of
palm products in northwestern South America,
including local, regional, national and
international markets. Description of work
4-1 Gather existing information concerning
commercial extraction and sale of palm products
in northwestern South America, including a)
scientific data, b) information from official
statistics and other sources regarding
consumption, sale and export of palm-derived
articles, and c) compilation from institutions
and organizations participating in activities
aiming to promote bio-commerce with
palm-products. Deliverables Literature based
review on trade of palms products in NW South
America submitted to international journal
(after 12 months).
Iriartea deltoidea
Geonoma deversa
Mauritia flexuosa
Compilation of literature data to start
immediately, but should also make use of any
statistics already available
5Trade in products from palms
Evaluate marketing strategies and future
demands for traded palm products. Description
of work 4-2 Develop a standardized research
protocol to document the marketing networks for
palm products across the region with standard
questions to actors at different levels of
marketing chains, ranging from the farmer or
collector through middlemen until it ends in the
hands of the consumer. Deliverables
Standardized research protocol for study of palm
trade, report to be published on the internet
(after 12 months).
Phytelephas aequatorialis
Compilation of field data can only start after
research protocol is available
Oenocarpus bataua
6Trade in products from palms
Evaluate future demands for traded palm
products in terms of amounts extracted compared
to the productivity of the resource.
Description of work 4-3 Investigate marketing
of palm products for food (fruits and palm
hearts), fibers, construction materials, etc.
and a) determine the economic benefit of
participants at different levels, b) the
magnitude of the trade, c) the amounts of raw
materials needed, d) collection and management
strategies, and e) processing and marketing
strategies (for relevant species). Deliverables
Case studies of commercial extraction and sale
of palm products published in technical reports,
thesis works, etc. (after 36 months)
Phytelephas macrocarpa
Socratea exorrhiza
A balance has to be found between regional,
national and international trade
Lepidocaryum tenue
7Trade in products from palms
Evaluate future demands for traded palm
products in terms of amounts extracted compared
to the productivity of the resource.
Description of work 4-4 4-5 Document and
evaluate initiatives to expand the trade in
sustainable produced palm-products as
bio-commerce at national and international
levels and the impact of these efforts at local
people and the resource-base. Extrapolate
current trends estimating the future commercial
extraction of palm-products across the region,
and the consequences for people and
palm-populations, and the options to ensure an
ecologically and socially sustainable expansion.
Deliverables Review about experiences with
marketing and sale of palm products technical
report and summarized for an international
journal (after 42 months). Estimation of future
trade and its consequences technical report
(after 48) and international journal (after 60
Social aspects have to be considered, but may not
be investigated in depth
8Trade in products from palms
9Trade in products from palms
Deliverables 12 months Literature based review
on trade of palms products in NW South America
submitted to international journal.
Standardized research protocol for study of
palm trade, report to be published on the
internet. 36 months Case studies of commercial
extraction and sale of palm products published
in technical reports, thesis works, etc. 42
months Review about experiences with marketing
and sale of palm products technical report
and summarized for an international journal. 48
months Estimation of future trade and its
consequences, technical report 60 months
Estimation of future trade and its
consequences, international journal.
10Trade in products from palms
Crucial components of WP4 Identify members of
the value chains Identify other
stakeholders Characterize products, amounts,
monetary value Identify current market situation
and resource status Comparing standing crop,
possible marketable amounts and current market
requirement to identify possibilities for
expansion or needs for restrictions Providing
factual data for decisions on the form and extent
of wild extraction and the need and/or
feasibility of semi-domestication and/or
domestication in the respective areas Consider
the importance of processing and/or certfication
(Bio, Organic, FSC-NTFP etc.) for maximizing
local/regional/national income
11Trade in products from palms
Major contributions to WP4 Participant 4
lt 25 Participant 9 (Bogota) ca. 40
(?) Participant 7 (Lima) 30 Participants
6 8 (La Paz, Quito) ca. 3 Participant 1
(Aarhus) lt 2 Participant 10
(Copenhagen) lt0.5 Major contribution of
Participant 4 10 person/months WP5 (ca. 4)
12Trade in products from palms
Major contributions to WP4 WP1, 2, 3, 5 use of
field studies for data compilation based on
standardized protocol ???, ..... also WP1
resource amounts from population census WP2
? WP3 local level, collectors (?) WP5
management plans with plan operacional
(permitted harvest levels, legal prerequisite in
Peru other countries?) WP6 legal and political
13Trade in products from palms
description of exisiting markets investigation
of potential new markets with regard to product,
volume, value, value chain but a comprehensive
survey (initially) not feasible nor
sensible priorities required taxon-specific Ma
rket value/volume site-specific product-specfic
Ecosystem-apecific specific to commercial
level prospective importance drivers of
change guidance from countries and experts!!!
Elaeis oleifera
Desmoncus polyacanthos
Attalea colenda
14Trade in products from palms
- Short cuts
- Critical review of standards and descriptions of
trade by e.g., UNCTAD, NTFP-FSC, GACP, social
standards (WELEDA). - Activating connections to GTZ, PROMPEX, INRENA,
NGOs, Chambers of Commerce, etc. for pre-digested
data and linking. - Crucial dichotomy
- Loose link between ethnobotanical/local
commercialization and international market - bioprospection
- Company priorities cheaper - better - novel
- Our priorities(?) conservation and (social,
economical and biological) sustainability
via commerce
15Trade in products from palms
Here and now 1. Tell us what the priorities
should be! Taxa, products, areas where are the
most data present, where are priorities for
commercial/conservation reasons or because of
perceived potential 2. Where can we get
statistics and data (published and
unpublished)? Peru GTZ, PROMPEX, INRENA,
NGOs..... Other countries? 3. Compilation of
literature and statistics SEND US ANYTHING YOU
HAVE! Data will be compiled and reviewed and
brought into a standardized form (Spreadsheet,
what data do we have on which taxa/products/value
s/countries?). asap 4. Consultation as to
further priorities, on the basis of the review
(36 months)
16Trade in products from palms
Months 112 5. We prepare a draft for a
standardized research protocol, and send it out
for consultation (3 months). 6. Standardized
research protocol is reviewed, adjusted and
field-tested (6 months)? 7. Field studies are
designed on the basis of review and research
protocol in close collaboration with South
American counterparts (12 months).
Months 140 8. Exploration of international
trade options via congress attendance (functional
foods, sept. 2008) and company contacts (3
17Trade in products from palms
What are the products?
Edibles heart of palm, seeds, palm wine, palm
oil, additives...
Heart of palm plantation, Costa Rica
Heart of palm
18Trade in products from palms
What are the products?
Construction material timber, leafs...
Bound leaves
Palm timber
19Trade in products from palms
What are the products?
Fibre material construction, packaging, artisans,
Palm fibre
20Trade in products from palms
What are the products?
Palm Oil and its derivates cosmetics, bio fuel...
Oil palm plantation
Palm fruit, kernel, oil
21Trade in products from palms
Product diversity -an example
22Trade in products from palms
 APE PROTEST                             Â
ERS-BY wondered what was happening when people
dressed as apes climbed a building in London. It
turned out that they were Greenpeace protestors
who are worried about the use of palm oil by
companies like Unilever, who make washing
powder, as well as other products. Greenpeace say
the use of palm oil is damaging rainforests in
Indonesia. The oil is used in soap, food and is
a bio-fuel added to diesel for cars. The
protestors went into Unilever's plant in the
Wirral and climbed Unilever House in London.
They scaled ladders to get onto a balcony of the
building. A spokesperson said that they would
leave "if Unilever agrees to stop buying palm
oil from companies who are destroying
rainforests." On Unilever's website, they said
"We do use palm oil in some of our products but
we also have a long history of promoting
sustainability for example, in tea and fish. We
are the leaders in the search for solutions to
achieving sustainable palm oil."
What about Elaeis oleifera?
23Trade in products from palms
Scientific and organizational challenge of WP4 is
only a moderate one, But money is the only
argument for the ignorant, the needy and the
greedy, i.e., taken together the vast majority
of mankind Look upon us as important allies...